On the rights of vampires...

Jul 24, 2009 11:22

And hell, demons in general.

Sparked by Sueworld's entry.

Vampires are not people. Some may view them as parasites, acknowledge that they are sentient beings with feelings, or as wrong, dark, naughty evil doers, etc. And maybe they are all those things and more. Or less.

But that isn't the point.

The circle of life... )

buffyverse, angelverse, essay, vampires

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Comments 8

mulder200 July 24 2009, 21:01:28 UTC
Yeah! I am so glad you wrote this because I feel the same way.


ms_scarletibis July 24 2009, 23:12:19 UTC

Thanks :D


kitten2you July 24 2009, 22:30:07 UTC
Agreed, and go look at some of those yummy JM pics you have... that should brighten your mood.


ms_scarletibis July 24 2009, 23:12:38 UTC
Thanks :D

And lol--will do.


spikeslayedlove July 25 2009, 05:00:04 UTC
woooowww...i just felt like i was in a college lecture course or something. but i do agree!!!


ms_scarletibis July 25 2009, 05:05:50 UTC
For reals? Kick ass!

Thanks for that--I do sometimes wonder about some of the things I say...the mass radio silence at times doesn't always help :P


ssddgr July 27 2009, 05:57:12 UTC
Guess what?

I completely agree! (shocker, I know :P)

And I'm back in the land of the internet havers :D



ms_scarletibis July 27 2009, 12:37:12 UTC
Goody, yay!! *dances*

And that was for being back in the land of the internets. I already knew there was like a 95% chance of you agreeing with me :P



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