"Do Vampires have rights?"

Jul 23, 2009 12:32

Taken from this thread on Buffyforums...



"The question is: are vampires people? What about other demons? Or would you class them like animals, in terms of how they should be treated? Or lower down the moral food chain than animals? Do they have any rights to be treated in a certain way? Are there any limits of what you should and shouldn’t do to a vampire (or another demon)? Is there any moral downside to hurting or even torturing a vampire? (assuming that you’re doing it for what you believe to be good motives, rather than because you love hurting things that can scream/enjoy violence and like the fact that vampires don’t “count” as people). What about vampires who want to change? Would torturing Harmony be wrong?

What do you see as the moral difference between an evil human and a vampire?"

Well what do you all think?
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