On the rights of vampires...

Jul 24, 2009 11:22

And hell, demons in general.

Sparked by Sueworld's entry.

Vampires are not people. Some may view them as parasites, acknowledge that they are sentient beings with feelings, or as wrong, dark, naughty evil doers, etc. And maybe they are all those things and more. Or less.

But that isn't the point.

They aren't of our breed--that we are sure of. They are sentient beings and look like humans, sure, but they aren't humans. Now, whether or not one believes them to be above or below us (metaphorically speaking, though they are higher than us on the food chain. Hey, you don't have to like it, but it's true. Humans are the vampires' cows. Humans are sentient beings that feed (or can feed, rather) off of the lesser mammals, while vampires are sentient beings that can feed off of mammals, starting with humans. That is their natural food source, for they can blend in to look like us to make it easier to catch their prey, like many predators. We as humans are omnivorous, as nature dictates, just like vampires are...well not carnivorous, since it isn't the flesh they feed on, but the blood. Still, their teeth were made pointy by nature so that they could tear flesh to get blood), isn't relevant. Whether or not souls are involved, or a vampire (or any general demon) want to change and acclimate their ways to that of the human world and their rules is also irrelevant, for those things have nothing to do with how a human treats someone (or something) else.

Humans are supposed to be better. The human race is supposed to be above all that. I know that we're not 100% made of awesome goodness, but we're supposed to. That's why there are so many activists for animals. Yes, we are above them, but that does not give us the right to act inhumanely. We are supposed to be compassionate and have sympathy, empathy, and consideration for those who are not as fortunate as us to have what we call a conscious and moral compass. We are supposed to be the understanding ones. So while self defense and self preservation is utterly important and right, torture does not factor into that.

Just because someone/something is perceived to be/is evil, that does not give a human the right to torture them. What, they're "evil," so the plan is to do them one better?  Or worse, as the case may be.

Then really, who is the evil one then?

In short: Buffy slaying to protect the innocents goes into the plus column.

The Initiative, their perverse testing (which was really more about Walsh's plan to raise an army for/with Adam or something something...right?) and plastic wood grain stakes and what Gunn's old gang used to do goes into the minus/covered in lame sauce column.

buffyverse, angelverse, essay, vampires

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