
Jul 18, 2009 00:15

So, another poll that I took got me thinking...Or maybe it was the comments from a poll. Whatever--new poll.

What is kink to you?

And this is strictly in the Sunnydale/LA/Buffyverse/Angelverse context, and not RL, because there are just some things that are pretty impossible for us to do. Like have sex with a vampire.

Each scenario was either seen or talked about from one of the shows, and I think I covered them all...well I hope I did.

Now, the answer key--there are four options. "Kinky," which is self explanatory, "just not vanilla, but also not kinky," meaning that while you acknowledge it isn't vanilla, it still isn't kinky, "not kinky," meaning, there's no gray area there at all--it just isn't kinky period, and the also self explanatory/please explain in a comment "other."

ETA: Also, poll results are only viewable to me.

Poll Kinkaliscious.

buffyverse, angelverse, poll

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