E-mail from Oxford

Jan 23, 2008 07:06

TO: [Parker's usual friend's list][copy burnt & sent to Alanna by candle]
FROM: Parker
Subject: GRRR.
Hey guys ( Read more... )

ronan, bridge, isabel, truth, e-mail, zero, nourhane's honey, xander, lyle the vile, elizabeth the cool roomie, alanna, phone calls

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Comments 39

needsaparrot January 23 2008, 14:35:38 UTC
From: purplefrog@yahoo.com
To: Parker

>> I did not kill, even though I REALLY REALLY WANTED TO, the new associate at the Centre London office.




mparkerceo January 23 2008, 14:38:17 UTC
From: Parker [fersaceforever@gmail.com]
To: purplefrog@yahoo.com


Yes? Okay, maybe *you* can tell me why the hell that name's so familiar. It's been making me insane for over a week. Totally aside from the smarminess.



needsaparrot January 23 2008, 15:29:58 UTC
From: xharris@councilofwatchers.co.uk
To: Parker
RE: GRRR. (*waves from sneakified account*)

This account's Willow-encrypted to the moon and back (by the way, we shot cheese at it with slingshots yesterday. Have I mentioned Bridge's holidays are WEIRD? And I don't mean Purim.) so probably a little more secure than yahell.

>>Um, LYLE?

>>Yes? Okay, maybe *you* can tell me why the hell that name's so familiar. It's been making me insane for over a week. Totally aside from the smarminess.

Remember me telling you about older you? And the guy who wasn't Angelo?



mparkerceo January 23 2008, 19:32:56 UTC
FROM: Truth@refuge.net
TO: xharris@councilofwatchers.co.uk
RE: RE: GRRR. (*waves from sneakified account*)

And this is my encrypted account, although it doesn't have Willow's special 'upgrades' on it. Still, Angelo's done his insane best.

Levity before the freak-out:
>(by the way, we shot cheese at it with slingshots yesterday. Have I mentioned Bridge's holidays are WEIRD?

People who used to lived in Hellmouth houses shouldn't throw cheese, guy. I mean, at least it's not a traditional 'we survived an apocalypse' party, right?

To get to the point:

Remember me telling you about older you? And the guy who wasn't Angelo?

I think the phrase I'm looking for is: oh, crap.



Parker, checking the cartridges in my gun now, thanks


hotceltogoth January 23 2008, 21:50:38 UTC
At one point, with a very subtle pop of displaced air, a case of Guinness appeared on the floor by Parker's bed, with a note attached.

Thought you might appreciate this. [Don't] Drink it all at once. -R


mparkerceo January 24 2008, 01:34:43 UTC
Parker blinked when she walked into her room, laughed when she read the note, then made the beer last for the rest of the evening, and sent another e-mail.

To: The Wizardly One
From: Parker
RE: Delivery service

You so rule.

Nothing has walked out of the walls of the Eagle & Child, but I swear I could hear singing in the back rooms.

I need to figure out how to send you some chocolate via portal express!



swerval_zero January 23 2008, 22:06:55 UTC
To: Parker
From: Zero
Subject: Re: GRRR.

No, but my linguistics professor whips out a tape recorder every time I open my mouth. It's getting a little creepy.

Yay Allison moved! Did you get a new suitemate?



mparkerceo January 24 2008, 02:18:45 UTC
To: Zero
From: Parker
Subject: Re: GRRR.

>No, but my linguistics professor whips out a tape recorder every time I open my mouth. It's getting a little creepy.

If he's getting a paper out of you, he should give you a co-writing byline. Or a stipend. Or at least chocolate. I mean, that could count as voice harassment or something if he doesn't. Sheesh.

(Not that you're not worth a paper, but still, credit where it's due!)

> Yay Allison moved! Did you get a new suitemate?

Yes, and she's much cooler than Allison. Elizabeth Norris, Drama major, I knew her from the Mummers, although she's actually serious about it, if not much else.

Oh, and?


Sadly, not mine. NOURHANE'S.

*still in shock*



swerval_zero January 24 2008, 02:31:25 UTC
To: Parker
From: Zero
Subject: Re: GRRR.

I told him that if I wind up as 'subject' in some paper I will frak him up. Now he wants to know what 'frak' means...

New roomie's cute! I like her hair.

Whaddaya mean, 'sadly' not yours? I never pegged you for the marrying kind, Parker...also did not know Nourhane had a boyfriend, but then I don't live with her!

Oh oh oh you'll never guess who hooked up over winter break~! And it's v. convenient for them, too, that's your hint.



mparkerceo January 24 2008, 02:42:02 UTC
To: Zero
From: Parker
Subject: Re: GRRR.

>I told him that if I wind up as 'subject' in some paper I will frak him up. Now he wants to know what 'frak' means...

Give him Aeryn's number. She'll give him the definition and then demonstrate it, and save you the trouble.

Elizabeth's great, and she's already written some limericks about Alison. There once was a girl from Devonshire, whose nose couldn't get any higher...

I'm not the marrying kind, and Nourhane was being incredibly cagey, she never mentioned word one about Selim until he showed up at the dorm and was being worlds of sweet to her, helping her with her new computer and a ton of stuff from home, and, well, look:

... )


threeweapons January 24 2008, 00:26:36 UTC
At some point, a scribbled on note appeared from Parker's lamp.

Yes, but I don't want to talk about it. He totally had it coming.


mparkerceo January 24 2008, 01:32:40 UTC
Another note got sent via candle:

Understandable, then. IOU one beer and a bonfire to distract you with.

Everything else okay?


threeweapons January 24 2008, 02:17:15 UTC
Mostly bored. And I have plenty of bonfires, thank you very much. Riding out tonight to run an errand for a friend.


mparkerceo January 24 2008, 02:20:48 UTC
Stay safe. I know you'll stay warm, you always do. Say hi to Sir Myles and all your guys for me. Shrimp for Faithful, of course.


izzyalienqueen January 24 2008, 03:14:20 UTC
To: Parker
From: Isabel
Re: Grrr....

Tahiti? Soon?


mparkerceo January 24 2008, 03:16:50 UTC
To: Isabel
From: Parker
Re: Grrr....

>Tahiti? Soon?

God, I wish. It's been A Week. Only good part was the new roomie. How's Crazy Island treating you? Up for a phone call soon?


izzyalienqueen January 24 2008, 03:21:55 UTC
To: Parker
From: Isabel
Re: Grrr....

How's Crazy Island treating you?

There are no words....

Up for a phone call soon?

Later this afternoon (my time). I have to go to town for a bit.


mparkerceo January 24 2008, 03:31:22 UTC
To: Isabel
From: Parker
Re: Grrr....

>There are no words...

Are there wailing noises?

Talk to you later, then. By which time I may have chilled incrementally.



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