E-mail from Oxford

Jan 23, 2008 07:06

TO: [Parker's usual friend's list][copy burnt & sent to Alanna by candle]
FROM: Parker
Subject: GRRR.
Hey guys ( Read more... )

ronan, bridge, isabel, truth, e-mail, zero, nourhane's honey, xander, lyle the vile, elizabeth the cool roomie, alanna, phone calls

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swerval_zero January 23 2008, 22:06:55 UTC
To: Parker
From: Zero
Subject: Re: GRRR.

No, but my linguistics professor whips out a tape recorder every time I open my mouth. It's getting a little creepy.

Yay Allison moved! Did you get a new suitemate?



mparkerceo January 24 2008, 02:18:45 UTC
To: Zero
From: Parker
Subject: Re: GRRR.

>No, but my linguistics professor whips out a tape recorder every time I open my mouth. It's getting a little creepy.

If he's getting a paper out of you, he should give you a co-writing byline. Or a stipend. Or at least chocolate. I mean, that could count as voice harassment or something if he doesn't. Sheesh.

(Not that you're not worth a paper, but still, credit where it's due!)

> Yay Allison moved! Did you get a new suitemate?

Yes, and she's much cooler than Allison. Elizabeth Norris, Drama major, I knew her from the Mummers, although she's actually serious about it, if not much else.

Oh, and?


Sadly, not mine. NOURHANE'S.

*still in shock*



swerval_zero January 24 2008, 02:31:25 UTC
To: Parker
From: Zero
Subject: Re: GRRR.

I told him that if I wind up as 'subject' in some paper I will frak him up. Now he wants to know what 'frak' means...

New roomie's cute! I like her hair.

Whaddaya mean, 'sadly' not yours? I never pegged you for the marrying kind, Parker...also did not know Nourhane had a boyfriend, but then I don't live with her!

Oh oh oh you'll never guess who hooked up over winter break~! And it's v. convenient for them, too, that's your hint.



mparkerceo January 24 2008, 02:42:02 UTC
To: Zero
From: Parker
Subject: Re: GRRR.

>I told him that if I wind up as 'subject' in some paper I will frak him up. Now he wants to know what 'frak' means...

Give him Aeryn's number. She'll give him the definition and then demonstrate it, and save you the trouble.

Elizabeth's great, and she's already written some limericks about Alison. There once was a girl from Devonshire, whose nose couldn't get any higher...

I'm not the marrying kind, and Nourhane was being incredibly cagey, she never mentioned word one about Selim until he showed up at the dorm and was being worlds of sweet to her, helping her with her new computer and a ton of stuff from home, and, well, look:

... )


swerval_zero January 24 2008, 03:19:24 UTC
To: Parker
From: Zero
Subject: Re: GRRR.

No, Parker, you can't have Nourhane's (very attractive don't tell Peter I said that) future husband. He looks older, is he older? *wants all the swoo*

...got it in one. Damn you.



mparkerceo January 24 2008, 03:29:52 UTC
To: Zero
From: Parker
Subject: Re: GRRR.

Man, he is attractive (and how is Mr. Parker who is not related to me these days?). Selim's twenty-seven. Evidently it was semi-arranged; by which I mean, Nourhane's family has known his family forever, and she could've said no if she wanted to, but please. She cops to having had a crush on him since she was twelve, so when he was looking for a wife about a year ago she told her mom to talk to his mom. And then there was something that makes both of them blush when they start talking about weddings, and I will get it out of her eventually, damnit. Elizabeth and Stella are going to help.

(I'd give him back all shiny and barely used! Really!)

Re: Heidi and Kali
Ha HA! Well, it was either them, or Vern was dating someone who could take notes for him. I had a 50/50 shot at getting it right.

*goes back to drinking beer and watching Elizabeth do all the parts in Love's Labors Won so she doesn't freak out for her audition tomorrow*



swerval_zero January 24 2008, 04:47:51 UTC
To: Parker
From: Zero
Subject: Re: GRRR.

Peter's swerval, or was last time I checked--get this, he had a fish for an arm right after Thanksgiving. A fish. For an arm. Sometimes I don't miss Fandom one tiny bit.

Oh, so it's the good kind of arranged marriage as opposed to the completely sketch one. And now you really can't have him, because she's wanted him since she was twelve, Parker, come on! *is thinking of what Arsenal would do to someone who laid a finger on Claude aaiieee*

Kali actually seems much more zen. I'm not sure if she's on the good drugs now or if it's the regular sex.

SPEAKING of sex, did you read the new book did you did you? Is it even in England yet?


mparkerceo January 24 2008, 04:56:09 UTC
To: Zero
From: Parker
Subject: Re: GRRR.

A fish. For an arm. All I can think of is the smell... yeah, I don't miss Fandom at all some days either.

>And now you really can't have him, because she's wanted him since she was twelve, Parker, come on! *is thinking of what Arsenal would do to someone who laid a finger on Claude aaiieee*I am sulking here. A lot. Even though I know you're right. Usually I'd be questioning the whole arrangement, except Selim pretty much follows her around like she hung the moon, and mannnn, this explains her blowing off every cute guy who's tried to talk to her for the last semester.... Alas. Next life, I get dibs on a Selim ( ... )


swerval_zero January 24 2008, 05:01:08 UTC
To: Parker
From: Zero
Subject: Re: GRRR.

I'm sure the powers that be will keep that in mind. *pats*

Heidi's either brave or the actual crazy one, I think the jury (by which I mean a pack of gossipy film majors) is still out on that one.

ROMANCE NOVEL MAGIC. Or something. I mean, we didn't see a funeral or anything...yeah I have no idea.


mparkerceo January 24 2008, 05:05:32 UTC
To: Zero
From: Parker
Subject: Re: GRRR.

They better keep it in mind. Although I did meet a new guy last weekend, a rugby player for Cambridge. But he's definitely not a Selim, just fun.

*g* Maybe brave *and* crazy? How's Janine doing, btw? Any pools on the next breakdown for Kali yet?

(Reminds me, what color is your hair now?)

IT IS MAGIC. Except we've seen real magic, and real ninjas, and neither one would get the Sheikh out of Amethyst decapitating him. Unless it was an imposter Sheikh? ... This is just going to bug me, and you know they'll never explain it, because holy hell sex in a crow's nest, who cares about resurrections! And again I try to figure out the logistics. No reason.


swerval_zero January 24 2008, 05:17:30 UTC
To: Parker
From: Zero
Subject: Re: GRRR.

We're not betting now, it's Heidi's problem. Brave brave girl.

Red! Gonna change it soon, though.

Don't ask questions too much, just enjoy the ride. Maybe it was a stand-in for the real Evil Sheikh who got decapitated. It seems like the kind of thing the Evil Sheikh would do.


mparkerceo January 24 2008, 05:23:11 UTC
To: Zero
From: Parker
Subject: Re: GRRR.

*salutes Heidi*

*collects bets for next hair color*

Oh, I'm enjoying the ride. As is Aaliyah, from all appearances. Yow. Hiro reminds me that I should give Tony Tanaka a call and find out how he's doing lately.

Although, I am hoping for hammock sex again. It's traditional!


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