Phone Messages for Parker / E-mail

Sep 13, 2005 21:20



phone messages

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izzyalienqueen January 24 2008, 03:17:45 UTC
Isabel opened her window to enjoy the unusually warm arm, did a quick check of the time to make sure it wasn't too late in England, then dialed Parker's number.

*ring* *ring*


mparkerceo January 24 2008, 03:22:24 UTC
Parker was still sipping the Guinness, and watching Elizabeth mug her way through practicing her Shakespeare audition, so she was a *tiny* bit more mellow when she answered the phone.

"Hey." Sip of beer. "Ronan sent me beer!"


izzyalienqueen January 24 2008, 03:26:42 UTC
"Ronan is a sweetheart like that," Isabel laughed. "Are you enjoying it?"


mparkerceo January 24 2008, 03:36:57 UTC
"God, yes," Parker said feelingly. "I don't think I've stopped moving since I got back to England. Thank God I have my own car." Another sip. "Plus, I just had my first tutorial with the evil Chinese history tutor. May all his hair fall out and his tie choke him."


izzyalienqueen January 24 2008, 03:45:05 UTC
"Nice," she chuckled. "And you have how many weeks till the end of the semester?"


mparkerceo January 24 2008, 03:49:11 UTC
"Six. Damnit. Still way too long. Or too short, I don't know which, I've got another major paper at the end of this one, plus a group project, how much do I loathe that concept?" Parker made a face and put the beer down, curling her legs under her. "So, Island wacky hijinks strike again? What was it this time? Or are you still repressing?"


izzyalienqueen January 24 2008, 03:58:00 UTC
"Your group project will go fine once they accept you as goddess," Isabel promised, watching as Annie froze and stared at a spot in space, then shot under the bed.

"Let's put it this way? I will never, ever take a risk with birth control ever again."


mparkerceo January 24 2008, 04:00:48 UTC
That choking sound? Was fine Guinness going to waste as Parker hacked her way through a mouthful going down completely the wrong pipe.


izzyalienqueen January 24 2008, 04:03:23 UTC
Isabel would never say anything like that on purpose, looking for just that reaction. That would be mean.

"It was one of those weekends," she explained. "Where you went to bed yourself on Friday night, and woke up as someone else on Saturday morning. I wound up as heavily pregnant reporter for E! News. Who just happened to wake up in bed with a gay party boy."


mparkerceo January 24 2008, 04:07:14 UTC
"Oh, holy Buddha." Memories of the same time last year were coming back. "Like when I tried to rob the bank? Urgh." Parker shook her head and wiped up the mess she'd made. "And how the heck did... oh, wait. Wait." Cackles of laughter. "You went to bed with Wyatt and woke up with a party boy?"


izzyalienqueen January 24 2008, 04:12:40 UTC
"A gay party boy," Isabel emphasized. "Who very specifically told me he did not like vaginas."

"Needless to say, there was much flailing on both our parts."


mparkerceo January 24 2008, 04:14:34 UTC
Parker demonstrated her inherent small (but still there) cruel streak once again by laughing hysterically.


izzyalienqueen January 24 2008, 04:18:11 UTC
Isabel had to laugh with her because it was funny in that really twisted Fandom way.

"Oh, it gets better...."


mparkerceo January 24 2008, 04:21:55 UTC
"Now you're just giving me free prezzies of information," Parker told her, getting her breath back. "Shaaaaare."


izzyalienqueen January 24 2008, 04:28:03 UTC
"Consider it Fandom's birthday gift to you."

Isabel reached down to coax Annie out from under the bed but the cat was having none of it.

"Well, one conversation you don't want to have where the squirrels can hear? Is talking with an ex-boyfriend and finding out he hooked up with the current boyfriend. Cause you know that'll make radio."


mparkerceo January 24 2008, 04:29:37 UTC
"I do, I most definitely do."

Parker blinked. Then blinked again. "Sorry. Um. I got stuck on the pretty picture of some of my ex-boyfriends... Aaaand we return to your reality, where I ask if Wyatt needs a hurting?"


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