Office Hours, Monday

Nov 19, 2007 10:01

Deadpool had not been hiding since Saturday. Not at all.

He had just been... Cleaning. Yes, cleaning house.

Lots of cleaning.

For when the husband returned.

Odd how cleaning meant hiding in his office and watching an ANTM marathon.

girl tv watching habits, i miss my husband, not emo omgwtf, office, oh fandom wacky

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Comments 135

stocksgrrl November 19 2007, 16:48:50 UTC
Consider a few factors that left T.R. believing that Fandom was getting timelines all messed up yet again (bad micromanagement there, or something), she was struck with a morbid curiosity that just had to be satiated otherwise she couldn't focus on criticizing Apu's work down at the store. Morbid curiosity. That's all. Really.

Crossing her arms in front of her, T.R. leaned on the doorframe and realized that either red pajamas were timeless, or he was as Cassandra and Lulu before him, still the same. Which would almost be just as interesting as if he were here twenty years later.



mouthy_merc November 19 2007, 17:00:31 UTC
Deadpool glanced up, wondering where he knew the woman from. "Nothign that I haven't seen. Are you a parent?"


stocksgrrl November 19 2007, 17:04:13 UTC
"God, no," T.R. said with a snort of a laugh. "I've got enough on my plate without having to worry about a kid." And there was the whole thing with Theo's genetics, but, whatever. Another thought slipped into T.R.'s head that made her eyes shift slightly. Did she look like a woman that would have a kid in high school? Ugh, not good. Denton was going to be pushing plastic surgery on her soon if that was the case...

"I take it you haven't exactly gotten a lot of visitors since yesterday, then, if you're not quite sure who I am."


mouthy_merc November 19 2007, 18:03:20 UTC
"Not really," Deadpool answered vaguely. "You look like Turtle's mom only less freakishly bony. You her aunt? Because I can assure you if this is about anything for her school related she's an excellent student. Smart as a whip. Or, you know, something that isn't an inanimate object and therefore not technically smart."


bookyeve November 19 2007, 16:57:34 UTC
Wondering who had Professor Deadpool's old office, Evelyn wandered down from the library to see.

Then stopped dead, staring.

They couldn't have hired another spandex-clad maniac to teach Driver's Ed and feminism... could they?



mouthy_merc November 19 2007, 17:00:58 UTC
"Oh, Melrose, you control freak."

Yup. Same guy.


bookyeve November 19 2007, 17:05:27 UTC
"You're still here?" Evelyn marveled. "You haven't taken off to depose a dictatorship or blow up a planet yet?"

Tact still deserts her, on occasion.


mouthy_merc November 19 2007, 18:04:01 UTC
Deadpool frowned. "Well, Nate has yet to try and take over the island so that'll have to wait, I guess."


sarcasm_guy November 19 2007, 17:40:29 UTC
Oh, Fandom, you never change.

Sokka strolled into Deadpool's office. "Hey there, old fart!" he said, by way of greeting. "Care for a rematch? Ten bucks says it takes you at least five minutes to pound me into the ground."


mouthy_merc November 19 2007, 18:05:11 UTC
Deadpool raised an eyebrow and leaned back in his chair, muting ANTM for a moment. "Make if a hundred and I can pay my bar tab!"


sarcasm_guy November 19 2007, 18:14:24 UTC
Sokka sighed dramatically. "Sorry, I don't have that much American on me. Unless there's someone around willing to exchange Water Tribe coin?"


mouthy_merc November 19 2007, 18:29:06 UTC
Deadpool just shook his head in disappointment. "Poor Ponytail, never learned."


the_merriest November 19 2007, 19:39:54 UTC
Okay, so only some of the people were future-zapped, which meant that he really might still be here, and let's see if she still remembered which office was his. This was after the school blew up, so it was right over ... there.

Rikku leaned against the doorframe with a smile. "Deadpool."


mouthy_merc November 19 2007, 19:45:07 UTC
Deadpool looked up, trying to figure out who this one was. "Lil' Minion?"


the_merriest November 19 2007, 19:47:53 UTC
The grin that burst out threatened to crack her face open. "You got it," she laughed. "You know, if you were anybody else, I'd have hugged you by now."


mouthy_merc November 19 2007, 19:50:19 UTC
Deadpool pouted, giving her puppy eyes. "I'm not good enough for a hug from my all grown up Still Lil' Minion?"


sound_loyalty November 19 2007, 21:54:28 UTC
Kabuto wasn't looking for trouble. He was exploring.

And if that exploring happened to lead him to the Yondaime Hokage's husband's old office, well...

"You're still here," Kabuto said by way of introduction, watching Deadpool from the doorway. The hood on his cloak was up, hiding the left side of his face in shadow.


mouthy_merc November 20 2007, 02:01:41 UTC
Deadpool frowned. "Was I supposed to leave, Mr. Creepy Hood Man?"


sound_loyalty November 20 2007, 02:18:09 UTC
"I'm surprised Naruto's father hasn't made you move back to Konoha in the past twenty years," Kabuto said, shaking his head. The movement pushed his hood back, but he didn't try to hold it on. "It's been a long time, Deadpool-sensei."


mouthy_merc November 20 2007, 02:20:04 UTC
"Nice to see that you're still all creepy." Deadpool eyed him warily. "Well... if he wanted to. Did he mention that or something?"


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