Office Hours, Monday

Nov 19, 2007 10:01

Deadpool had not been hiding since Saturday. Not at all.

He had just been... Cleaning. Yes, cleaning house.

Lots of cleaning.

For when the husband returned.

Odd how cleaning meant hiding in his office and watching an ANTM marathon.

girl tv watching habits, i miss my husband, not emo omgwtf, office, oh fandom wacky

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stocksgrrl November 19 2007, 16:48:50 UTC
Consider a few factors that left T.R. believing that Fandom was getting timelines all messed up yet again (bad micromanagement there, or something), she was struck with a morbid curiosity that just had to be satiated otherwise she couldn't focus on criticizing Apu's work down at the store. Morbid curiosity. That's all. Really.

Crossing her arms in front of her, T.R. leaned on the doorframe and realized that either red pajamas were timeless, or he was as Cassandra and Lulu before him, still the same. Which would almost be just as interesting as if he were here twenty years later.



mouthy_merc November 19 2007, 17:00:31 UTC
Deadpool glanced up, wondering where he knew the woman from. "Nothign that I haven't seen. Are you a parent?"


stocksgrrl November 19 2007, 17:04:13 UTC
"God, no," T.R. said with a snort of a laugh. "I've got enough on my plate without having to worry about a kid." And there was the whole thing with Theo's genetics, but, whatever. Another thought slipped into T.R.'s head that made her eyes shift slightly. Did she look like a woman that would have a kid in high school? Ugh, not good. Denton was going to be pushing plastic surgery on her soon if that was the case...

"I take it you haven't exactly gotten a lot of visitors since yesterday, then, if you're not quite sure who I am."


mouthy_merc November 19 2007, 18:03:20 UTC
"Not really," Deadpool answered vaguely. "You look like Turtle's mom only less freakishly bony. You her aunt? Because I can assure you if this is about anything for her school related she's an excellent student. Smart as a whip. Or, you know, something that isn't an inanimate object and therefore not technically smart."


stocksgrrl November 19 2007, 18:04:50 UTC
Deadpool would be terrified to know that Grace had only gotten bonier with age. "And if it isn't anything for her school related?"


mouthy_merc November 19 2007, 18:08:46 UTC
Deadpool went blank for a moment before smiling. "Well you'd need to ask her about that!"


stocksgrrl November 19 2007, 18:10:48 UTC
"Good answer," T.R. nodded, and shifted into the office finally to take a seat. "You figured out it's me, yet?"


mouthy_merc November 19 2007, 18:27:34 UTC
"About five seconds ago," Deadpool admitted. "I'm not that dumb."


stocksgrrl November 19 2007, 18:30:46 UTC
"Good job," she nodded. "I'm going to assume that you're still somewhere back there like some of the other people I've met still are, so commenting on how I can't believe you're still doing this after all these years is probably futile."


mouthy_merc November 19 2007, 18:40:04 UTC
"Pretty much," Deadpool replied with a nod. "Though it's nice to see you grew up well!"


stocksgrrl November 19 2007, 18:41:54 UTC
"Did you have doubts?" T.R. asked with a tilt of her head and, with a slight intake of air, decided if she should say more. She didn't, if just because she wasn't sure which direction she wanted to take it.


mouthy_merc November 19 2007, 18:57:52 UTC
"You never know with kids these days. Always with the hip-hop," Deadpool told her seriously. And then grinned. "Nah. It's nice to see you all adult and... adult. Warms the cockles of my heart."

A beat.

"Not dirty."


stocksgrrl November 20 2007, 04:00:50 UTC
That would be T.R.'s hand promptly meeting her face. "I wasn't even thinking that until you mentioned it."


mouthy_merc November 20 2007, 04:03:18 UTC
"Well, around here, I find it best to say before people think bad things."


stocksgrrl November 20 2007, 04:11:05 UTC
"Okay, that's a good point," T.R. allowed and then, blinking, bit her lip just slightly. Swinging by was an interesting thought, but now that she was here, she wasn't exactly sure what to say. And then she possibly considered mentioning to him that he should feel pretty good because it wasn't often that she didn't know what to say.


mouthy_merc November 20 2007, 04:16:52 UTC
Well they were both in the same boat at times.

"So..." He cleared his throat. "Kids?"


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