Does anyone else agree that october road is annoyingly homophobic?- They keep making ex-s or minor characters coming out/sexuality a random plot device
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"Your ability to get your message out there is quite strong today and that could mean that you can pump up your business just as easily as you can tell your secret crush how you really feel
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so yesterday was the grill and play. i took some shots(photos) and hung out with old friends. i had a killer migrane that made me bitchy as all hell but then jasia came by at 2am and saved the day
i went to the pacific ocean. i sippied on pina coladas. and got shells fro my dad and bought tons of presents. we didn´t go to the foam club. tons of bad timing. and the last day there i decided to gun it and tan a lot. today (5 days later) i look like a cancer patient . i peeled and the brown i had is a baby pink
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