tv topic- ranting about the only 5 shows I watch

Mar 24, 2008 01:26

Does anyone else agree that october road is annoyingly homophobic?- They keep making ex-s or minor characters coming out/sexuality a random plot device.
Also the flashback episode dealing with the death of a childhood friend/tomboy was totally pointless.

Also being shoved into contact with Two and a Half Men, I really don't get why they can't play another angle other than the dumb girl character,

They should take a few notes on the amazingness that is "How I met your mother" That show is the perfect 22 minute power punch of comedy, character development, and cohesive plot and style.


One more thing... Why the heck does Ronny on Bravo's "Make Me a Supermodel" have a random massive bandage on his right shoulder?
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