Fic: Dark Angel Oneshot

Jul 14, 2006 04:27

It's 5AM in the bloody morning but I promised I'd post this DA fic today, so here it is! (though, technically it's tomorrow) It's longer than I'd planned, slightly more plot-y than I planned, but it's my first ever delve in the Dark Angel fandom so I wanted to experiment with voice and character a bit. I don't think the voices are quite up to par ( Read more... )

fanfic, dark angel

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Comments 48

a_decembrist July 14 2006, 02:45:58 UTC
Whee! Whee! Whee!

Man, I loved Alec. Wasn't such a big fan of Max, but she's not half-bad when she comes around to pull Alec's ass out of trouble. You got their voices just right - OC totally made me crack up. I hope she makes more appearances in all those DA fics you're going to be writing from now on...*hint hint*

And this part I loved:
“You’re a good egg,” Normal said, patting Alec’s shoulder. “A damn good egg. Sorry I doubted you.”
It's just tickles me to think of Normal calling Alec a good egg. Hee!


mmarinov July 14 2006, 04:19:43 UTC
Hehe! I'm writing *so* much more DA fic! After Lessons I'll take a break from the SPN fandom (or stick to oneshots) and play around in this fandom for a while. Poor Alec needs more sadistic fangirl attention - all he's been getting so far is Max pregnant :S

Not a Max fan, ey? Yeah, quite a few people aren't. I liked her - not as much as Alec, of course, and always much more when she was rescuing his ass ;)

Glad you enjoyed!


a_decembrist July 14 2006, 13:02:16 UTC
lol...For some reason, I think Alec would prefer getting Max pregnant to being tortured. Sadly for him, you now rule his universe. YAY!

I liked Max much, much better in S1 than I did in S2, and I can't tell if it's because she just got much more self-righteous and bitchy or if it's because Alec came on scene and all of a sudden I realized how cool he was. Probably a combination of both - I think Alec brings the worst out in Max.

Anyway, I'm sad that you're going to be backing off on SN fic, because everyone needs a little more Dean in their lives, but I'm ecstatic you're turning to DA.


iamthedirtgirl July 14 2006, 08:53:35 UTC
You did so good!!! When you said you needed to get their voices I thought you actually had a problem doing that, but now I realize you're just INSECURE bacause baby, you've got those voices down. It read like them. You had the body language going and you had the nuances of how they interact with each different character down. I could see and hear it as I read. I'm just so shocked that you don't realize that. You even got the whole way Max imitates Alec when she's pissed and the way the two of them go at each other in that cool way that I always thought had the best kind of chemestry, not sexual, just two people who brought out the best in their acting skills when they bantered. It was always my fav part when they got up to no good and then bantered. That underlying fierce protective thing they have for each other was in here as well. I loved it. And you hurt him so damn good. You are moving along well with your torture. I like how Alec used his mind to escape it. Very nice. And you're really getting good at it all. I tell ya, if you ( ... )


mmarinov July 14 2006, 11:02:06 UTC
Thank you! =D I'm flattered you enjoyed it so much! I think my problem with the voices was that I've read so many bad DA fanfic, and so many recurring OOC characterisations, that I was scared I might subconciously fall into the fanon trap rather than sticking to canon. But, boy were they fun to write!! Normal was a hoot. I'm in love with this fandom, lol.And, like you, I love that chemistry b/w Max and Alec specifically because it's not romantic but more like siblings that annoy the crap out of each other but love each other deep down =D

you want to really get into the whole torture thing I can give you a way to goI think I'm more into the angst side of torture fics rather than the actual torture itself, lol. To me, the hurt!(insert name) genre is about letting the other characters (and subsequently us) see a side of them that they usually keep hidden behind bravado. I don't think I could stomach reading about real torture, it'd pull it away from its fictional fuction too much, I think (I'm one of the super sensitive ones, believe it ( ... )


iamthedirtgirl July 14 2006, 22:41:21 UTC
Now see, I was warned about the bad DA fic out there so I've avoided reading it, but have really wanted to read some good stuff. I get the worry of falling into the fanon trap, I worry about having read so much spn that it'll effect the next two stories I've got stewing, the only answer is to watch the episodes. darn Ihave to watch spn and da over and over (life is such a burden ( ... )


mmarinov July 17 2006, 05:47:27 UTC
and yes it is sooo fun to hurt the pretty. bounces, when you gonna hurt more pretty, when huh when??

Hurt the pretty; make them bleed <-- new catch phrase!


lemmealone July 14 2006, 10:23:42 UTC
Oh, brilliant! I'm a big fan of your SPN stuff, but I had no idea you were playing in DA fandom as well. This is some wonderful, plotty h/c you got here, with a fantastic Alec voice and very IC interaction between characters. Also, because I'm shallow: man that boy hurts pretty. :)


mmarinov July 14 2006, 11:04:28 UTC
This is my first delve into the DA fandom - *so* much fun!

Also, because I'm shallow: man that boy hurts pretty.
Lol! We're all with you there!


apieceofcake July 14 2006, 13:40:27 UTC
>> Torture (nothing *too* bad. I'm working my way up ( ... )


mmarinov July 17 2006, 05:56:43 UTC
Lol, who doesn't think about his ass a lot?
Really happy that you enjoyed it! There are one or two good DA fic out there...but you need to wade through lots and lots of, er, not so good ones to find them.
And I'll never completely stop SPN! Once it comes back on air there's no way I could resist it...I think I just need a break from the plotty WIPs for a little bit after 'Lessons'. But just a little bit ;)


somersaulter July 14 2006, 14:22:24 UTC
He’d already tried shuffling through his memories to find a safe place to hide, but nowhere was safe. So he just…disappeared.

My favourite line. I even teared up a little! I love love love this fic.

And I friended ya. Hope you don't mind. =)


mmarinov July 17 2006, 06:07:11 UTC
Of course I don't mind, I'm flattered that you enjoyed the fic enough to friend! Thanks for reading and commenting =D


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