Lessons 5/10

Jul 04, 2006 12:58

I'm pretty happy with this chapter - it's the first time in a long time that a chapter has just flowed with barely any resistance. And I assure you there will be much angst and hurt still to come in this story ;) Now I must skedattle off to a SPN marathon! We're seeing how many nights it takes to get through the whole season, lol.

Title: Lessons 5/ ( Read more... )

fanfic, supernatural, lessons

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Comments 53

mellaithwen July 4 2006, 07:37:33 UTC
“What’d she say? ‘Coz my conversation with her basically went: snark snark, muaha muaha.”

^^ made me pee myself :D and lmao pidgeon (sp?) boy! hehe

aww so sad that Dean only acts when he thinks Sam's in danger as well, and when it's just him he's blase about it :( and now emo chick going down? yes? :D


mmarinov July 5 2006, 05:05:04 UTC
Hee, that seemed to be the most popular line. Score!


anonymous July 4 2006, 11:51:38 UTC
Your ending it there??? Gahhgn ( ... )


mmarinov July 5 2006, 06:31:40 UTC
Thank you for that amazing comment =D You've just completely reinvigorated my confidence in this story...this chap was a bit more humour-orientated than was probably wise, but I'm so glad you enjoyed it anyway!! And that you think I write well - fanfic is my only outlet to experiment in creative writing, so reader feedback is priceless. Thanks, dude!


anonymous July 5 2006, 08:29:51 UTC
Hey, its a pleasure. Next time I'll try to give some better written, more um... thingy... useful, something-spective... ... gooder feedback :D - I was kind of out of it when I wrote that. Still am.

- Kate


iamthedirtgirl July 4 2006, 12:29:19 UTC
ONE TWO THREE....GO! *SNAP* chug chug chug chug I RULE I RULE *BELCH ( ... )


iamthedirtgirl July 4 2006, 12:46:03 UTC
ok see, not enough sleep made myself go back and read and can see that Dean didn't know about the vision. But the way Sam was all stressing I still think Dean would have been on hyper alert and wouldn't have screwed around so much. hmmmm. ya know the great breakdown of the story above me where lines are quoted and your talent is praised, I agree with every part of that, just so you know I'm not trying to be a downer or anything. I really do love this.


mmarinov July 5 2006, 06:47:20 UTC
Lol, I don't think you're a downer at all :) Concrit is always welcome and I really pay attention to it and I completely agree with you...I think I just got so wrapped up in the fact that I was, for once, able to write this chap so quickly and with minimum struggle that I got overconfident and didn't give it the two or three days of extensive editing that I tend to allocate for the other chapters. I'm at a friend's for a few days, so I wanted to post it before i left...mistake! Lol. While I was stuck in traffic (for 40 minutes!), I was thinking about this chapter and came to the same conclusions you did...*why* would Dean do that? I've been sloppy in creating connective plot points/devices to get from one point to the next. I would have kicked myself, but found myself stuck in the middle of an intersection (oops) and forgot all about my fanfic! Lol. But yeah, I think the plot's such a heavyhanded one that if i don't keep a tight reign on it, the above ooc-ness can occur and the story spins a bit off track. I'll try to make up for it ( ... )


iamthedirtgirl July 5 2006, 09:45:36 UTC
ok, now see that is an example of one of the reasons why I think you are so great. I was so scared of saying anything because I've tried saying way less and getting such strong reactions that were not happy. I was so afraid that you would be upset with me for commenting about it in the open post. Most writers I worry wouldn't want to hear about it even privately. I am sighing a huge sense of relief, not only that you are ok with me saying something at all. but that i said something in the reply. I also am feeling something kinda unexpected. like, hmmm, a sort of accomplishment. I guess. It's this sense of, that is so cool, she heard what I said and it wasn't all off base and she knew I wasn't being mean and it made her think and dwell and sorta helped. that's a cool positive feeling. I think if you feel like going back and changing it you should, just leave a note about the changes you made if you worry about people not wanting to reread ( ... )


pheebs1 July 4 2006, 14:04:23 UTC
I find it fascinating the idea that she has visions and sees them as how people die, whereas Sam sees them as how people could be saved. That's a very interesting idea. (In Smallville, one of the Freaks of the week had this skill, and they def. treated it as 'how people die', but it kept changing as their fate changed.

The only thing I don't get is (and maybe I am being slow) - she saw the vision of Dean's death, as being what she is about to cause whereas with the others, she saw their actual death?


mmarinov July 5 2006, 06:52:12 UTC
That will be explained =D You're not being slow, I'm just being possibly annoyingly slow in revealing things, lol, sorry for the confusion.

Man, another Smallville fan! My sister and mum have me d/l-ing that show for them 24/7! I watch it occassionally for Lex - he's the only character I like. I'm hoping he'll kill Clark...but obviously that won't happen :P


a_decembrist July 4 2006, 16:01:26 UTC
Argh! Humans make everything so complicated. I'm really glad that you decided to make Susie just a 'normal' human being. This way, you get to address something that always sort of irked me about 'Nightmare' - how would the boys have dealt with Max if he hadn't killed himself? I mean, I guess considering the constraints of the show, it was the only way it could have ended, but still. Yay! And Dean, sweetie...you should know better than to give up your blood to any ritual, even if it IS fake. For shame!

Dean was always playing the protective brother, even if it meant walking into the line of fire and flipping off the enemy.
I love this image.

He raised his beer can in the air and screamed in Chris’ face, who screamed back happily.
Is it sad that I can see EXACTLY what this scene would look like? *sigh* Boys are such idiots in college. Oh wait...they're idiots at any stage of life. Right.


mmarinov July 5 2006, 06:59:38 UTC
Exactly, how *would* they deal with a human? It's an interesting challenge...They were happy to leave the Bender family to the cops, but they didn't have any nasty powers like Max.

Lol, yep, that screaming scene is ripped right from life :P Boys.


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