Lessons 5/10

Jul 04, 2006 12:58

I'm pretty happy with this chapter - it's the first time in a long time that a chapter has just flowed with barely any resistance. And I assure you there will be much angst and hurt still to come in this story ;) Now I must skedattle off to a SPN marathon! We're seeing how many nights it takes to get through the whole season, lol.

Title: Lessons 5/ ( Read more... )

fanfic, supernatural, lessons

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iamthedirtgirl July 4 2006, 12:29:19 UTC
ONE TWO THREE....GO! *SNAP* chug chug chug chug I RULE I RULE *BELCH ( ... )


iamthedirtgirl July 4 2006, 12:46:03 UTC
ok see, not enough sleep made myself go back and read and can see that Dean didn't know about the vision. But the way Sam was all stressing I still think Dean would have been on hyper alert and wouldn't have screwed around so much. hmmmm. ya know the great breakdown of the story above me where lines are quoted and your talent is praised, I agree with every part of that, just so you know I'm not trying to be a downer or anything. I really do love this.


mmarinov July 5 2006, 06:47:20 UTC
Lol, I don't think you're a downer at all :) Concrit is always welcome and I really pay attention to it and I completely agree with you...I think I just got so wrapped up in the fact that I was, for once, able to write this chap so quickly and with minimum struggle that I got overconfident and didn't give it the two or three days of extensive editing that I tend to allocate for the other chapters. I'm at a friend's for a few days, so I wanted to post it before i left...mistake! Lol. While I was stuck in traffic (for 40 minutes!), I was thinking about this chapter and came to the same conclusions you did...*why* would Dean do that? I've been sloppy in creating connective plot points/devices to get from one point to the next. I would have kicked myself, but found myself stuck in the middle of an intersection (oops) and forgot all about my fanfic! Lol. But yeah, I think the plot's such a heavyhanded one that if i don't keep a tight reign on it, the above ooc-ness can occur and the story spins a bit off track. I'll try to make up for it ( ... )


iamthedirtgirl July 5 2006, 09:45:36 UTC
ok, now see that is an example of one of the reasons why I think you are so great. I was so scared of saying anything because I've tried saying way less and getting such strong reactions that were not happy. I was so afraid that you would be upset with me for commenting about it in the open post. Most writers I worry wouldn't want to hear about it even privately. I am sighing a huge sense of relief, not only that you are ok with me saying something at all. but that i said something in the reply. I also am feeling something kinda unexpected. like, hmmm, a sort of accomplishment. I guess. It's this sense of, that is so cool, she heard what I said and it wasn't all off base and she knew I wasn't being mean and it made her think and dwell and sorta helped. that's a cool positive feeling. I think if you feel like going back and changing it you should, just leave a note about the changes you made if you worry about people not wanting to reread ( ... )


iamthedirtgirl July 5 2006, 14:45:30 UTC
I see what you mean in some of your points regarding this chapter - but, for example, I actually got more of a thrill out of them kicking down the wall with people there (for some reason) - I think the fun of the scenes, the humour, just made any quibbles fade away. And yeh - the blood sacrifice - that was out of character for Dean (not too much, but if you want to be super-cannon, then it is noticable), perhaps in editing he can accidentaly drop the knife and cut himself or something... get knocked by drunken-Chris (make the humour functional?)...
I still think this is one of the best spn fics I've read. Eagerly awaiting more.
- Kate


iamthedirtgirl July 5 2006, 15:19:18 UTC
oh i got a thrill out of the wall kicking i was just saying. like i said I don't usually say stuff, I liked your idea about the blood thing getting nicked somehow, and I agree about it being a great fic. you gotta understand, I think this story and her fic in general stands out as some of the best in the fandom. It's why I even felt like i could try to say something, because she's really got such a great way of telling story and she really keeps the boys in character. trust me, I'm all rah rah when it comes to this story, I voted for reading the raw chaps in her journal before the beta's got hold of em because I have been so loving it i wanted to get to read it. I hope you didn't think i was attacking her. cause i so wasn't and if anything i said actually upset her I would feel awful. that wasn't the intention. it was just my observation, and trust me I believe in everyones right to their own opinion and in the end i step back and respect the authors final decisions. Then I leap in and enjoy the story. see, now I'm all insecure ( ... )


mmarinov July 6 2006, 09:27:10 UTC
No, absolutely not! Feedback, and esp concrit, is essental to any form of writing and I really appreciate it when people feel they can be honest about things that didn't work so well for them, esp. during the draft stages which these past few chapters have been in. I'll never feel insulted by concrit and I thank you for being honest and helping me with this story :)

And I agree about the blood scene being iffy - I like Kate's idea of it being an accident somehow and making the humour functional...hmmm...*muses*


iamthedirtgirl July 6 2006, 09:44:43 UTC
in case you didn't know this already...I love your aussie ass!!!!


iamthedirtgirl July 6 2006, 14:11:06 UTC
Oh no dude - i don't think your attacking her at all - I think your "concrit" (I love how fandoms make up words) will be very useful, is expressed in an extrememly tentative and safe and polite manner - and (as I said... in a round about way) I agree with it. So stop fishing for compliments! You were honest and constructive and terribly nice about it all - of course you've done nothing wrong! Chill, have a beer.

- Kate

Oh I just saw Pirates of the Caribbean today :D Awesome.


iamthedirtgirl July 6 2006, 14:15:14 UTC
Hmmmm... now I feel like I'm channelling Margret or David from "At the movies"...


iamthedirtgirl July 7 2006, 02:06:26 UTC
oh rub it in. I just saw pirates, nah nah nah...uh huh, gonna go tomorrow, really glad to know it's good. Thanks for letting me know on the other. I was feeling a lot oversensitive that morning and I really totally missed the boat on what you were saying. Sorry about that. Thanks for caring enough to set me straight. Promise I usually don't over react that way.

yeah the made up terms - took me forever to figure out what the heck everyone was saying. Now I'm so used to all the terms I let em slip in regular conversations and I get lots of HUH?? and then i explain and I get that computer geek look. *frowns* think I'll have that beer now.


iamthedirtgirl July 7 2006, 13:29:23 UTC
Aw, well, just to make you feel worse - I saw it again today - it's even better then second time around. :) Ah Will! I love to see my heroes suffer, that way (eventual) victory is twice as sweet! Or maybe it's just my sadistic streak coming through...
And I'm totally the same - fan-lingo and RL don't mix well, and unfortuantely I'm the only person I know (in RL) who reads fanfiction so it's all quite tragic really.
And with the concrit, I didn't sayt this before but when I said I didn't think you were doing anything wrong what I should've said was that your doing everything right, so keep doing it. I think mmarinov said something along those lines too. So it's all good! Yay concrit!

Ok, enough time for bed. - Kate


mmarinov July 6 2006, 09:12:44 UTC
I love the discussion idea! I've always found the 'writing fanfic' experience interesting as hell, but never had an arena to discuss it in - I was wary to do so on my LJ in case people thought 'yeah? Who cares!' Lol - latent insecurities emerging there. But your comm is the perfect place to prompt discussion, and I'm so curious about everyone's individual writing processes. How would I start a discussion? I've never started one before, lol. Given how prof your write-up on the userinfo page was, maybe it's best if you start it, and I'll be there to read and participate in a heartbeat. *excited*


iamthedirtgirl July 6 2006, 09:20:30 UTC
*jaw drops in shock* Given how prof your write-up on the userinfo page was, maybe it's best if you start it, dude, that's like, one of the best damn compliments I - EVER!

But if you want me too. Yeah. I can go through some of our past converstions, some I've had with other writer's, some of my own thoughts and maybe write an essay of sorts on the topic and try and get the ball rolling. I definitely am willing to try knowing you'd be willing to respond and participate, because that's the biggest concern when trying to do something like that. The wonder if anyone will get involved. So yeah, cool. hmmmm. *digs on the coolness of you for a while*


mmarinov July 6 2006, 09:30:31 UTC
I guarantee you I'll be participating!! I love the topic to bits! Need any info to help with the write up, let me know =D Can't wait to read it!


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