I mad because i'm concern. and gosh, I really love this man.

Feb 09, 2010 15:59

Around last week, I complained about him ( Read more... )


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Comments 37

macus001 February 9 2010, 09:38:25 UTC
aaah, yeah. Love him.
No matter what he does, as he is happy, I'm happy for him ^^
Of course sometimes I also think of "what is he doing?! WHy?!", but after that I realise that I still like him, and try my best to look behind his actions ^^


mizuno_hikaru February 9 2010, 10:48:33 UTC
as long as he happy, then it's alright. it's the most important thing, deshou?

as a fans, the most important thing we could do is keep loving and support him wholly, no matter what ♥


miichaan23 February 9 2010, 09:52:52 UTC
i really agree with u dear..
akhir2 ini jg yg bisa aku keluarin ke dia ya bad comment mulu.. ya rambut lah ya jutek lah ya ngerokok lah, dan dgn pintarnya ada a page.

serasa ada yg bilang "BANG!!"*dgn gaya yamapi di kurosagi*

apa sih gw? yaudah sih jin kayak gitu..itu lah dia yg sebenar2nya tanpa ditutupi, dia ga mau mengecewakan fans2nya dgn menyembunyikan kepribadiannya. And yeah, still love him no matter what, dan ternyata gw masih syg dia, walaupun ga aktif di kanes lagi *lho! nyambungnya kok kesitu? hehe :D


mizuno_hikaru February 9 2010, 10:53:16 UTC
ahahaha stuju2!!
berasa "BAAAAMMM!!" en gw sempet merasa klo persoalan2 yg bikin gw ngomel2 itu jdi sepele en gag revelan.

justru jin itu nggak nutup2in diri asliny kyk apa.
si cancer type o yg self-paced, rockheaded en carefree...

pagi2 buta, gw brasa dpt pencerahan. corny-ny, kyk ada yg bilang "klo u suka ama seseorang, sukailah dia apa adanya, seutuh2ny" <33333333333333


miichaan23 February 9 2010, 13:42:27 UTC
huahaha DESHOU!!??? Jantung serasa tertohok ga sih!!!?? hahaha... *abis pi ngmg BANG tiba2 terdengar suara2, "daite daite daite senorita..."* huahahaha XDD *maap ya sudah menggila :D:D
iyaiya maksud gw begituuu...dia ga bisa nutupin diri aslinya, yang intinya dia itu sebenernya orang yang paling jujur dan paling ga bisa bohong kan? aaaw jiinn~ makin cinta wkwk

ohya dia cancer ya? wkwk pas lah kalo begitu :)


mizuno_hikaru February 9 2010, 18:00:51 UTC
wakakakak lgi demam kurosagi y? LOLZ
iy jin kan cancer... ultahny tgl 4 juli soalny. pas gmn btw mit?

hehehehe... klo jujur, gw sih gag jamin.
gw rada2 inget komen forbiden_past (cek di bawah) klo gag salah mank member2 KAT-TUN pernah bilang gtu. kita gag tau apakah jin memang dia yg sebenarny di depan kamera, tpi sbg fans yg baik, kita harus teterp support dia apa adanya :))


dythaa February 9 2010, 10:22:39 UTC
yup, after read your post i just realized the importance of support from his family, friends and loyal fans for Jin. we're definitely on his side :)


mizuno_hikaru February 9 2010, 10:59:00 UTC
yep, it's good that his friends and family are so supporting him (like he said, his family is a lil bit 'funky family' LOLZ)

listening to A page made me felt that those small matters i complained meant nothing, since if we love him, then what we need to do is just keep loving and supporting him no matter what.

it's one of his positive side, to never cover his real self :D


dythaa February 9 2010, 13:10:22 UTC
oh god! gw br tau klo lo org indo jg haha *telat bgt*
hm gw jg sempet mikir kayak lo, mending kame jd "partnernya" jin drpd cw2 yg centil dan ga jelas haha


miichaan23 February 9 2010, 13:43:33 UTC
ahaha akame centric nih! :DD


agustin1982 February 9 2010, 10:27:33 UTC
Yes, Jin so adorable and I love him so much

Dia emang top deh :) Aku pengen konser solonya Jin dijadiin DVD, aku mau banget nonton konsernya bapak Jin ah maaf JinJin, hahahaha. Kalo DVD konser solonya di rilis OMG, aku pasti seneng banget abis di konsernya Jin ada lagu-lagu topnya tuh kayak care, ha ha, and wonder. Semoga di rilis semoga cepat di rilis, semoga! Amin!!! *kiss you*


mizuno_hikaru February 9 2010, 11:01:54 UTC
sama tin!!
gw juga mo bgt konsernya dijadiin DVD, ato min lagu2ny jdi album. dri fan-repony, lagu2 solony kykny keren2 bgt!! *ngiler*

*kiss u back*


I mad because i'm concern. and gosh, I really love this man. agustin1982 February 13 2010, 02:28:18 UTC
Mizu-chan, liat gak jin_daily community? Di sana ada petisi tuk mendukung agar DVD solo Jin konser tuh dirilis, aku lom tau byk tapi kykny aku mo ikutan jg^^


Re: I mad because i'm concern. and gosh, I really love this man. mizuno_hikaru February 13 2010, 09:42:23 UTC
tenang tin :D
daku ud ikutan kok smuanya hehehe~


dontstopmore February 9 2010, 11:14:48 UTC
wow..you know..i really didnt know what to say after reading this..
i read the interpretation when it first came out..
and i thought it was really true..
and well...just let jin be who he is..
no one should tell us how to lead our lives..


mizuno_hikaru February 9 2010, 18:07:05 UTC
yep, moreover, jin is self-paced and he will stick to his decision. i kinda remembered him once saying "Even if it means to take a longer path, let’s walk your own path" and "Just like always, I’ll keep walking the path I believed in. And even if it results in something negative, I won’t feel that it’s a lost"

then, as long as he's happy... it'll will be okay i guess :)


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