Justru gw percaya diri dia yg dia tunjukkin skrg di TV tu bukan dia yg asli. Jin tu bilang sendiri baru2 ini, kalo dia tu bs ganti2 kepribadian kalo di depan kamera,katanya "uda terlatih". Justru sikapnya yang ignorant sekarang tu kemungkinan bsr adalah Jin di Kattun atau JE aja. Tau sendiri dia sering bgt ganti2 statement kalo ditanya suatu hal, gw jadi ga bs bedain kapan dia bohong atau kapan dia jujur sekarang. Taguchi ngomong kl Jin tu aslinya org yg terbuka n siapa pun bs datang ke dy. Kame bgl, Jin di camera tu "fake", n seorang artis pnh blg Jin tu friendly n warm bgt. Bd bgt sama yg di kamera.
Satu2nya sumber ya lagu2 dia,yg punya arti,kyk eternal atau a-page itu. LOL sama Paparats XDD "Paparazzi snapping shots Writers making stories up The proof they have is not a lot I'm living life you all forgot just taking itHaha,ga cuma Paparazi aja Jin,beberapa "fans" jg suka gitu. Bayangkan kalo Jin bc report bikinan fans, kayak apa tu perasaan dia. Tp..bravo Jin
( ... )
hehhehe... kita gag bisa tau sebenerny dia kyk apa sih. gw berasa pernah denger komen junno ama kame itu, tpi gw lupa... di mana y??
huuuuueee gw mo bgt lagu2 solony... baru A page doank yg berhasil gw dapet. yg laen nihil hix... cuman dpt lirik i.n.p, hey girl ama paparats... gw penasaran ama christmas morning!!
btw gw ga mau dianggep stalker,jd...bskah kt berteman aja? LOLOL ROFLMAO... kita kan memang ud temenan di lj ini, say...
Iya tu,makanya..beruntunglah org2 di sekitar Jin. Gw kalo kpn2 nulis fic aja kykny bingung mau nulis karakter dia kayak apa. Sombongkah,naifkah,ato gimana XD Tapi yg pst, gw ga pnh percaya dgn cara tabloid menggambarkan karakter dy
Gw mau dgr lagu solo dy yg lain,tp yg emang dari hati gt,yg tipe2 eternal. Bukan yg model lovejuice ato haha. Tp yg emang bikinan dy sendiri. Dgr2 dy nyanyi care jg, benarkah itu?
ahahha, dia juga bunglon di cerita2 gw... nasib tokoh di fic2ku itu karakterny selalu berubah sesuai kebutuhan muahahaha...
iy, dia juga nyanyi care. lagu2 dia yg punya soul itu bisa bikin merinding sendiri *terharu mode on* fanrepo ama list lagu dia di konser : http://yokumiz.livejournal.com/6020.html
...dan sumpah, gw ngiler bgt pengen denger... ama nonton!! bakalan ada DVD ato min albumny gag ya?? XDXD
Wow, your university schedule is more or less similar with my sister's. I still have a few more days left before March 1st comes and the new semester starts.
I just wish he would cut it shorter so that he would look..neater.
I am happy that you realize that you love Jin despite of everything negative attached in his name! Coz I believe that we fans of any idol or artist must also accept their flaws and understand that they are also human beings and they have normal needs as well! Human beings nedd to have fun privately once in a while!
*nod nod* yeah, i got this sudden realization : 'when you love someone, love that person the way that person is, wholly as that person's usual self'
because even him is a human, and he is far from perfect. even Jin is a famous idol, he still owned several flaws, and our job as his fans are accepting him, keep loving and supporting him~! :D
i really feel emo reading your post mizu :( Sometimes Jin's words regard to KATTUN hurt me too. He made me confused, made me wonder, made me doubt. I dont know but his solo this time really means a lot, though it's hilarious crying while listening to such an upbeat hip hop song ne~ Along with A Page, Reset is one of those songs who have meaningful lyrics (mostly about hidden love of Akame ^^;;) I do believe in them and I want them to be true As I really want a real Akame, which is pretty much against the nature, I dont think I do mind of anything else :D Keep the faith ne~ In him and KATTUN too *hugs*
Comments 37
Justru gw percaya diri dia yg dia tunjukkin skrg di TV tu bukan dia yg asli. Jin tu bilang sendiri baru2 ini, kalo dia tu bs ganti2 kepribadian kalo di depan kamera,katanya "uda terlatih". Justru sikapnya yang ignorant sekarang tu kemungkinan bsr adalah Jin di Kattun atau JE aja. Tau sendiri dia sering bgt ganti2 statement kalo ditanya suatu hal, gw jadi ga bs bedain kapan dia bohong atau kapan dia jujur sekarang. Taguchi ngomong kl Jin tu aslinya org yg terbuka n siapa pun bs datang ke dy. Kame bgl, Jin di camera tu "fake", n seorang artis pnh blg Jin tu friendly n warm bgt. Bd bgt sama yg di kamera.
Satu2nya sumber ya lagu2 dia,yg punya arti,kyk eternal atau a-page itu. LOL sama Paparats XDD
"Paparazzi snapping shots
Writers making stories up
The proof they have is not a lot
I'm living life you all forgot just taking itHaha,ga cuma Paparazi aja Jin,beberapa "fans" jg suka gitu. Bayangkan kalo Jin bc report bikinan fans, kayak apa tu perasaan dia. Tp..bravo Jin ( ... )
huuuuueee gw mo bgt lagu2 solony... baru A page doank yg berhasil gw dapet. yg laen nihil hix... cuman dpt lirik i.n.p, hey girl ama paparats... gw penasaran ama christmas morning!!
gw ga mau dianggep stalker,jd...bskah kt berteman aja? LOLOL
ROFLMAO... kita kan memang ud temenan di lj ini, say...
Gw mau dgr lagu solo dy yg lain,tp yg emang dari hati gt,yg tipe2 eternal. Bukan yg model lovejuice ato haha. Tp yg emang bikinan dy sendiri. Dgr2 dy nyanyi care jg, benarkah itu?
iy, dia juga nyanyi care.
lagu2 dia yg punya soul itu bisa bikin merinding sendiri *terharu mode on*
fanrepo ama list lagu dia di konser : http://yokumiz.livejournal.com/6020.html
...dan sumpah, gw ngiler bgt pengen denger... ama nonton!!
bakalan ada DVD ato min albumny gag ya?? XDXD
Anyway, how are you? :D
long time no see :D
i'm fine. enjoying my vacation to the last since my new term will start at 15th this month XD
ah, the hairstyle... according to fanrepo of You and Jin, he cut his hair a bit already. just wait until he trimmed his hair back LOLZ
I just wish he would cut it shorter so that he would look..neater.
I understand you me too, I really wish AKAME is real
ah, when it turned that they are real,
i'll be high and so happy...!!!
yeah, i got this sudden realization : 'when you love someone, love that person the way that person is, wholly as that person's usual self'
because even him is a human, and he is far from perfect. even Jin is a famous idol, he still owned several flaws, and our job as his fans are accepting him, keep loving and supporting him~! :D
Sometimes Jin's words regard to KATTUN hurt me too. He made me confused, made me wonder, made me doubt.
I dont know but his solo this time really means a lot, though it's hilarious crying while listening to such an upbeat hip hop song ne~
Along with A Page, Reset is one of those songs who have meaningful lyrics (mostly about hidden love of Akame ^^;;)
I do believe in them and I want them to be true
As I really want a real Akame, which is pretty much against the nature, I dont think I do mind of anything else :D
Keep the faith ne~
In him and KATTUN too *hugs*
about him, well, we didn't know 100% the real he is, since we didn't know him personally.
but i got this sudden realization : 'when you love someone, love that person the way that person is, wholly as that person's usual self'
because our idols are still humans who have their own flaws. dakara, it's our job to accept the fact and keep supporting them :)
ah, it will blissful if akame is real.
some people will think it's gross, but we fangirls sure will love it!! ne? *wink*
so i'll keep my faith~!! *hugs u back*
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