I mad because i'm concern. and gosh, I really love this man.

Feb 09, 2010 15:59

Around last week, I complained about him.
I miss his old-self, who is cheerful and always give his best
for everything. I miss his stupid acts. I miss his adorkable side.
I miss his carefreeness...!

It's like I'm on the edge of my limit :
I hate his cocky attitudes lately, I hate his ignorance during most MCs,
I hate his current long hair (he said he too lazy to style his hair if it was short,
and i rolled my eyes WHUT?), I hate his fedora, I hate his untrimmed moustache
and I hate the way he exhausted himself thanks to lacks of rest,
and too many smokes and alcohol.

It's Koki and Maru --if my memories were right--who told that Jin is the one 
who often got sick between KAT-TUN members. No wonder.
Even Kame could scheduled his time even he was also as busy as hell
because this younger man owned strict tendencies of being professional.

"You are an idol, after all, so at least please take care of your health!"
that's why I think, "Because you already judged so often, man, and 
when your tiredness showed in your face--along with unfit voice,
they will judge you more and more. And I hate when those people judge you!"

Now I understand my mother feelings, and why she got mad when
I fell sick, instead of pampering and baby-ing me. Whip of love?
I mad and annoyed, because I love him. I want Jin to be alright,
healthy, creative, whole with his amazing voice, looks and talent
so those haters won't be able to criticize him.

I mad, because I'm concern.
I thought that way.

And last night, when I checking my f-list
thanks to almost three days of un-checking, there were so many updates.
I was happy to see the new eps of Yamanade and some show's DL links,
several kick-ass fanfiction that I bookmarked to read,
then I found this song.

Jin's song : A-page.
And I downloaded it along with several news about his solo concert :
You and Jin, with fan reports and several songs' lyrics from the pamphlet.
The reports really made me regret that I couldn't go to the concert.
Argh. Japan... so far away.

I just wished that there'll be some DVD about the concert
(even the chances are quite slim) or at least an album
of his songs for the concert. I really really want to hear them!!

Back to the topic,
I remembered the time : it's about two in the morning
when I finished the downloading and listened to the song
since I knew it's his solo song and I wonder how it'll turned to be.

First, it was the beats and the melody which amazed me.
It's good, the song, damn, it's really really good and catchy.
Jin really did a good job for composing his own songs
and I really wanted to let him know that he is awesome and JINius!!
Then I realized the bitterness in the lyrics : there's soul in the song
and I felt some pain from his tone.

I read the lyrics, and then I got it.
It aches my heart when he tried to tell that he was also a human
and he got his own problems.

I really agree with sheenalinh  about her interpretation to A-page song.
God bless you, dear. And I really meant it.

Another song's lyrics, Paparats, also caught my attention.
"You wanna get a 2nd look and take a pick
Know about my life be my guest and make it up"

"Just telling you how it is
Your pictures just pictures
but they arn't worth 1000 words"

"Paparazzi snapping shots
Writers making stories up
The proof they have is not a lot
I'm living life you all forgot just taking it
Day by day can you hear the things they say?"

Really reminds me to the stupid paparazzi who always hunted
his bad side, and ended making some spicy stories up :
and it's always like that, they picked on him, him, him.
Just because his badass image and his carefree lifestyles
for keeping his habit to clubbing in his spare time.
I remembered I yelled before "LEAVE HIM ALONE!"
and i guess this is Jin's way to avenge : you failed, sir, it's someone else.

It's almost dawn, when I listened to A-page over and over
using my headphone until I felt that I want to cry.

Suddenly, those points I mentioned above,
the points which I told that I hate them, yeah... those all points...
They were gone.

It's okay if he acted cocky. I love his arrogance.
It's okay if he is ignorant. I knew it's a part of his personalities.
It's okay if he keep his hair long. I'm sure he will trimmed it in the future,
and his ponytail style is kinda cute :D
It's okay if he always wears stupid hats. He is the 2nd best hatter anyway,
and sometimes he looked real good with them.
It's okay if he had untrimmed moustache. He is 25 yro man, and no way if he never had it.
It's okay if he went clubbing, smokes or drinks, as long he didn't overdid himself.
It's okay, as long he is happy and it didn't disturb his health and jobs.

I learned to tolerance them all.
Because I was a huge fans of him, I love him and I'll keep support him.
(And bitched back to those stupid Jin-haters, how could they be so mean
to joined Jin's comm just to mock him with stupid, irrelevant, trashy comments?)

P.S : Please Let Them To Be Real
You know, I often joke "It's better to let Jin be with Kazu-chan, than let a random annoying girl had him"
Now, I'm so high that I hoped that they are really really really real.
Akame pair, despite the on-camera lacks of affection, DID really have the intense chemicals
which makes their relationship so natural, and it looks like they really meant for each other.
I knew I wasn't the only one who think, and hope for it. Don't you?

And sorry for not fake cutting.
It's just I felt there's nothing to be cut. XDXD


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