
Jun 01, 2009 23:11

What's blue and red and white all over?

That would be Spider-Man swinging into the bar, crashing into a table, and getting tangled up in his own webbing.


This was supposed to be Broadway.

"...I think I got a splinter the size of Jersey in my butt..."

[tags: peter parker/spider-man, ben grimm/thing ]

vic sage, peter parker (spider-man), sam linnfer, the devil (bedazzled), kate bishop, spider nancy

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Comments 82

52_dropoff June 1 2009, 22:24:23 UTC
Charlie sees the costumed man. Sees him crash. It is mildly entertaining.

"You okay?"


notpuny June 1 2009, 22:34:38 UTC

Peter shifts slightly to test this before getting up on his feet. Awkwardly -- his arms are loosely webbed together.

"Nothing broken. Can't say the same for the table, oh mannn, I hope the insurance covers that, I don't keep a checkbook in my costume."

He tugs his arms apart to break the webbing and looks around. His spider sense is buzzing -- hasn't stopped since before he crashed -- but he has no clue what it's trying to tell him. Possibly that this isn't New York.


52_dropoff June 1 2009, 22:38:15 UTC
"The advantage to not wearing a Spandex costume is pockets. I used to carry cash and a card with me back in the day.

"I think that the table will just come off your tab, though. You need a hand?" The guy seems to need one.


notpuny June 1 2009, 22:49:57 UTC
"Thought about pockets once. But soon as I go upside down--" He waves a hand vaguely. "'Look, Mom! Money from the sky! It's magic!' 'No, sweetie, just Spider-Man being a dumbass again.'"

He grimaces at the table.

"Uh, yeah, you know, I could do with directions. Maybe a map. Because I thought I knew Midtown pretty well, and there was definitely not a bar at that intersection ... thirty feet above the ground..."


7twistedwishes June 1 2009, 22:53:04 UTC
"Are you well?" The woman in a black business suit moves over.

Spidey sense could be tingling a bit: the Devil is inherently dangerous, even if (right now) she does not intend to cause him harm.

Just a bored Lucifer curious about the entrance.


notpuny June 1 2009, 23:01:07 UTC
"Aaabsolutely fine and dandy, just, you know ... a little tied up."

Peter frees himself with a little applied spider strength, though the webbing still sticks to his costume. He frowns and tries to shake it off. No dice.

(There are bits of wood attached in some places.)

He eyes the woman warily from under the mask. He can tell she's more dangerous than your average businesswoman, but the spider sense isn't spiking -- just keeping to that same low-level buzz. He shrugs it off.


7twistedwishes June 1 2009, 23:04:06 UTC
"I see... that is good."

"The 'fine' part." The woman laughs softly, trying to help pick of bits of wood. "Welcome to Milliways, the Bar at the End of the Universe. You just slipped past a crack in Reality and landed here."

No, she does not believe in going slow, and also gestures to the Observation Window to lend credence to her words.


notpuny June 1 2009, 23:11:18 UTC
"Don't worry about it, it'll dissolve in about an hour. I'll just be the Amazing Wood Man for a while..."

He squints at the Window, taking in her words.

"Awww crap. Did I ignore Doc Strange's instructions again? I have got to start listening to that man when he's trying to help me not get lost in reality."


necessary_child June 1 2009, 23:54:40 UTC
Sam had been at the table over with coffee, magic and his dinner.

Now, however, he's standing and looking down at the new arrival with unabashed curiosity, his hands shoved in his pockets and a few escaped darts of magical light still clinging to his dark hair.

"...Nice suit," he remarks. "You all right?"


notpuny June 2 2009, 00:57:25 UTC
"It looked a lot nicer before my strategic ... landing."

Peter sits up with a wince; he almost falls again as another piece of table collapses under him.

"Yeah, yeah, too many donuts. Uh, I think I'm sitting in your dinner. Hey, are you okay? I didn't, like, kick you on the way in, did I? Is-- is your hair sparkling? Did I hit my head? Am I asking too many questions?"


necessary_child June 2 2009, 13:37:51 UTC
Sam eyes the table, and it begins to slowly shift back into its former state.

"Not mine - I was a table over. I'm fine, probably, I'd suspect so, and not really. Most people do. Want a hand up?"


notpuny June 2 2009, 21:59:52 UTC
"Oh, good. I don't taste great with ... any ... whoa."

He scrambles to his feet, and tugs webbing off himself as he watches the table shift.

"Now that's a neat trick. Are you doing that? How come none of my teammates have magical property-damage-fixing powers? Well, not counting Tony Stark's credit card."


ever_lovin June 2 2009, 00:56:08 UTC
"Aw no. No, No, NO!" says a very panicked ever lovin' blue eyed Thing who none the less gets up from his beer to see if the web slinger is okay. "Tell me Johnny ain't wit' ya!"


notpuny June 2 2009, 01:07:46 UTC
Peter looks round quickly at this. "God, I hope not. I break a table, he accidentally sets a bar on fire, and Jonah has a freakin' field day."

He frees his limbs from being webbed to each other, wincing at he knocks over a chair at the same time. Fortunately, it doesn't break.

"Uh, so did I get teleported here or something? This was not on my to-do list for today."


ever_lovin June 2 2009, 01:14:10 UTC
"This guy doesn't sound like that kid I met when I first came here, but is he 'my' Spidey?" Ben thinks as he offers a hand to help Spidey up.

"Before I answer that, let me ask ya somethin'," Ben says out loud. "Who's in charge of S.H.I.E.L.D.? An which team is Wolverine on?"


notpuny June 2 2009, 01:25:14 UTC
"Thanks," he says as Ben helps him to his feet; he brushes bits of wood from his costume.

"--oh man, pop quiz? I didn't study. Uh, Maria Hill, and every team. Except yours. I think. What, you think I'm a Skrull or something?"


brotherspider June 2 2009, 02:37:20 UTC
Funny, there wasn't a loud thumping noise a moment ago...

Spider was just about to order something for himself when a Spider-Man dropped in unannounced. Thus, he ordered himself a Jack Daniels...and a bottle of aspirin, then headed over to the masked man.

"That looked rough. Need a hand?"

Possibly the medicinal properties of the bottle in the right hand?


notpuny June 2 2009, 12:19:27 UTC
"Possibly several," he answers cryptically. Or in a voice that might sound cryptic if he wasn't also dazed from the crash.

He shakes his head to clear it and starts to clamber up from what's left of the table.

"I'll take a couple aspirin for five hundred, Alex."

His left arm is stuck to his side. He frowns at it, then tugs away the webbing with his other hand.


brotherspider June 2 2009, 21:19:21 UTC
"Here you go."

He lightly tosses him the bottle of pain deliverance, and then suddenly makes the problematic webbing vanish with a gesture...just because he could.

"And there you go."

Hell, the table was restored already! Though, that was probably the Bar doing that.

"Now ah, hang on. I'm s'pose to know this. Mmmm, nah. I got nothing. Who are you?"

Hard to tell if he was being serious or not.


notpuny June 2 2009, 22:08:59 UTC
Peter catches the bottle, then almost drops it as his webbing suddenly disappears.

"Whoa, not too shabby. One of Doc Strange's pals, huh?"

He shakes out two aspirin and pulls up his mask above his mouth to swallow them. He tugs it down again, but not before grinning.

"Seriously? Guess I'm really not in New York anymore. Spider-Man. Nice to meet you; thanks," he adds, tossing back the bottle.


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