
Jun 01, 2009 23:11

What's blue and red and white all over?

That would be Spider-Man swinging into the bar, crashing into a table, and getting tangled up in his own webbing.


This was supposed to be Broadway.

"...I think I got a splinter the size of Jersey in my butt..."

[tags: peter parker/spider-man, ben grimm/thing ]

vic sage, peter parker (spider-man), sam linnfer, the devil (bedazzled), kate bishop, spider nancy

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necessary_child June 1 2009, 23:54:40 UTC
Sam had been at the table over with coffee, magic and his dinner.

Now, however, he's standing and looking down at the new arrival with unabashed curiosity, his hands shoved in his pockets and a few escaped darts of magical light still clinging to his dark hair.

"...Nice suit," he remarks. "You all right?"


notpuny June 2 2009, 00:57:25 UTC
"It looked a lot nicer before my strategic ... landing."

Peter sits up with a wince; he almost falls again as another piece of table collapses under him.

"Yeah, yeah, too many donuts. Uh, I think I'm sitting in your dinner. Hey, are you okay? I didn't, like, kick you on the way in, did I? Is-- is your hair sparkling? Did I hit my head? Am I asking too many questions?"


necessary_child June 2 2009, 13:37:51 UTC
Sam eyes the table, and it begins to slowly shift back into its former state.

"Not mine - I was a table over. I'm fine, probably, I'd suspect so, and not really. Most people do. Want a hand up?"


notpuny June 2 2009, 21:59:52 UTC
"Oh, good. I don't taste great with ... any ... whoa."

He scrambles to his feet, and tugs webbing off himself as he watches the table shift.

"Now that's a neat trick. Are you doing that? How come none of my teammates have magical property-damage-fixing powers? Well, not counting Tony Stark's credit card."


necessary_child June 2 2009, 22:08:28 UTC
Sam grins. "That'd be me, yes. Only son of Time and Magic, but I'm better known as Sam. On the teammates thing, I can't help you."


notpuny June 2 2009, 22:43:15 UTC
He lets out an impressed low whistle.

"Dude, you could totally take Wolverine's place."

He rubs at his head, though it doesn't hurt too much.

"Anyway, nice to meet you, Sam, Mr Son Of Abstract Concepts. I'm Spider-Man."


necessary_child June 2 2009, 22:57:02 UTC
"I've no idea who Wolverine is, so I'll take your word for it," Sam says, amused, offering the newcomer his hand again.

"Pleased to meet you. You had especially cruel parents, I take it?"


notpuny June 3 2009, 13:57:56 UTC
Peter shakes it this time, and nods -- it's always good to take his word for it when it comes to Wolverine, he feels.

"Oh, yeah. Better than Man-Spider though, right? Unfortunately, Mr Fantastic was taken. I'm just glad I didn't get bitten by a radioactive raccoon."


necessary_child June 3 2009, 22:39:32 UTC
He quirks a brow.

"...Could we pretend I'm not from your world and start again, please?"


notpuny June 10 2009, 12:03:13 UTC
"Am I going too fast? I do that a lot, apparently it's annoying... Okay. Normal people speed."

He points to himself.

"Superhero. From a world with a lot of them, I hear there are worlds that don't have any and that's just weird. Who do the J Jonah Jamesons of your world write bad editorials about? Anyway, I picked my own name. I've already been told I could've been more subtle, yeah."

He taps the giant spider on his chest to emphasise this point.


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