Blind, Epilogue

Jul 19, 2007 22:44

Title: Blind
Author: captainraz
Rating & Warnings: PG-13
Prompts: blind
Word Count: 965
Summary: Remus ignores a warning from Tonks about Greyback. Greyback's revenge has dire consequences for both of them, and for their relationship.
Author’s Notes: Wow, finished. My first multi-chapter R/T fic. But its the last time i ever write two chapters simultaneously!


Tonks stood in the living room at the Burrow with a warm butterbeer in her hand and a vague feeling of disbelief. It was all over; they had made it. By unspoken agreement everyone had returned to the Burrow after what had turned into the final battle of the war to celebrate the downfall of the Dark Lord. And if there was one thing the Order of the Phoenix knew how to do it was how to throw a party.

Fred and George had quickly conjured celebratory banners bearing amusing legends, brought enough crates of butterbeer to sink a battleship and had charmed the radio to blare out the Weird Sisters at hitherto unknown volumes. Order members were still drifting in as they finished tying up loose ends or were discharged from St Mungo’s; everybody wanted to join in this party, no matter what.

The party had been for going several hours now and there was still no sign of Remus. Tonks tired hard not to panic but the last time she had seen him had been shortly before the battle when he had told her he loved her.

The kitchen door slammed and Tonks immediately looked up. She heard a familiar rich, booming voice as Kingsley limped in, with Remus at his side. Remus had obviously been to get changed as he was wearing a pair of worn jeans and a red jumper instead of the robes he had been wearing earlier. With his greying sandy hair falling into his eyes and a day’s growth of stubble on his chin Tonks didn’t think she had ever seen him look so handsome.

Remus’ eyes were frantically scanning the room for her, and when he saw her his eyes lit up with joy. They fought through the crowded living room to reach each other and when they finally met Remus took Tonks in his arms and spun her around laughing and kissing her.

When the couple finally surfaced for air they were both giddy with love and relief. Tonks could see the relief that she was alright in his eyes, just as he could see it in hers.

Tonks did a double take; his eyes had lit up with joy when he had seen her, and now the relief he felt was plain to see. Remus’ eyes hadn’t been able to express his emotions in almost a year, yet now they were shining out of them for anyone to see. Tonks tucked his hair behind his ear and gently stroked his face.

“Remus, your eyes…” she whispered. Remus grinned and Tonks’ heart soared at the mischievous sparkle that lit up his eyes, making him look like a guilty schoolboy.

“I’ve been trying to charm them for a long time. Since you told me how much being able to read my eyes meant to you. I got it right just before the battle, and I was scared in case you never got to see them.”

Tonks felt tears welling up in her eyes. “You did all that for me?” Remus nodded and Tonks threw her arms around him, sobbing into his jumper. But this time they were tears of joy; simple overwhelming joy that this man could do such a thing for her. Remus simply held her, stroking her hair until the sobs subsided.

“Marry me,” he whispered into her ear.

“What?” exclaimed Tonks, pulling back to look in his eyes.

“I said ‘marry me’,” repeated Remus a slightly shy smile tugging on his lips, and his love for Tonks blazing in his eyes. Tonks fought the urge not to cry again.

“Do I have a choice in the matter?” laughed Tonks.

“No,” replied Remus with a small snigger. “Seriously though, will you? Marry me?”

“Of course I’ll marry you, you daft sod!” cried Tonks happily. The whole room ground to a halt to watch the two lovebirds.

Remus looked mildly embarrassed, but Tonks caught his eye and the pair grinned, a hint of mischief in both their eyes. There really was only one thing they could do; their lips met to a chorus of cheers, whistles, cat-calls and a few crude suggestions from Fred and George.

Tonks didn’t care though; they had won, and Remus had asked her to marry him.

Life was good!

* * * * *

Tonks had always loved Remus eyes but never really appreciated them until they lost their mischievous sparkle and their life. Yet she found that she loved them even more when he found a way to bring back what had made his eyes and him in general, so dear to her.

She would never forget the look of love in his eyes as he vowed to love her and only her for as long as they both should live. Nor would she forget the look of awe as he held each and every one of their children for the first time. Tonks would always be forewarned of trouble when she saw the mischief in his eyes as he plotted some prank with the kids, and loved him even more for the slight apprehension in them, worried that even after fifty years of marriage she might not like the gift he had just presented her with.

Tonks couldn’t even bring herself to mind when he popped one of his eyes out as a party trick, engaged in eye-squelching contests with Mad-Eye or allowed the twins to juggle with them. She couldn’t bring herself to mind because what the war had taught her was that she was lucky to have him; other people had lost so much more than they.

Just as she knew Remus loved everything about her, she loved everything about him; grey hair, lycanthropy, removable eyeballs and all.

And in the end, that was all that mattered.

romance, last chance full moon showdown, captainraz, angst

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