Blind, Chapter 3

Jul 11, 2007 23:46

Title: Blind
Author: captainraz
Rating & Warnings: PG-13; angst
Prompts: blind
Word Count: 633
Summary: Remus ignores a warning from Tonks about Greyback. Greyback's revenge has dire consequences for both of them, and for their relationship.
Author’s Notes: Warning: Writing this chapter felt like giving birth to a large rhino and it might show. My apologies. Also the rating has gone up, mainly for previous chapters but also for the next one.




Remus was sat on Tonks’ sofa, trying to wait patiently for his appointment at St Mungo’s, but he was veritably twitching with anticipation. The past two weeks had been a challenge for the both of them, and had put a lot of strain on their relationship.

Tonks had struggled to juggle long Auror shifts, extra Order duties and being Remus’ full time carer. She was absolutely shattered, had hardly had time to sleep and was perilously close to being unable to morph again. She was thin, pale and had huge dark circles under her eyes. Tonks felt like a wire stretched nearly to breaking point, and would snap at the slightest provocation.

Not that Remus had fared much better despite being the invalid. His spying mission had been terminated indefinitely, and without his eyesight he was unable to take on any more work for the Order. This had left him with a lot of spare time on his hands, which he was unable to fill with his favourite past time of reading; which had turned Remus into a tightly coiled spring, a ball of frustrated energy that had no outlet other than driving Tonks up the wall.

Remus wasn’t the only one looking forward to getting his magical eyes fitted.

An apparation and a short but impatient stay in St Mungo’s reception later, and Remus was sat on a healer’s couch having his eye sockets examined and making nervous jokes about poking peoples eyes out with wands.

“Well Mr Lupin, everything’s healed nicely,” said the Healer. “We’ve taken your measurements, have you any questions before we begin fitting?”

Remus’ head was buzzing with a million questions, most of which were concerned with him ending up getting nicknamed Mad-Eye, but he simply swallowed and shook his head. Tonks couldn’t bring herself to watch Remus having his magical eyes fitted; she’d seen Moody pop his eye out one to many times in public and that was more than enough for her. About ten minutes later the healer was explaining that Remus would need to clean his eyes about once a week before he stepped back so Tonks could see.

The eyes were a shade darker than Remus’ original eyes had been, but they were otherwise indistinguishable from normal eyes. Remus was blinking rapidly and looking around the sterile hospital room with awe; like he had forgotten how wonderful it was to be able to see in the last few weeks. Tonks moved towards the couch to have a closer look and Remus switched his gaze to her, his eyes widening as though he were seeing her for the first time.

“Merlin, I’d forgotten how beautiful you were,” he murmured before he touched his lips to hers. Tonks would have snorted had her lips not been otherwise engaged; her hair might not be mousy brown quite yet, but the past two weeks had taken their toll on her, and not just on her appearance. Tonks tried to lose herself in Remus’ kiss, and tell herself that everything was going to be alright.

* * * * *

Tonks had always loved Remus’ eyes. They were so alive and expressive. Tonks could read his every mood just from a quick look in his eyes. There were times when a whole conversation would play out between them just using their eyes.

But not any more.

Now his eyes are cold and lifeless. No longer do they contain a mischievous sparkle. No longer do they convey his exact mood. No longer can Remus and Tonks have intimate conversation with their eyes, share looks that only the two of them understand.

Tonks has lost her window into the soul of this utterly complex and private man. She fells like she has lost the man she loves. Now she feels blind.

romance, last chance full moon showdown, captainraz, angst

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