Blind, Chapter 4

Jul 17, 2007 14:21

Title: Blind
Author: captainraz
Rating & Warnings: PG-13; angst, violence, implied rape
Prompts: blind
Word Count: 957
Summary: Remus ignores a warning from Tonks about Greyback. Greyback's revenge has dire consequences for both of them, and for their relationship.
Author's Notes: It says romance in the tags, and I promise I will get round to it





Remus knew that there was something wrong as soon as he slipped the key into the lock. He didn’t quite know what tipped him off; it was just a feeling in his gut, an almost imperceptible scent on the air that told him that something wasn’t quite right. Worry overtook Remus; he knew that Tonks was home today, what if something had happened to her? Quickly he opened the door to Tonks’ flat and stepped inside, scanning the living room for signs of struggle.

There were no signs of struggle, but the odour was stronger in here. It was smell of dirt and unwashed body and rotten flesh. Remus fought down the panic that was rising in his chest; he knew that scent.

“Tonks,” he called, drawing his wand.

“In the bedroom,” came the reply, but it seemed to Remus’ ears that there was something different about Tonks’ voice. Remus entered the bedroom to find the sight that he had been dreading.

Greyback was in there with Tonks, one set of talons wrapped securely around her neck and another around her wand arm, an inhuman smirk playing around his lips. Remus quickly searched Tonks eyes for reassurance that she was fine and quickly ascertained that the young Auror had everything under control. Or as under control as possible when a murderous, sadistic werewolf has you in his clutches.

“Gots a new set of eyes Lupin,” said Greyback.

“The advantage of living with the wizarding community, Greyback, is that you have access to wizarding healthcare.” Remus carefully maintained a façade of calm, which was essential at this stage; he knew that Tonks had a plan and he just had to give her time to put it into action. Greyback had neutralised her wand arm, but he didn’t know that as an Auror Tonks was trained to use a wand in both hands, and carried a spare wand on her at all time.

“Drop the wand Lupin, that’s it nice and slow. Now kick it into the corner.” Remus did as he was told, and his wand ricocheted off the chest of drawers. He never took his eyes off Greyback as he straightened up. “Tested your little theory, Lupin” smirked Greyback. “And it seems that you hold you little bitch in too high a regard. I’m going to turn her, and you are going to watch me.”

Remus felt all of the colour drain from his face; in his worry for Tonks’ wellbeing he had almost forgotten that tonight was the night of the full moon. Greyback was going to go through with his promise. Reflexively he looked out of the window; less than four hours until sunset. Greyback ran his coarse tongue down Tonks’ cheek, causing the wolf within Remus to rise up possessively. Tonks however, kept her face impassive, and told Remus with her eyes to keep calm.

“And just how to you bank on forcing a fully transformed werewolf to watch whilst you fasten your jaws onto his mate?”

Greyback hissed at Remus, and Tonks took the opportunity of his momentary distraction to explode into action. She grabbed her spare wand from its concealed holster on her thigh and quickly treated Greyback to a stinging hex to escape his clutches. Remus summoned his wand from the other side of the room, and before a few seconds had passed Greyback found himself staring down the length of two wands at two very angry people.

“We wants to play it the hard way do we?” snarled Greyback.

“Come any closer and I swear I will kill you,” warned Tonks, a steely edge to her voice.

“Feisty little bitch aint she,” said Greyback to Remus, laughing.

“You have no idea,” replied Remus.

Greyback sneered and began to pace up and down in front of Tonks and Remus, as though waiting for them to drop their guard; waiting for the sun to go down. The wands never wavered, nor did the stern expressions on their faces. Neither Remus nor Tonks was willing to kill the werewolf in cold blood, and so they waited for Greyback to make his move; Greyback wasn’t known for his boundless patience.

Greyback began to eye the setting sun with an increasing amount of malice in his yellow eyes.

“Can’t quite decide what would be more fun; making you watch me turn your little bitch, or killing you now, ravishing her on your bed and then turning her.”

Remus instinctive rage caused him to change his grip on his wand and Greyback took the opportunity to strike. An explosion from Tonks’ wand sent the werewolf flying across the room to crash violently against the wall. With his lunar-cycle enhanced senses he caught the scent of burnt flesh and the coppery tang of blood. Tonks strode over to the prostrate werewolf to check for vitals. Remus’ hands were still shaking with rage.

“He’s dead,” confirmed Tonks. “It’s over.” Remus nodded mutely, still processing all of the emotions he had forced down in order to remain calm. Tonks broke his thoughts. “I need to call this in,” she said, gesturing to the dead werewolf. “Get a clean up crew in.”

“I should go; not long until sunset. You’ll be alright on your own won’t you?”

“Course I will,” said Tonks with a note of defiance in her voice. “I’ll be thinking of you tonight,” she added softly.

Remus could see shutters come down in her eyes; she was shutting him out so he wouldn’t worry, and he didn’t have the time dismantle them to find out how Tonks was really feeling. He heaved a great sigh, pressed a kiss to Tonks’ cheek and left, knowing full well that he was in for one hell of a rough transformation.

romance, last chance full moon showdown, captainraz, angst

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