
Oct 11, 2006 16:02

Title: Like a Charm
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half moon rising fic jumble, drama, godricgal

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Comments 24

gijane7702 October 11 2006, 15:46:05 UTC
Loved it =)

It was smutty, but it had the love, so it was...er, good. Well written smut.

I loved Pervert!Kreacher. And Dobby trying to stop him.



godricgal October 11 2006, 23:53:02 UTC
Thank you, I'm pleased to hear that you liked it.

Couldn't resist the Dobby and Kreacher involvement. ;)


drumher October 11 2006, 17:49:01 UTC
Lovely take on the post-hospital scene. JKR doesn't give us much to work with and you've fleshed out a believable scenario. The sex scene was written well, too. Just enough smut to make ya tingle along with them but not especially graphic. Cudos for working Beans-on-toast into the piece as well.


godricgal October 12 2006, 00:01:49 UTC
Thank you very much. I found it quite difficult to write a post hospital fic without the back story, so I'm very glad you found it a plausible scenario. The smut went a bit further than I would normally take it so I'm very pleased to hear that you didn't think it too graphic.

And beans-on-toast, well, I'm trying to spread the good word. ;)


sea_thoughts October 11 2006, 20:22:40 UTC
This is lovely. The aftermath of Dumbledore's death is well evoked, as is the tension (sexual and otherwise) between Tonks and Remus. I love all the little references to their past relationship (cooking and talking). The bit with Dobby and Kreacher made me laugh out loud! I loved how they became friends again after that, as well as lovers, sneaking up to bed and hiding from Filch and Mrs. Norris like they were students. And I thought you wrote the sex well, both emotional and physical. A nice, quiet ending. ^^


godricgal October 13 2006, 13:19:21 UTC
Thank you. I did have a lot of fun with this story. I'm pleased you mention the references to the past because there was one point where I though I might have to write quite detailed notes on their back story to be able to write the reunion realistically.

I'm glad you like the Dobby and Kreacher bit, I was giggling to myself for a while.

Thanks once again.


devonwood October 11 2006, 20:48:10 UTC
Kreacher now scares me more than he previously did. XD lol

Lovely little smut-fic. :D


godricgal October 13 2006, 13:20:04 UTC
Kreacher is a scary...creature.



mrstater October 11 2006, 21:27:30 UTC
I think post-hospital fics are probably the hardest R/T to read and write, primarily because the pacing is everything. But you have absolutely captured that air of time standing still, almost, as everyone tries to figure out what's the next thing to do, now that Dumbledore's dead. The only thing for Remus and Tonks can do is move forward together -- and I think you've also done that perfectly ( ... )


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