For Love and Runway (9/?)

Oct 02, 2010 13:57

Title: For Love and Runway

Rating: NC-17

Author: obviously me

Pairing: Miranda/Andrea

Summary: Things are changing at RUNWAY as Irv is fired and a new CEO steps in. The battle lines are drawn as both Andrea and the new head of Elias Clarke vie for Miranda’s affection.

A/N: This is not beta’d all mistakes are mine

A/N2: Andrea did not leave in Paris.

Disclaimer: Any recognizable characters from The Devil Wears Prada sadly do not belong to me. If they did I can promise that this would probably be a book, and Miranda and Andrea would have ended up together the first time around. Or for that matter no recognizable characters from Adaptation belong to me.


Part 1:

Part 2:

Part 3:

Part 4:

Part 5:

Part 6:

Part 7:

Part 8:

Ch. 9

When Andy awoke she was in a hospital bed. She tried to get up and felt an excruciating pain in her side and she automatically lay back down. “Hello? Someone please tell me what the fuck is going on!” Andy said as loudly as she could manage. A nurse came rushing into the room to try and calm her. “Ma’m you were shot, you have lost an awful lot of blood. You are lucky to be alive. If the bullet would have hit you an inch higher or lower you would be dead.” The nurse said and it call came rushing back to Andy.

Miranda’s townhouse, Miranda unconscious on the floor, Susan Orlean, holy shit the bitch had shot her! Miranda…Miranda! Where the fuck was Miranda?

“Where is Miranda Priestly? Is she all right?” Andy demanded and the nurse tried to calm her down. “Ma’m I don’t know. I have been assigned to monitor you.” “Oh My God! You have to tell me where she is! You have to let me know that she is alright!” Andy said desperately. “Listen, you have been unconscious for a full twelve hours. It’s good that you are awake, but you need to get some rest.” “Rest my ass! Tell me where Miranda Priestly is!” Andy growled. The adrenaline coursing through her body blocking out all pain for the moment. Andy heard a commotion outside. A man was arguing with the other nurses. It was Nigel! “Go out there and tell them to let him in!” Andy demanded and the nurse shook her head and disappeared. Moments later Nigel came rushing into the room. “Six! Thank God you’re alright!” Nigel said and sat down in the chair beside her bed. “Nigel, where is Miranda?” Andy said and Nigel’s face fell further. “Six, I’m so sorry, we don’t know where Miranda is. After Susan shot you she took off, before the police could get there, and she somehow managed to take Miranda with her.”

Tears welled up in Andy’s eyes, as the pain from her gunshot wound came crashing back, but more for the fact that she had not protected Miranda as well as she had promised to. “Nigel it’s all my fault,” Andy whispered painfully. “No, it’s not; you can’t blame yourself for this.” Nigel said and Andy attempted to smile. “The police want to talk to you. However, you just woke up, and you are clearly in a lot of pain. Not just physically but emotionally. The nurses are going to bring you some morphine in about five minutes and then you will be out again.” “No Nigel, I can’t I have to help find Miranda.” Andy said. “Six, you almost died. You gave us all a scare. Your parents are on a flight here right now. Roy is meeting them at the airport.  When you wake up again they will be here and you can talk to the police.  Miranda is strong, and she has far too much to live for. Besides that she is incredibly impatient so I wouldn’t put it past her to show up before the police even have a chance to come and find her.” Nigel said as the nurse came in and administered Andy some morphine through her IV. A couple of minutes later Andy’s eyes glazed over, then she was out.

As Nigel left the room his thoughts turned to Miranda. “You’ve never disappointed yet Miranda, don’t start now. Six needs you, RUNWAY needs you, and so do your children.”

Miranda awoke with a splitting headache. She went to touch her hand to her forehead only to find that her arms were unable to move. She turned her head and noticed each hand was handcuffed to a bed. How original. She looked down and noticed her legs were bound together as well. Great. What the hell happened?

Miranda heard a door open and shut. She looked to her left and saw Susan Orlean enter the room. Miranda suddenly remembered Susan at her townhouse, A vase being smashed over her head, and Andrea. Andrea! What had happened to Andrea? When she blacked out Andrea was still standing .

“Look who’s awake! Your head must be killing you.  I had to bandage your head up some. There was a gash. Don’t worry though; there will not be a scare where anyone can see it.” Susan said cheerfully and sat down on the bed next to Miranda. “I have some medicine for that headache.” “Where is Andrea?” Miranda asked and Susan’s eyes darkened. “I’m not sure, probably the morgue. After all that is where they take dead bodies isn’t it?”

Miranda’s heart beat faster. ‘No, she is just trying to confuse you. Andrea cannot be dead. Even if this imbecile did shoot her, Andrea cannot be dead.” Miranda thought and glared “Just what do you think you’re going to accomplish by tying me up like some deranged sexual fantasy?” Miranda demanded. “Oh, well that is so you won’t escape. I can’t untie you until you come to your senses and realize it’s me you want. Once that is figured out then I will take the handcuffs off.” Susan said “You cannot just keep me here for the rest of my life. I have a magazine to run and children to take care of.” Miranda hissed. “Well then I guess you had better come to your senses sometime soon then don’t you?” Susan said cheerfully. Miranda willed her head to stop pounding so she could think more clearly. “Listen closely you incompetent fool, how on earth would you expect to even attempt to continue a normal life now that you are wanted for kidnapping and attempted murder? They won’t just let you off the hook for that you idiot.”

Susan smiled again.  “First off, I’m pretty sure that girlfriend of yours is dead.” Miranda was now completely and totally enraged. Fuck being etiquette. “I don’t think that she is. I’m pretty sure you wouldn’t know how to pour piss out of a Manalo with the directions written clearly on the heel. Much less fire a gun and actually succeed in hitting the broadside of a mansion.” Miranda growled. “Oh, but I did hit her. I can promise you that. Now I will grant that there is a slight chance she could be alive. Why don’t we turn on the television and find out my love?” Susan said and Miranda felt like vomiting. Susan did get up and turn on the plasma T.V. across from the bed.

As Susan flipped through the channels Miranda noticed that outside the bedroom window was a view of Manhattan. Wait. Manhattan? “Does the bitch not even know how to go into hiding? Dear God I bet we are in her own home. Well I can at least hope for the best.” Miranda thought.  Miranda’s attention then turned to the television as a news report was brought up.

“Miranda Priestly, the world’s own Queen of Fashion is missing. Reports are that Elias Clarke’s new CEO, Susan Orlean is the one who kidnapped her. Orlean has had a crush on Priestly since starting work at Elias Clarke, and when her advances were denied she kidnapped the editor. Miranda’s second assistant Andrea Sachs was delivering the Book to Miranda’s house when she walked in and found Orlean there with Miranda. Sachs called 9-1-1. When Paramedics got there Miranda and Orlean were gone, and Sachs was shot and losing blood rapidly. We have just received a report stating that Sachs will make a full recovery. Stay tuned for any news on the whereabouts on Miranda Priestly.”

Miranda breathed a sigh of relief. Andrea was shot, but alive. She would be just fine. Miranda glared over at Susan.  “I will get free, and I know exactly how to do it.” Miranda thought

2:00 p.m. Andy’s hospital room.

Andy awoke to find her parents sitting in the chairs next to her bed. “Mom” Andy whispered.  Angela Sachs rushed to her daughter’s side “Oh baby, I’m so happy you’re alright. Your father and I have been so worried about you.” “Mom, I’m going to be just fine. The same cannot be said for Miranda.” Andy said willing her tears not to fall. “Darling, we’ve been told that the reason you were shot  was because you were trying to protect Miranda from that awful woman. Why would she want to hurt Miranda? Or you for that matter?” Angela asked. “Hi Dad” Andy said as Richard joined Angela at her bedside.”This is not how I pictured telling you two this, but from the moment Susan came to work for Elias Clarke she was attracted to Miranda. She tried to date Miranda, and Miranda refused her advances.” Andy said and paused.

“What does that have to do with you?” Angela asked. “Miranda refused Susan’s advanced because she is in love with me and I with her. That’s why Susan shot me, and has gone to such extreme measures. Not to mention the fact that Susan doesn’t exactly have a clean track record. I’ll be telling the police everything as soon as they come to take my statement.” Andy said “darling, you meant to tell me you are in a relationship with Miranda Priestly? The woman who has made your life such hell for over a year now?” Angela asked her temper rising. “Mom, can we please not get into this right now. I want to talk to the police. I want to find Miranda.” Andy said and finally allowed her tears to fall. Angela felt Richard’s arm on hers and she knew now was not the time to discuss this. “You mother and I are going to get some coffee. We will tell the officers outside you are ready to talk to him darling.” Richard said and kissed Andy on the cheek before he led his wife from the room.

Miranda had her plan formulated in no time. It was clear that Susan had just taken a hit from some of her orchid dust, or whatever it was called.

“Susan, I have a confession to make.” Miranda said quietly. Susan came and sat down on the bed eagerly.”What is it my love?” Susan asked. “I do have feelings for you, you were right. I was hiding my true feelings because of Andrea, because I didn’t want to hurt her. I see how foolish I was. I want you Susan.” Miranda said and just as Miranda had expected Susan pounced on her and began to kiss her. Miranda played along. Imagining she was her Andrea just so she could stomach it. “I have been waiting to hear you say that.” Susan said after she broke the kiss. “Darling will you please untie me? My wrists and ankles are aching.” Miranda said. Susan quickly retrieved the key and unlocked the handcuffs then she untied Miranda’s ankles.  “I knew your change of heart wouldn’t take long.” Susan said and kissed Miranda again. “Sweetheart, my head is still killing me; could you please get me something for it?” Miranda asked as politely as she could muster. “Of course” Susan whispered into Miranda’s ear and jumped up and left the room.

As soon as Susan was out the door Miranda jumped up off of the bed and grabbed a vase and stood by the door and waited patiently. As soon as Susan entered the room Miranda smashed the heavy vase down on top of Susan’s head. Susan cried out in pain and immediately fell to the floor, unconscious. “Payback is a real kick in the ass when dealing with me you bitch.” Miranda said and handcuffed Susan to the legs of the dresser. Then Miranda made her way through the house until she found a phone. Miranda was tempted to call the police, but then decided that they would take too long to get there. So instead she called Nigel.

“Hello?” “Nigel its Miranda what hospital is Andrea at?” “! Miranda! You’re alright! Oh my God, oh my God!!” When Miranda finally got him calmed down and found out what hospital her Andrea was in she searched the house until she found the garage and the keys to a mustang and got in. Her head still hurt like hell, but she would manage. She wanted to make sure Andrea was alright with her own eyes. She started the engine and backed out of the garage. Realizing that she was in fact only three blocks from her own townhouse, she sped down the road towards Andrea.

The police officer left Andy’s room, and she sunk back against the pillows. “Miranda please come back to me.” Andy whispered and began to cry fresh tears……TBC


kidnapping, susan orlean, miranda priestly, meryl streep

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