For Love and Runway (1/?)

Jul 29, 2010 11:32

Title: For Love and Runway

Rating: NC-17

Author: obviously me

Pairing: Miranda/Andrea

Summary: Things are changing at RUNWAY as Irv is fired and a new CEO steps in. The battle lines are drawn as both Andrea and the new head of Elias Clarke vie for Miranda’s affection.

A/N: This is not beta’d all mistakes are mine

A/N2: Andrea did not leave in Paris.

Disclaimer: Any recognizable characters from The Devil Wears Prada, sadly do not belong to me. If they did I can promise that this would probably be a book, and Miranda and Andrea would have ended up together the first time around. Or for that matter no recognizable characters from Adaptation belong to me.

Chapter 1

Miranda sat at her desk in her office looking over the latest layouts when Andy walked into her office with a grim expression on her face. “Miranda, I’m sorry to interrupt but you are needed in the board meeting.” Andy said and Miranda looked up and stared at the girl. “Why am I needed at the board meeting Andrea?” Miranda asked and raised her eyebrow. “I’m not sure, they didn’t say, all they did was phone and tell me to tell you to come up there immediately and that’s its urgent.” Andy said calmly. After seeing Miranda shattered that night in her hotel room in Paris Andrea had lost all fear she had, it was seeing Miranda like that and remembering the unshed tears in her eyes that kept her from leaving. Miranda got up from her desk and walked around towards Andy. “Andrea you are coming with me and taking notes if necessary.” Miranda said and walked out of her office. “Yes Miranda” Andy said and followed her, quickly grabbing her pad and pen off of her desk.

The elevator doors opened to the top floor of the Elias Clarke building where the board meeting is being held. Miranda strode down the hall towards the double doors of the conference room with Andy right behind her. Miranda stopped when she saw Nigel waiting outside the doors for her. “Nigel what’s going on in there?” Miranda demanded. “I don’t know. I got the same call you did about coming up here. All of the editor in chiefs and their right hands did. Everyone else is inside I was waiting on you.” Miranda nodded her head and all three entered the room. “Ah Miranda, Nigel, there you both are.” Said Robert Patton the owner of Elias Clarke Publications. Miranda and Nigel took the two empty chairs and Andy stood against the wall noting that a couple of other editors had brought along an assistant just in case. “It has come to my attention that our dear chairman, Irv Ravitz, has taken a few matters into his own hands that were not his to take.” Robert said. Andy looks over to where Irv is sitting and glares at him. He was the reason Nigel was not getting his dream job and all because he hates Miranda. “I was absolutely unaware of the changes he was trying to make to my company without my knowledge and I apologize for that.” Robert said looking directly at Miranda who nodded her head in acknowledgement. “Mr. Ravitz has been reprimanded for his actions, and everything is effective immediately. Now Mr. Ravitz has something he would like to say to everyone.” Robert said and sat down as Irv, unwillingly, Andy noticed, stood up.

“What I have done is unforgivable, and I am truly sorry that I took matters into my own hands, and it saddens me that I will no longer be employed with Elias Clarke.” Irv said and sat back down. Andy’s eyes grew wide, and she noticed that Miranda’s eyes briefly conveyed their shock before it was replaced with a look of triumph. Robert stood back up. “That out of the way, I would like all of you to meet the new Chairmen, or I should say Chairwomen of Elias Clarke, Susan Orlean.” Robert said and on cue an attractive blonde who looked to be in her mid forties walked into the room. “Hello everyone, it will be a pleasure working with all of you to keep Elias Clarke the top of the publication industry.” She said and everyone in the room clapped. “I will want a meeting with each of you immediately so we can get o know each other and establish how each other works immediately.” She said. Andy’s phone began buzzing and she pulled it out and read the text message from Emily disaster in the art department regarding the PRADA spread Miranda is needed immediately. Andy walked up beside Miranda and whispered the crisis in her ear. Miranda’s lips pursed and she nodded her head and stood. “If you will all please excuse me, there is a crisis I have to deal with.” Miranda said. All the men stood as Miranda headed out the door.

“Ms. Priestly wait!” Susan called and headed after her. Miranda cringed and turned towards her new boss. “Call me Miranda” she said and Susan smiled. “Call me Susan” she said and Miranda nodded. “ I was hoping to meet with you first, I understand that you are a busy woman and I am willing to work with your schedule for now I just wanted to assure you that you will not have the problems with me that you had with Irv.” Susan said her blue eyes boring into Miranda. Andy shared a look with Nigel. It was clear that Susan was more than just a little interested in meeting with Miranda, and that the reasons were not strictly business. “Talk to Andrea, she knows my schedule, I’m sure she can move things around and get you in sometime today.” Andy nodded her head. “You have an opening at four on your schedule today Miranda.” Andy said. “Then schedule my meeting with Susan then.” Miranda said with indifference and began walking towards the elevators again. Andy and Nigel struggled to catch up.

4:20 in the afternoon

“Thank you Miranda I look forward to working closely with you.” Susan said and put her hand on Miranda’s arm. Miranda stiffened slightly as she stared into startling green eyes. “Yes, now if you don’t mind I do have a run through in ten minutes.” Miranda said quietly and evenly. “Of course, I’m going to visit the Editor of Auto Universe next.” She said and cringed slightly. Susan headed out of Miranda’s office and stopped in front of Andy’s desk and said to her in a whisper “What kind of flowers does Miranda like the best?” Andy looked momentarily stunned but recovered quickly. “She likes freesias” Andy whispered back and Susan smiled at her and walked off. “I’ll be damned if I’m going to tell you what her favorite flower is.” Andy thought to herself and looked up in time to see Emily give her the death glare and looked back at her computer screen. “Em, you can’t stay mad at me forever, Paris was two weeks ago, and I gave you most of my clothes.” Andy said and Emily just sniffed.  Andy was about to say something else when Serena, and everyone else arrived for the run through.

8:00 p.m.

Andy sat in her chair at her desk reading a novel and waiting on the book to arrive so she could go home. However her thoughts kept drifting towards Miranda, as they usually did as of late, but this time her thoughts drifted to Susan and the way she had looked at Miranda earlier today. Andy felt her chest deflate. “You still with us Six?” Nigel asked and Andy looked up startled. “Nigel, hi.” Andy said quietly. “You know, I know what you are thinking about six so you might as well come out and say it.” Nigel said. “I have no idea what you are talking about” Andy replied.  “Six, since just before Paris I saw it start to happen, and then towards the end of Paris it was blatantly obvious, at least to me anyways, that you have fallen in love with Miranda, or are at least in lust.” Nigel said quietly and Andy slumped lower in her chair. “Nigel, she could never feel the same way towards me. I watch her and I don’t just see the icon I see the real her, the one that’s hurting, the one that’s caring and loving, and I want to get to know that part of her better, but first for the moment she is still a married woman and second, I’m pretty sure she is straight, third, what would she want with me if someone like Susan Orlean is interested in her.” Andy said sadly.

“Six, Miranda is as unpredictable as ever and since Paris it’s almost like she is afraid when you are not near her. She depends on you. As for Susan, well she is a beautiful woman, and a wealthy one at that, but you are far more beautiful.” Andy smiled weakly. “She asked me what Miranda’s favorite flower was and I told her she liked freesias.” Andy said and Nigel grinned. “So, she is just out of the gate and she is already trying to court Miranda.  Well, flowers would be an impressive step if you had told her the truth; you and I both know that she can’t stand freesias. She is allergic to them. Six you are very naughty.” Nigel said and chuckled. “There was no way I was telling her what Miranda’s favorite flower is.” Andy said in triumph.  “I have been working with her for years and I still don’t know the answer to that question.” Nigel said thoughtfully. “Well I do, and I’m not telling you.” Andy said. “Six, I think that if you want to make sure that Miranda doesn’t fall for anything Susan throws at her you had better get in the game.” Nigel said. “How do you suggest I do that?” Andy asked. “Six, you are closer to her than anyone besides her children. If anyone knows how to woo Miranda Priestly it’s you. As you proved you know things the rest of us don’t, how you know them is beyond me, but use them to your advantage. I have a hunch Miranda won’t be as unwilling towards you as you think.” Nigel said and walked out just as the book arrived. “All right, fine. Game on.” Andy said and headed out of the office to deliver the book and dry cleaning…..TBC


susan orlean, miranda priestly, nigel kipling, meryl steep, adaptation, andy sachs, the devil wears prada

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