Mixed nuts

Jun 30, 2009 11:31

  • Still not sure what to get for my stepdad despite many excellent suggestions form the flist. I conclude that my stepdad is extremely boring.
  • One of the purchase clerks upstairs REALLY needs to take a course in professional communication. Her emails read like a 14-year-old's.
  • Summer student needs to stop poaching my ampicillin. I see what you did ( Read more... )
  • my life is so exciting, books, no value, scientific progress goes 'boink'?, theirloveissonaval, work, silly, recs, boredom

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    Comments 2

    luzula June 30 2009, 19:42:53 UTC
    Wow, you are a fast reader--I'm just in the middle of "The Mauritius Command". And yeah, I'm really enjoying them too. Stephen is my favorite. Except for when Jack is, but mostly it's Stephen. &hearts


    meresy June 30 2009, 19:47:44 UTC
    I can read one book a day if I really undertake to sit down with it on a Saturday or something. Please I read the e-versions on my iPod while I commute. :D

    They are both my favourite.


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