Books! I has them.

May 21, 2009 20:02

I got a hefty box from Amazon in my door today, yayayes. It contained seven Aubrey-Maturin books, starting with The Ionian Mission because that's what I'm up to reading right now. I'll buy the earlier ones later. And the later ones later. :D? Yay for having books! Especially books with helpful diagrams; goddamn you and your jargon, O'Brian. Oh, and ( Read more... )

my life is so exciting, i like tags, nos is awesome, books, consumerism, no value, fannish, theirloveissonaval, sionn probably needs her own tag now

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Comments 20

bluebrocade May 22 2009, 00:38:40 UTC
I just got 'False Colors' from Amazon too (recced by nos) and am also looking for time to read her new long awesome-looking fic. She's becoming my puppet master!


meresy May 22 2009, 00:44:14 UTC
That, Nos. Soon she will take over the world...


petronelle May 22 2009, 00:53:50 UTC
Jagiello: even gayer than that.


meresy May 22 2009, 01:18:15 UTC
*nods* I suspected as much.


isiscolo May 22 2009, 03:39:58 UTC
Yep. Except, does this mean Diana's actually a guy in drag?


petronelle May 22 2009, 09:59:40 UTC
Oh, dear. I very much prefer her as a woman.

I'm perfectly willing to go with Kinsey 5 for Jagiello to circumvent this issue.


simplystars May 22 2009, 01:13:12 UTC
You are making me want to go back and re-read all my Aubrey/Maturin novels (and The Golden Ocean also rocks, as does The Unknown Shore, though they both lack A/M *g*) and I DO NOT HAVE TIME FOR THAT, MERES.

Sheesh. *grumblemutter*


meresy May 22 2009, 01:21:13 UTC
*whistles innocently*

You totally want to. I know you do. At least read HMS Surprise; it is my favourite so far. I mean, they are just SO MARRIED, Stars, and Stephen's total sassiness just makes me go all ♥. He makes SO MUCH FUN of Jack and it is because he LOVES him. And Jack just... well, is Jack. *hearts*

Come oooon. :D


inathunderstorm May 22 2009, 01:55:27 UTC
Eeee! I am so nervous about the beta for that. ::nervous!::

I have a plot things I worked out with Bel today on chat--I'll shoot you an email after I get finished watching this goofy movie (Fanboys--yawn. Better movie would be FANGIRLS.)


meresy May 22 2009, 02:23:44 UTC
Don't be nervous! Nor anxious. I'm unlikely to be speedy, see. *g*

Good luck with the stupid movie. :P


zabira May 22 2009, 02:20:53 UTC

i could never get into those books, but you are starting to SELL ME on them. *hides* i am reliably informed that the audiobooks are also good.


meresy May 22 2009, 02:27:54 UTC

And o rly! I find then very entertaining. How far did you get? I've read somewhere that for some folks it works better to start with Post Captain rather than Master and Commander. The third book remains my favouritest, I think, but I'm 8 books in and still very pleased, so... \o/


zabira May 22 2009, 02:30:33 UTC
i have a VERY low tolerance for books that don't start out well. i usually give up if i cannot manage to like something within 50 pages. SO. i guess 50 pages is how far i got? i keep meaning to try them again. that's a GOOD TIP about starting with post captain! *ponders*


meresy May 22 2009, 02:38:00 UTC
See, I liked the beginning, because I was totally reading it for the slashy, and it starts out with a perfect romance cliche of INSTANT HATE followed so-fast-it's-hilare inviting on on a cruise and BFFs. *hearts!* Also, Stephen talking about how Jack can't possibly be leading the sailing master on (said master having an enormous crush on said commander) because Jack is totally clueless since Stephen's only been dropping hints everywhere with no uptake. But he's stubborn.

But Post Captain starts with the boys setting up house together, so.



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