Books! I has them.

May 21, 2009 20:02

I got a hefty box from Amazon in my door today, yayayes. It contained seven Aubrey-Maturin books, starting with The Ionian Mission because that's what I'm up to reading right now. I'll buy the earlier ones later. And the later ones later. :D? Yay for having books! Especially books with helpful diagrams; goddamn you and your jargon, O'Brian. Oh, and ( Read more... )

my life is so exciting, i like tags, nos is awesome, books, consumerism, no value, fannish, theirloveissonaval, sionn probably needs her own tag now

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Comments 20

hurry_sundown May 22 2009, 16:28:24 UTC
Wheee!!! You found me on dw!

I am such a slacker friend. I finally figured out, like, this minute that I missed your birthday. Woe. /o\ Was it good?

ION, I'm glad you're grooving on the O'Brien novels. And the answer to your question is "really gay."


meresy May 22 2009, 16:37:39 UTC
I did find you! You were not hiding very well. :P

It was a good birthday! I was up at the cottage getting drunk with my family. Whee!

Sooooooo gay. Stephen, too, even if he doesn't want to admit it, and Jack couldn't buy a clue, the doofus.


luzula May 22 2009, 18:49:23 UTC
Oh, and sons of bitches, they sent me a copy of Far Side of the World that is a different edition and does not MATCH. Grr.

This happened to me for H M S Surprise. The others I have are these painted ones with pictures of ships, but this one had a sailor guy lying with his head thrown back and his clothes in disarray, looking all voluptuous. My boy took one look at it and asked "Is that sailor porn?".


meresy May 23 2009, 22:18:20 UTC
See, I've had the opposite. The more readily available ones are the new editions with the photos, but the odd one out is the painted one. Nice cover, and all, but not matching! >:(

Ah, well.

(Hee! Sailor porn.)


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