Male Drell. The child of Compact inductees, Luco grew up with a dislike of their Hanar overseers. As soon as he was old enough, he fled the planet and spent the next few years travelling throughout the Tasale system as well as parts of the Terminus. Currently he is working as a courrier for those who do not want questions asked.
Luco was last seen on Island Wind in the company of a former Compact pledge who has also gone missing. His father is deceased and his mother resides in an assisted care facility on Kahje. Questioning her has proven futile as she no longer has the mental faculties for this level of interaction. Threatening the mother does not seem a viable option. Perhaps using a fake drop my bring him into the fold.
Shirtless version for the ladies:
moranth's OC. Another Drell, another yellow Drell, a very popular colour for them which I can understand why. As I keep going, I think I'm starting to get more invested in getting the OCs right. Which is slowing me down more than I thought. >sad face<
Cerberus Files:
08, 09