Male Quarian. Still on Quarian "pilgrimage" after calculated average time spent away from the fleet.
Known for altruistic leanings and connection with a mercenary band better known for vigilantism (see ref: Archangel). Possible leverage point, sustainable home world in tune with weakened Quarian immune system. Also possible to use altruism as a lure to remove Cerberus threats without his knowledge.
Next up is
wdboldstar's character. Quarian Sentinel, the man in black so to speak.
29 original characters left to go. I still have some room left. Also those of you who already sent me a character description, if you want to add some details (such as the info Cerebus would have on them) just add a PM with the subject OC edit so I can sort them out.
I still have at least 6 spots left.
Cerberus Files: