Cerberus Files 4: Celsus

Jan 04, 2011 22:11

Male Turian. Currently one of the top investigators on the Citadel. Known by the humans in C-Sec as "Celsius" due to the way he enfuriates Executor Pallin. "With the Executor he's either running hot or cold."

Based on previous C-Sec memebers breaking away under Pallin's strict policies it may be possible to engineer circumstances to create another Archangel. Which can lead to someone more ammenable to Cerberus influence.

cheeseenchilada's character is up next. I know you wanted the face paint not so thick, but the effect was pretty impressive and I couldn't help myself.

Tomorrow's character may be late and pushed to Thursday

Cerberus Files: 01, 02, 03

fan art, original characters

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