
Feb 24, 2009 08:05

Open letter to all Twilight fans.

Dear Twilighters, Fanpires, Death to Twilighters, and any other person who happens to read this post,

Alright so I haven't really been part of the Twilight fanworld for a few months now, thanks to a little thing called Escuela. And as I've been reading through you guys' posts, I've seen a division in general opinion ( Read more... )


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mary_v February 24 2009, 19:04:18 UTC
lol... well the last one was very fanfic-y. But to be honest, there are some fanfics out there that are just... wow. I sometimes wonder where these people's book deals are at.


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mary_v February 26 2009, 19:18:01 UTC
lol yea, unless you're of the fangirly/loves romance type, you won't much enjoy them.:P


aries11 February 24 2009, 15:01:20 UTC
I personally haven't lost any friends because of Twilight. There was this girl getting on my nerves because she was constantly complaining about the movie's casting, but there were other reasons I ended up not liking her much, so the fact that she defriended me didn't bother me too much.

I'll agree that Stephenie isn't Jo, but I don't think she's a horrible writer. I admit sometimes she gets a little rambly, and the language is a bit flowery, but I don't think she was going for a literary classic here. I think she just wanted to create a fun read for all. I'm sure she knows on some level that she's not J.K. Rowling.

And yeah, the books are entertaining because they're fun to mock. I've watched parody videos of them and gotten a good laugh.

Plenty of people on my f'list don't like Twilight, but that doesn't make me like them any less. Seriously, it's just a book!


mary_v February 24 2009, 19:03:29 UTC
Hey - she de-friended you, not the other way around. And as far as I'm concerned, I don't like people who constantly complain. My point was more towards those who take the books too seriously.

And she's not a horrible writer. If that were true I couldn't stand to read the books 10 times, now would I? She does know how to tell a story, though, and I don't think anyone's used the term "horrible" when it comes to her writing. honestly, I think people's issues lie in the storyline.


victorialupin February 24 2009, 16:47:11 UTC
To the latter, jsyk, the friendship is over.

*sobs* Well, if that's the way you really feel! ... Just kidding. ;)

I can't imagine how anybody could actually lose a friend over Twilight. It's a book. If the friendship can be destroyed because of different opinions on a book, it's honestly not a very strong friendship to begin with.

I'd got to say, I actually do think that Meyer is a really bad writer. The plot and characters fall completely flat (though I'm only speaking of the first book here -- I haven't read the others). But, I recognize that everybody has different tastes and I'd never let a friendship end over such a silly difference of opinion. Plenty of my friends adore Twilight (the online ones usually because it can be mocked; many of the RL ones are actually fans). I often have really different tastes than my RL friends, who are always dragging me to movies I can't stand. But that's kind of a part of friendship ( ... )


mary_v February 24 2009, 18:53:19 UTC
To be honest, I joined ontd_twilight, and that was just a crack-tastic fest. There were some very amusing times, and the mockery of the books went through the roof, but people really took the hating far. They practically started a war. (unsurprisingly, the group no longer exists.:P ( ... )


scarlett71177 February 24 2009, 17:10:14 UTC
I think a HUGE issue is the fact that people constantly compare Rowling and Meyer. It's not a competition. You *can* like both- *gasp!* Liking Twilight doesn't mean you have to like Harry less. OMG.

It's not fair to compare the writing styles of the author's either. Rowling writes in a point of view that allows her to use much more descriptive language (and if you go back and re-read the first 3 books- YIKES. Yeah, she grew as a writer too!) Meyer writes in a pov that would sound ridiculous if you added every intimate detail, but we don't think that like when we narrate first person (I sat down noiselessly in the large, overstuffed, blue chair CRAZY, because we don't categorize like that in first person, but change the pronoun and poof! sounds totally different ( ... )


mary_v February 24 2009, 18:44:24 UTC
I honestly don't really compare them. And you're totally right about blaming her editors. We all make mistakes while writing, and if you notice I didn't insult Meyer. that would be silly of me, now wouldn't it, seing how I adore Twilight SO MUCH. I always say that they are well written, if only in terms of you swallow them hole and you never want the story to end. And heck, Meyer really knows how to write romance - and that's where her popularity lay. But the point of this post is to comment on those who are too hard on her, and those who want to have vampire babies, in the literal sense.:P

And honey, there is no shame in loving RPattz. Like I said, I'm glad he has a huge fanbase, and I'm glad the haters got past their initial prejudice. And it's a good thing that we get lost in him as being Edward. But let's be honest, you know when fantasy ends and reality begins! But God knows I love to live in my land of fiction!

Plus that man is a fiiiiine specimen. Rawr.:D


scarlett71177 February 25 2009, 03:20:50 UTC
No, I don't mean to insinuate you're one of the people that compare them at all. I noticed you didn't insult SM. I think we all have our own strengths and preferences in our 'art form' and like you and I discussed the other day- it's a bit ballsy to suggest an author change their work.

Yes, SM does create a beautifully romantic world and that obsessive love doesn't come across as "eew!" but as something pure.

Fine specimen indeed, honey. :-)


mary_v February 26 2009, 19:12:00 UTC
Oh, no, I know you didn't mean to insinuate that!!:) And I totally agree with you!:D

He needs to be in my bed, right now. LOL


sleepyjeans February 24 2009, 19:46:23 UTC


mary_v February 24 2009, 20:34:59 UTC
GOOD? TRY AWESOME! I'd never done it before, but now I know why my flist seems fond of them!:P


sleepyjeans February 24 2009, 20:57:16 UTC


mary_v February 24 2009, 21:14:49 UTC


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