
Feb 24, 2009 08:05

Open letter to all Twilight fans.

Dear Twilighters, Fanpires, Death to Twilighters, and any other person who happens to read this post,

Alright so I haven't really been part of the Twilight fanworld for a few months now, thanks to a little thing called Escuela. And as I've been reading through you guys' posts, I've seen a division in general opinion ( Read more... )


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Comments 20

sinjah February 24 2009, 20:03:21 UTC
They're such an easy read, and when I have an exam or a huge essay, I like to read what I know because then I won't feel the need to drop everything to finish my book.
Yes! Yes! Exactly! Man, I love books like that so much, I have so many guilty pleasures!

And as far as naming their child Renesmee or Edward, please, PLEASE do it because you like the name
I find it hard to believe that someone could actually like the name Renesmee. SMeyer being the one sad exception that confirms the rule XD

Rpattz. To all of you who were fans of his back when he was in Harry Potter, we need to start a club.
YES. YES. YES WE DO!!! I was saying EXACTLY THAT a couple months back on my LJ!!!!! And OMG! The dragon movie! I've watched that! On purpose!


mary_v February 24 2009, 20:38:29 UTC
Ohhh you must tell me which books you read!!!!

I think Renesmee is the ugliest name ever, to be quite honest. But I understand that it's a mormon thing.:P

OMG FINALLY SOMEONE WHO KNOWS WHAT I'M TALKING ABOUT WITH THAT DAMN DRAGON MOVIE! Everyone just gives me blank stares or pretends I didn't mention it:P


sinjah February 24 2009, 20:49:32 UTC
Ye! We must share easy reads! I admit it, I love Meg Cabot. She is hilarious. Have you read any of her 'adult' books, like Boy Meets Girl? Much love. And, um, romance novels >.> Cause there's no easier, comfort, pick-me-up read than soft porn XD Have you heard of the Black Dagger Brotherhood series? There's vampires, sex and ass-kicking. You'll like it XD

It is. It really, really is.

Well, it wasn't THAT bad. Right? I mean, there HAVE been worse movies! At least RPattz was in it?


mary_v February 24 2009, 20:56:00 UTC
I have read some Adult cabot, actually! Quite a bit, tbh. I really like her stuff!!

Vampires? so there. I've loved Vampires since before I could possibly remember. Romance novels always have a happy ending, and for that they win.:P

And no, the movie wasn't that bad, but hey, there have also been better movies. Rpattz was the saving grace, in any case.


maaike_fluffy February 27 2009, 10:31:48 UTC

Mary... I think I love you.


I fall in the category of people who liked the books, not because of the OMGtehawesome writingskills of Meyer, but because of it's easy-to-read addictiveness. And, well, hot vampires. ;-) But I am also seriously creeped out by the 'Fanpires' and their scary fangirlishness, and I don't quite understand what brought it on.

I agree with King too. Meyer has got NOTHING on Rowling. While I don't think it's very kind of him to say it in public, he does have a point. Like carpesomediem said above; it's all got that fanfic-feel to it. I feel she's a moderate writer (let's face it; she doesn't totally suck) who just happened to hit the jackpot.


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