
Feb 24, 2009 08:05

Open letter to all Twilight fans.

Dear Twilighters, Fanpires, Death to Twilighters, and any other person who happens to read this post,

Alright so I haven't really been part of the Twilight fanworld for a few months now, thanks to a little thing called Escuela. And as I've been reading through you guys' posts, I've seen a division in general opinion of the books. I've got the friends who LOVE Twilight, and the one who HATE Twilight. To the latter, jsyk, the friendship is over. (/sarcasm) But seriously now. I'm curious to know. Have any of you lost friends over Twilight? Because if you have, you're idiots, sry to say. These are fictional characters. Works of fiction. I have to say, Stephen King made a rather good point about the Twilight phenomenon: "Both Rowling and Meyer, they're speaking directly to young people... The real difference is that Jo Rowling is a terrific writer and Stephenie Meyer can't write worth a darn. She's not very good." Whilst I disagree that Smeyer can't right (ETA: write), King's right to say that she doesn't have nearly the literary prowess that JK Rowling has. I've noticed some grammar mistakes in the books, even. Problems with sentence structure or what have you. Then again, I've read these books multiple times. 10 times in total I'd say. And that's because I love these books. They're such an easy read, and when I have an exam or a huge essay, I like to read what I know because then I won't feel the need to drop everything to finish my book. (Because when it comes to fiction, I cannot stop, people.)

Say what you will about Lord McDiscoball (aka Edward...last_archangel , I had to.:P) but I love him. And honestly, until the haters read Midnight Sun, and actually see his point of view and what he thinks about, they won't be so quick to judge him.

Then again, I think these books are ripe with comedic relief. They are so fun to mock - seriously, the whole storyline is like an opening line for a stand up comedian. I don't like to mock people, or make fun of them, or insult anyone. It's why you won't see me bashing twi-moms or the too-obsessed fans (ie, a schoolmate of mine who tattooed Be safe on her hip). Then again, I reserve the right to raise an eyebrow. Because some people seem to have taken their obsession of Twilight to the point of insanity. Literally. I was reading through last_archangel 's comments, and someone mentioned that a woman proposed to a man she'd never met or spoken with before, and all because his last name is Cullen.

And as far as naming their child Renesmee or Edward, please, PLEASE do it because you like the name, and not because you want your child to be a vampire. Honestly, Jasper and Edward are amongst my favourite names. not because of the characters, but because I happen to love Old names and original names that just sound cool. (Lucian, Jace, etc etc).

On a final note: Robert Pattinson. Yes, I know, you love him. You squee when you hear his name, faint when he speaks, and have watched the clip where he bites Tyra Banks a million times. (Because you wish that was you.) Hell, I've been know to do all that. But people, he's not Edward Cullen. He's Robert Pattinson. Rpattz. To all of you who were fans of his back when he was in Harry Potter, we need to start a club. (Ask my friend Emma - I made her watch the most horrible movie about dragons that he was in (and he saved the movie, in my opinion) and all because watching Harry Potter and the GoF a 15th time, just for his scenes was a bit much.:P)
I realize my writing that may seem a little pretentious and hypocritical, but it's not my goal. All I'm trying to say is that a lot of people hated on him when he was cast as Edward, a fact that made me quite sad. I just want to say I'm glad he has such a huge fanbase, but I don't think he wants to be associated with Edward for the rest of his life. It's kind of like the Harry Potter actors - they don't want to be seen as Harry/Hermione/Ron/what have you. They want to be seen as talented and respected actors. And we all need to try to remember that.

Anyways, sorry for the rambly and long post, but I seriously felt the need to say what I thought about these books and the characters! If anyone actually read through all this, cookies!

Time for me to get back to class!


P.S.: I think I may have to post a Supernatural letter next.:P Seriously, my flist has inspired me.:P


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