It occured to me that I never updated about the result of my letter to FCPS...The schoolboard forwarded said letter to administrative staff and I wound up having a meeting with the assistant superintendent (the dude who was interim superintendent between Dominich and the current guy) and the head of instructional services (they contacted me just in
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Apparently a Hampshire alumn. got killed by a car riding her bike on the main street through campus. If any of you knew the woman, you have my condolences.
I feel like I'm officially a 20-something. Note only did I wake up this morning, go to the gym, come home and make breakfast, get ready, and head to work, but this weekend I'm going to Michelle's wedding reception...Anyhoo
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The birthday dinner with friends was nice, though in retrospect I should have started it at 7:30 rather than 7 'cause a number of people had to leave by 9ish
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