(no subject)

Jun 20, 2005 20:43

GOP Congressman calls democrats "anti-Christian" for opposing prosletyizing by the Air Force academy
CNN article from last month that's helpful for reference
Only the Israelis could take reality t.v. and turn it into...this.
Recently there was a discovery that may lead to an effective mosquito repellent (nice for those of us in North America, potentially lifesaving for those in tropical areas) (linked goinked from Michelle)
Bipedal octopus!(linked goinked from Michelle)

I'm currently frustrated by a couple of situations that feel out of my control, but overall life is good.

Entertainment of the day: watching Erica (grad. student in the lab) literally hammering away at a roto-vac piece for half-an-hour. It was rather less hilarious when we went to similar lengths in a (failed) attempt to open up the instrument and replace the vacuum pump oil...But we'll ask JC if it's supposed to be that difficult or if were were opening the wrong place or something, and go from there.

everyday stuff, culture (pop or otherwise), news/links

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