(no subject)

Sep 22, 2005 17:20

Apparently a Hampshire alumn. got killed by a car riding her bike on the main street through campus. If any of you knew the woman, you have my condolences.

So...the biggest thing that's happened since I last updated is Michelle (and Rory's) wedding reception (the east coast re-mix, as Stryer put it). Guests for the most part wound up falling into two distinct groups: highschool friends (and their dates, if applicable) and church friends. The easiest way to differentiate these two groups was age, but in addition, very few of the highschool friends were straight (with the exception of Stryer, Nali, and Teresa), which I found pretty darned funny. Gave Michelle a bag I'd made out of tape with pictures of various plants imbedded for decoration and "Got Plants" on one side and an empty photo album with a slide-showish thing with pictures she posted on lj and some goinked from the net. In others words, 'twas somewhere between cute and stalkerish (hopefully falling more on the cute side of that line) and balanced out the blandness (as I percieve it) of giving a pot (the cooking variety) on the registry.

Oh, right, and I went to services with my dad Saturday morning. It was odd simply because the congregation has changed so much from five years ago (Mr. Lieberman wasn't there!).

Been trying to (and mostly succedding at):
* actually do my job in the SA diversity dept.
* organize a kosher/hallal buying club (mm...meat)
* get a job (okay, I'm not really at that stage yet but did go to the career fair)
* start participating in LEAP, a leadership program (mostly 'cause it'll look good on my resume, partly on the off chance they discuss something useful)
* keep up with schoolwork
* do the peer diversity trainer stuff (went to training Sun., will do 3 sessions in mid-late Oct.)
* actually get work done in lab
* actually do something for Lambda (like maybe figure out how the payment breakdown will work for the 3.5k comedian performing next month)
* work out regularly (see next paragraph)

So WM has this fitness incentive program wherein you get free pre and post-program evaluations, set some goals, and if you reach those goals get entered in a raffle. Apparently, despite the fact that I did better on every fitness test (lower resting heart rate, more sit-ups, more push-ups, greater flexibility) than my roommate, she has a significantly lower body fat percentage than I do...Of course, given that my goals are to lower my resting heart rate and build uppper body strength while hers are more appearance-oriented (and we've both been going to the gym 2-3 times per week all semeseter to start on these goals) that's not entirely surprising, but it still seems weird to me - I'd expect a higher correlation between the various measures.

So, somehow or other (by virtue of the other Lambda board members being super-lame and Richael having enough sense to not make Julian be The Transgender Representative for the zillionth time in his Lambda career) I'm in charge of leading next week's Lambda meeting. The topic is "A Different Coming Out Experience (How is developing a transgendered identity unique? How is a transgendered coming out experience different from a gay one? What are different/similar challenges?)." Any recommendations for interactive activities or ways to get discussion rolling are highly welcome (*coughLeecoughPaigecough*) so that it doesn't wind up being me talking for an hour.

* finish the soc. reading for Friday (tonight) - apparently this isn't actually due 'til Monday but I have to read a few articles for tomorow?
* call dining services dude (tomorow morning at work)
* create Hebrew school lesson plans for 9/25 (maybe tonight, probably tomorow morning at work)
* make photocopies for 9/25 Hebrew school activities (tomorow early afternoon)
* make lesson plans/photocopy materials for 10/2 Hebrew school
* write up DI project plans
* finish preparing Lambda trans101 meeting
* Call/re-email Agape, Impact, Latter-Day Saints, MSA boardmember (2nd one), Orthodox Christian, and Bahai (alumn)
* Forward Wren info. to Hillel
* contact Lambda comedian to get the contract to not suck my soul
* add recently scheduled tests (soc, OR) to my calendar
* Look at prices for kosher products, solicit specific input,, create form, send it those who expressed interest
* Start on next week's homework (AfAm reading, study for AfAm quiz, IR reading, study maps, study for soc. test, read Eliade for religion, OR pset - don't worry, that's the work for ALL of next week)
* Talk to Prof. Sonn - infinite vs. ultimate (Lonergan vs. Otto/landmarks vs. map); How does Eliade know that divinition wasn't present prior to Akkadian religion?; student opinion on anti-sanity Jesusfreaks on campus; return Bahai books; frustration w/ student who kept referring to Jesus as X
* Clarify MSA's security concerns and call security dude on MSA's behalf
* Go to Food Advisory Board meeting

The comment at the bottom has Ted's update on how things are in New Orleans
Bottled Water Cited as Contributing to Cavity Comeback
A Teen Twist on Sex
A new survey says many U.S. teens have engaged in oral sex--and it's not just boys on the receiving end

Have you heard the one about Katrina? Aftermath of storm fuels jokes -- mainly aimed at government>
Cute Matoaka slideshow

everyday stuff, miscellaneous, that's so gay! (& other gendering), news/links

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