The garage says it's the transmission and not part of what they did, so it will cost me $700 to get it working. Far more than this little bugger is worth
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It made more grinding and popping noises and then the drive shaft wouldn't engage the wheels. I'm hoping beyond hope that it was something they did and it will all be covered under the warantee.
With some help and some creative financial juggling, I should be able to get it replaced next week. In the meanwhile, I can drive it to my assignment tomorrow and back, but not the college
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My car is making horrible shuddering when I turn. Straight, it's okay. I turned down an extra assignment this afternoon because I wanted to make sure I can make it to the one I already accepted for tomorrow. I'm even putting off going to the community college to keep from making things worse
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1) Had a wonderful time meeting with the volunteer coordinator of a hospice. These people sound so great to work with. I now have some paperwork to fill out and my volunteer training starts next month
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Yesterday, I explained to my mother that I was going to have to save up money for next month for my daughter's next dental appointment. I told her last week and either yesterday or the day before that I was working on getting my resume out and such
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I am now the relieved owner of a 1989 Mercury Tracer. It runs rather well. Hopefully I can keep it running like that for another fifteen months. That way I can go take all those art classes I need to apply for my Masters in Art Therapy
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Found out the heat was going to my daughter's room and reset all the vent settings. Our furnace and air conditioning units are almost at opposite ends of the apartment. It's also getting warmer outside. And the draft stopping measures around the front door appear to be helping some too
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