Title: Death Prompt Author: malicevampire90 Rating: G Notes/warnings: This was written as a quick prompt driven story...it's not terribly good or long but it gets the point across.
no title author:malicevampire90 ratimg:R disclaimer: don't know, don't own, never happened, no disrespect notes/warnings: now things are getting interesting
no title author: malicevampire90 rating: R disclaimer: don't own, don't know, didn't happen and no disrespect meant. notes/warnings: a bit rambling but were getting up to speed i think
Fandom:ex-ghost/ghost/Tid/MCC/Priest author: malicevampir90 Rating: R overall Disclaimer: don't know, do not own, no disrespect meant, never happened, no money made Notes/warnings: might not be good, but oh well
Fandom: Ghost/ Ex-Ghost/ TID/MCC/Priest Rating: R Disclaimer: Don't know, Don't own, DIdn't happen, no money and no disrespect. Author/Co-author: Malicevampire90/Hypervyper Notes: Short chapter. Warnings: None