
Jul 13, 2006 20:48

Continued from here.

Dinner and Celebrations )

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Comments 37

crazy_lil_fred July 14 2006, 03:23:41 UTC
Fred thought about Hermione's question. "We could do the waterfront carnival. As long as it isn't at night, mind you. A lot of vampires hang around there then," she said before taking a bite of salad. She thought for a moment. "We could go up to Anaheim and visit Disneyland ( ... )


hermionesmagic July 15 2006, 22:18:33 UTC
Hermione was about to mention that she had never been to Disneyland and was actually kind of interested in going when Wesley started telling Fred that Disney hired demons. She looked back and forth from her girlfriend to Rupert's fiance, trying to figure out if he was messing with them or not. She knew places often hired demons and other creatures to do the work that humans never wanted to do - even the Ministry of Magic. In the wizarding world, house elves were the favorites, but they did use others.

Then Wesley admitted that he was messing with Fred, and when Rupert told him not to mess with her, given what Hermione and she were able to do together, she grinned broadly.

"I left my wand in my kitchen, but I'd be glad to get it," she told Fred, acting like she was about to get up from her chair to go find it.

"I was just teasing!" Wesley repeated.

Hermione laughed and sat back down. "Well, since you and Rupert are getting married tomorrow ( ... )


crazy_lil_fred July 15 2006, 23:53:45 UTC
Fred laughed, happy to see Hermione was getting along with Wesley. She would've hated it if the two didn't hit it off. Hermione was the love her life, and Wesley was her best friend. And knowing they liked each other, made her grin. "Just remember who has the magic, and who doesn't," Fred said, winking.

"That's not fair!" Wesley said before he laughed. He turned to Hermione and smiled. "And thank you for not turning me into a toad."

The rest of the meal was spent chatting about the wedding, and other things. When everyone was finished with the main course, Fred helped Rupert clear the table, taking the plates back to the kitchen. Once everything was cleaned out, Fred took out the chocolate pie they'd gotten at the store.

"Oh, I don't think I can eat another bite," Wesley said when he saw the pie.

"Come on, love, you need something more than bones and skin for me to hold on to," Rupert said, with a wink. Wesley shook his head, and once again started to blush.


hermionesmagic July 16 2006, 05:31:14 UTC
"Anytime," Hermione told Wesley with a grin. "You're too cute to turn into a toad, and I don't think Rupert would ever speak to me again if I did anyway ( ... )


crazy_lil_fred July 22 2006, 01:48:59 UTC
Fred just shrugged as she looked down at the pillow, and listened to Hermione's praise. She then listened to her instructions of pushing the power down, as if she were putting it in a box. Chewing on her bottom lip, Fred almost said no but she knew she had to do this for Hermione, or she didn't think she would be able to touch her again. "Okay," she quietly said.

With her eyes closed, she started to push the power down. She felt Hermione's hand on hers, and Fred almost pulled it away. But when she felt herself get control over her power, she smiled a little and started to push it down. It took a lot of concentration, but it seemed to work.

Opening her eyes, she looked at Hermione for a moment. "It worked but it made me tired. Maybe I should try mediation or something?" she suggested as she leaned forward and softly kissed her girlfriend, glad no more glasses were breaking.


hermionesmagic July 22 2006, 05:04:39 UTC
Hermione watched the changes in Fred's face, the smile that turned up her lips when she concentrated on her words, doing as she instructed. They held hands, no energy passing between the two of them.

"You're doing great," she said softly.

When Fred opened her eyes, she could see that she was feeling better about things, especially when she kissed her, the energy passing between them that time the type they made themselves. "Meditation might help, actually," she responded with a nod. "It'll help you center yourself and make control easier."

Reaching up, she brushed Fred's hair back from her face and gave her a loving smile. "I love you so much." She was so lucky to have this wonderful woman in her life.

"Do you want to rest now?" she asked, not wanting to push her into anything she might not want to do after the stress of what had just happened.


crazy_lil_fred July 22 2006, 06:12:13 UTC
Fred blushed at Hermione's words. "I love you too," she said, leaning forward to softly kiss her girlfriend. "Thank you for helping me. That was a little scary." She eyed the broken glass and looked at Hermione again. "I think I want to rest, while I hold you." Standing from the bed, she stripped off her clothes and climbed back into the bed.

She snuggled under the blankets and waited for Hermione to join her. "If you were to go back to England to get those scrolls, how long would you be gone?" she asked, not wanting to be away from her girlfriend for too long. The thought of them being separated for more than a few days, made Fred's chest tighten.

"How would you get back there? Apparate? Ride a broom? Do the floo networks go that far? Or do you fly on planes?" she quickly asked. Fred then blushed and ducked her head a little. "Sorry. I'm just curious is all, and I know you gave me a book, but it's way over there, and I'm too comfortable to get up."


hermionesmagic July 23 2006, 05:39:14 UTC
Hermione nodded at Fred's decision to just be held for the rest of the night, completely understanding. "You never have to thank me for helping you, love," she told her as she got up to take off her own clothes. "You mean more to me than anything else in the world, and I'll do whatever I can for you, no matter what ( ... )


crazy_lil_fred July 26 2006, 03:54:35 UTC
Fred had been awake when Crookshanks had jumped on the bed, and meowed. When she opened her mouth, she started to giggle at the sight of a few strands of cat hair on her girlfriend's mouth. "Morning, sweetie," she said, reaching over to wipe the hair off Hermione's lips. "No offense, but no kissing until you brush your teeth."

Crookshanks let out another meow and Fred moved over to allow Hermione to get out of the bed. Fred then sat up on the bed and stretched her arms out. "I could use a big cup of coffee, and a donut right about now," she commented before standing up.

She went to the window and noticed it was raining. She shook her head and looked over at Hermione. "This kind of weather makes me want to stay in bed all day," she said. Shrugging, she went back to the bed and cuddled under the blankets.


hermionesmagic July 27 2006, 02:13:25 UTC
"Believe me, love - even I don't want to kiss myself," Hermione told her as she slid out of bed and went over to her bag to pull a few things out. "I'd love some pumpkin juice and warm bread with honey butter myself. I should probably check with Magic Castle and see if they know where the closest wizarding food shop is. Otherwise, I may have to make a quick stop with Rupert when we go to Diagon Alley ( ... )


crazy_lil_fred July 27 2006, 03:40:06 UTC
Fred returned Hermione's deep kisses, wishing they could stay in bed all day. Crookshanks, however, reminded them they had over things to do by jumping on the bed. Pulling away from her girlfriend, Fred looked down at the cat, and shook her head. "Yeah, I know, we have to get ready for the wedding," she said, scratching the cat behind the ears.

Crookshanks seemed satisfied with the answer and jumped off to find a sunspot to clean himself in. Fred turned toward Hermione and grinned. "In order to save on time, we should probably shower together. We wouldn't want to be late for the wedding," she said with a grin.

She slid off the bed and picked up her bathroom before peeking out the window. "The rain stopped," she said, smiling at Hermione. She then picked up a towel and went to the bathroom, wondering if her girlfriend was going to follow.


hermionesmagic July 28 2006, 02:07:50 UTC
Rolling her eyes, Hermione propped herself up on the bed as Fred scratched Crookshanks behind the ears. "I don't think he cares about the wedding - he's just jealous," she said with a smirk. She watched him as hurried off across the room then turned her attention to her girlfriend, her eyebrows arching when she mentioned them showering together ( ... )


crazy_lil_fred July 29 2006, 06:53:02 UTC
Fred stepped out of the shower and dried herself off as she watched her girlfriend look through her bag. "You should unpack one of these days, unless you're planning on leaving," she said with a small wink. She watched as Hermione pulled out a maroon dress. "I like that. You should wear it." She then dropped her towel and went over to the closet to find something for herself ( ... )


hermionesmagic July 30 2006, 02:50:39 UTC
Laughing, Hermione looked down at her bags and shook her head. "Definitely not planning on leaving any time soon. It's just that we've...well, with everything that's been happening between us, I've sort of...forgot. I will unpack later, though."

When Fred said she should wear the maroon dress, Hermione smiled and slipped it on over her head, pulling it down and smoothing it out. She then looked over at her girlfriend, frowning when she saw her expression as she looked at the clothes in her closet. She hated seeing that look on her face.

Reaching down into her bag, she rooted around for a few moments before pulling out a blue dress, which she took over to Fred along with her wand. "Here, love, hold this up to yourself," she said before stepping back. She then held up her wand and touched it to the dress. "Abeo amplitudo."

The dress suddenly changed a bit, shimmering as it did, until it was a bit slimmer in the bodice and slightly longer in the skirt. Hermione smiled when it was done.

"Try that."


crazy_lil_fred July 30 2006, 04:23:07 UTC
Fred didn't want Hermione to feel sorry for her and almost told her she could find something to wear when she saw Hermione take a dress out of her bag. She watched as her girlfriend brought the dress over to him and had her hold it against her body. Watching with interested, she watched as the dress changed sizes. And when it was finished, all she could do was nod.

"Okay," she said. She slipped the dress over her head, and it fit perfectly. Turning around, she gave Hermione a watery grin. "Thank you." Fred didn't want to cry but she could feel the tears stinging her eyes. "I-I've never really had any girls who were friends so I'm a little new to all this girly stuff - like sharing clothes."

She shrugged a little and pulled her girlfriend against her and held her tighter. "Thank you," she said again. When she pulled back, Fred gave her a small smile. "I should probably allow you to get dressed, huh?"


hermionesmagic July 30 2006, 21:49:55 UTC
Hermione smiled as Fred pulled her into her arms, wrapping her arms around her and resting her head against her. "I've never really had a girl as a friend either. At least not like this," she told her. "I mean, I was friends with Ginny, but my best friends were Harry and Ron, and I spent most of my time with them. This is a lot different. And really nice ( ... )


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