
Jul 13, 2006 20:48

Continued from here.

Dinner and Celebrations )

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crazy_lil_fred July 22 2006, 01:48:59 UTC
Fred just shrugged as she looked down at the pillow, and listened to Hermione's praise. She then listened to her instructions of pushing the power down, as if she were putting it in a box. Chewing on her bottom lip, Fred almost said no but she knew she had to do this for Hermione, or she didn't think she would be able to touch her again. "Okay," she quietly said.

With her eyes closed, she started to push the power down. She felt Hermione's hand on hers, and Fred almost pulled it away. But when she felt herself get control over her power, she smiled a little and started to push it down. It took a lot of concentration, but it seemed to work.

Opening her eyes, she looked at Hermione for a moment. "It worked but it made me tired. Maybe I should try mediation or something?" she suggested as she leaned forward and softly kissed her girlfriend, glad no more glasses were breaking.


hermionesmagic July 22 2006, 05:04:39 UTC
Hermione watched the changes in Fred's face, the smile that turned up her lips when she concentrated on her words, doing as she instructed. They held hands, no energy passing between the two of them.

"You're doing great," she said softly.

When Fred opened her eyes, she could see that she was feeling better about things, especially when she kissed her, the energy passing between them that time the type they made themselves. "Meditation might help, actually," she responded with a nod. "It'll help you center yourself and make control easier."

Reaching up, she brushed Fred's hair back from her face and gave her a loving smile. "I love you so much." She was so lucky to have this wonderful woman in her life.

"Do you want to rest now?" she asked, not wanting to push her into anything she might not want to do after the stress of what had just happened.


crazy_lil_fred July 22 2006, 06:12:13 UTC
Fred blushed at Hermione's words. "I love you too," she said, leaning forward to softly kiss her girlfriend. "Thank you for helping me. That was a little scary." She eyed the broken glass and looked at Hermione again. "I think I want to rest, while I hold you." Standing from the bed, she stripped off her clothes and climbed back into the bed.

She snuggled under the blankets and waited for Hermione to join her. "If you were to go back to England to get those scrolls, how long would you be gone?" she asked, not wanting to be away from her girlfriend for too long. The thought of them being separated for more than a few days, made Fred's chest tighten.

"How would you get back there? Apparate? Ride a broom? Do the floo networks go that far? Or do you fly on planes?" she quickly asked. Fred then blushed and ducked her head a little. "Sorry. I'm just curious is all, and I know you gave me a book, but it's way over there, and I'm too comfortable to get up."


hermionesmagic July 23 2006, 05:39:14 UTC
Hermione nodded at Fred's decision to just be held for the rest of the night, completely understanding. "You never have to thank me for helping you, love," she told her as she got up to take off her own clothes. "You mean more to me than anything else in the world, and I'll do whatever I can for you, no matter what ( ... )


crazy_lil_fred July 23 2006, 07:16:52 UTC
A couple of hours seemed like an awfully long time to Fred. A lot of things could happen in a couple of hours, and part of her didn't want Hermione to go at all. Even though she knew Hermione loved her, Fred was still feeling some guilt over breaking the glass. What if Hermione was scared of her now, and didn't come back?

"I-I can wait. Rupert and you should go together," Fred told her. Her eyes fluttered shut as Hermione combed her fingers through her hair. "Have I ever told you how much I love it when you do this?" She snuggled closer, and softly moaned each time her lover's fingers moved through her locks.

Even though Fred said she wanted to rest, she couldn't stop her hands from sliding over Hermione's softly skin. Fred nuzzled her girlfriend's neck, loving the way she smelled before softly kissing it. She then moved her mouth up to Hermione's ear. "Can I keep you forever?" she whispered.


hermionesmagic July 23 2006, 19:52:24 UTC
When Fred said that she should wait until Rupert could go with her, Hermione nodded in agreement. They would be all right until then, she was sure. It would just take a bit of concentration on their parts and both of them helping each other. But that was what being in a relationship together meant.

She smiled when Fred told her that she liked it when she ran her hands through her hair. "I like to do it," she told her softly. "It just--it feels nice. Your hair's so soft, not course like mine."

A slight shudder ran through her as Fred's gentle fingers began to glide over her bare skin, causing her to close her eyes. She knew they had to be careful, or they'd continue what they had started earlier, but she enjoyed the feel of her, the way she kissed her.

"Forever sounds good me," she responded in answer to Fred's question, using her nose to nudge Fred's face up so she could kiss her. "I plan for us to be with each other always."


crazy_lil_fred July 23 2006, 22:05:20 UTC
A grin spread over Fred's face when Hermione said she wanted to be with her for always. She couldn't believe they'd only been together for a few days now, but it felt like an eternity, and that made Fred happy. Leaning into the kiss, she slowly deepened it, and held it until she needed to pull back for air.

"I'm so happy you're in my life," she whispered as she pushed a strand of hair off Hermione's cheek. "So very glad."

Fred could feel the energy inside of her start to boiling up again. She closed her eyes, and pushed it down like Hermione had taught her. When she opened her eyes again, she gave her girlfriend a grin as her continued to lazily stroke her skin. Fred then rolled onto her side and ran her hand down Hermione's stomach.

Nudging her legs apart, Fred ran a finger through Hermione's wet folds because grabbing her girlfriend's free hand and placing it on her stomach. "We can do it together," she murmured before kissing her.


hermionesmagic July 24 2006, 01:50:03 UTC
Smiling, Hermione looked up into Fred's eyes when their kiss broke, thinking how beautiful she was. "I'm glad you're in mine too. I never thought that I'd ever meet someone like you," she told her ( ... )


crazy_lil_fred July 24 2006, 04:17:42 UTC
Fred loudly groaned when she felt Hermione's fingers on her clit. She began to wonder if it was possible for them to have sex without their connection growing strong. Fred decided to try and push it down so Hermione wouldn't feel it like she normally did. If she could do it, then she knew she would be able to control it in other situations.

"I love you," she said as she pressed against Hermione's hand. Her own hand started to rub against Hermione even faster, and she could feel the familiar tingling in her body. With her eyes closed, she concentrated on what she was doing, while pushing the power down into her body.

Soon she felt herself start to tighten up and the energy started rise up again, and she pushed it down again. With a groan, she tightly closed her eyes as her orgasm started through her body, and to her amazement, she was able to hold the energy down.


hermionesmagic July 25 2006, 02:12:59 UTC
As Fred's fingers played with her, rubbing and pressing, Hermione moaned, her eyes closing as her breathing became shallow. She could feel what felt like a slight rise and fall in the energy that was normally there between her, much less than normal. Fred was trying to control it, she knew.

"I love you too," she told her, her voice strained from the sensations that were running through her even without Fred's power and energy.

Fred's legs started to tremble around her, and she could tell that her girlfriend was getting close, she rubbed a bit harder. There was only a bit of a rise in what she could feel from Fred, and when she orgasmed, pressing against her hand, she could see the blissful look of happiness on her love's face.

Then Fred's hand pressed against her just right, and Hermione came herself with a soft scream. Her head rolled back as she spasmed, panting heavily for several moments. When she finally settled down, she opened her eyes and looked at Fred with a smile.

"You...you were brilliant, love," she told her.


crazy_lil_fred July 25 2006, 03:51:41 UTC
As Hermione came, Fred pressed her fingers against her clit, wanting the experience to last for her girlfriend. When the spasms died down, Fred lift her hand and slowly licked her fingers off and gave Hermione a cheeky smile. "As are you," she softly said before kissing Hermione's lips.

She pulled back and snuggled down on the pillow, and just looked at the other woman. Her face was flushed, which made her even more beautiful in Fred's eyes. "I love you so much, and I liked what we did. It was nice to have it 'natural' for once without the power," she said, running her fingers over Hermione's face.

Fred then stifled a yawn. "It's getting late and we have a wedding to attend tomorrow. We should probably get some sleep," she said, snuggling closer to her girlfriend.


hermionesmagic July 26 2006, 02:21:23 UTC
Fred was right - it was nice to have moment of sexual release with the woman she loved without "help" from anything other than their own bodies. Just knowing it was Fred made her happy beyond reason. "What we did was wonderful," she told her softly before smiling when Fred yawned.

Wrapping her arms around her, she cuddled with her as her eyes became heavier. "I love you," she murmured before falling asleep.

After a night of peaceful dreams, she was woken up when Crookshanks jumped on the bed, walking on her chest up to nuzzle her face and meow. Opening her eyes to look into the big eyes of her cat, she groaned and found herself with a moutful of fluffy cat hair, which caused her to cough.

"All right, Crookshanks," she muttered when she managed to spit the hair out, knowing what he wanted. "Just a minute."

As he jumped off the bed, she turned over to look at Fred, smiling as she reached over to touch her face. "Good morning."


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