
Jul 13, 2006 20:48

Continued from here.

Dinner and Celebrations )

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hermionesmagic July 15 2006, 22:18:33 UTC
Hermione was about to mention that she had never been to Disneyland and was actually kind of interested in going when Wesley started telling Fred that Disney hired demons. She looked back and forth from her girlfriend to Rupert's fiance, trying to figure out if he was messing with them or not. She knew places often hired demons and other creatures to do the work that humans never wanted to do - even the Ministry of Magic. In the wizarding world, house elves were the favorites, but they did use others.

Then Wesley admitted that he was messing with Fred, and when Rupert told him not to mess with her, given what Hermione and she were able to do together, she grinned broadly.

"I left my wand in my kitchen, but I'd be glad to get it," she told Fred, acting like she was about to get up from her chair to go find it.

"I was just teasing!" Wesley repeated.

Hermione laughed and sat back down. "Well, since you and Rupert are getting married tomorrow..."

"Thank you," Rupert said dryly. "I do appreciate the fact that my fiance is going to show up to our wedding in one piece."


crazy_lil_fred July 15 2006, 23:53:45 UTC
Fred laughed, happy to see Hermione was getting along with Wesley. She would've hated it if the two didn't hit it off. Hermione was the love her life, and Wesley was her best friend. And knowing they liked each other, made her grin. "Just remember who has the magic, and who doesn't," Fred said, winking.

"That's not fair!" Wesley said before he laughed. He turned to Hermione and smiled. "And thank you for not turning me into a toad."

The rest of the meal was spent chatting about the wedding, and other things. When everyone was finished with the main course, Fred helped Rupert clear the table, taking the plates back to the kitchen. Once everything was cleaned out, Fred took out the chocolate pie they'd gotten at the store.

"Oh, I don't think I can eat another bite," Wesley said when he saw the pie.

"Come on, love, you need something more than bones and skin for me to hold on to," Rupert said, with a wink. Wesley shook his head, and once again started to blush.


hermionesmagic July 16 2006, 05:31:14 UTC
"Anytime," Hermione told Wesley with a grin. "You're too cute to turn into a toad, and I don't think Rupert would ever speak to me again if I did anyway."

"Perhaps. Depends on how cute a toad," Rupert said with a wink.

After dinner, while Fred and Rupert cleared the table, Hermione looked over at Wesley. "I'm glad they've hit it off. Rupert's the closest friend I've had since the battle with Voldemort."

"Fred's easy to like, and Rupert's not anywhere near as fearsome as people seem to think," he said. "And we love both of them, so of course they're going to get along."

Hermione nodded in agreement to that. It was quite true - they loved both of them. Looking up when Fred brought the pie in, followed by Rupert carrying the dessert plates, she smiled and reached out to squeeze Fred's arm gently while Wesley blushed over Rupert's comment.

"I think the pie looks really good," Hermione told Fred. "It's been a long time since I've had chocolate pie."

They all ended up having a piece each, Wesley finishing his first despite his insistance that he couldn't possibly eat anymore. Once they had finished and cleaned up the table and the kitchen, they noticed that it was very late, so Hermione and Fred said their goodbyes, hugging the boys and telling them they'd see the next day.

Once they were outside in the hall, Hermione wrapped her arms around Fred and gave her a kiss. "Think we should apparate back to the hotel instead of messing around with trying to find a taxi?"


crazy_lil_fred July 16 2006, 07:41:39 UTC
Even though Fred adored Wesley to pieces, she was glad when it was finally time to go. She wanted to spend some time with Hermione, in their room, at the hotel. After hugging Wesley, she stepped into the hallway and grinned into Hermione's kiss. "Apparation sounds good," she said. She took Hermione's hand, and with a pop, they were back in their own room.

Crookshanks jumped off one of the beds and came over to them. "No more chicken, sweetie," Fred told the cat. "Wesley is a little pig and ate all of it." The cat sniffed and crawled under the bed on the other side of the room. Fred shrugged and looked at her girlfriend.

"Come here," she said, pulling Hermione toward her. She deeply kissed her, her hands running over her back. "I missed doing this to you tonight." She smiled a little and started to softly kiss Hermione's neck as her hands traveled under her shirt and to her breasts.


hermionesmagic July 17 2006, 03:27:04 UTC
With her arms around her girlfriend, Hermione apparated them back to the hotel, smiling when they appeared back in their room. It still seemed amazing that she could apparate so far and so easily now when she was with Fred.

When Crookshanks started to pout because they hadn't brought any chicken back with them, Hermione laughed and shook her head. He'd get over it, she knew. He was just playing up to the new person, hoping to get a lot of attention.

Instead, she was focusing her attention on Hermione herself, tugging her to her and capturing her lips with hers. Hermione closed her eyes, wrapping her arms around her in an embrace, smiling softly when Fred mentioned that she missed doing this to her. It was hard to keep their hands off each other, this was all so new and wonderful to both of them. Moaning softly, she tilted her head as Fred's hand moved under her shirt. She was making her want her so badly, want to do everything with her.

Backing up to the bed, she fell back, pulling Fred with her. With a grin, she pulled Fred's shirt off, running her hand over her skin. "You're so beautiful," she whispered to her.


crazy_lil_fred July 17 2006, 04:42:37 UTC
Fred giggled when Hermione pulled her down into bed with her. "You're beautiful, Hermione," she whispered before deeply kissing her. She tugged her girlfriend's shirt off and attacked her neck. "Feels like I haven't touched you in years." She sucked and nibbled on Hermione's neck as one of her hands moved up and cupped Hermione's breast.

She didn't know what was going on with her, but she suddenly needed to be with Hermione. "Need you," she murmured against her lover's skin. She reached around and tugged on the back of Hermione's bra. She suddenly felt a surge of energy go through her and the glass sitting on the bedside table exploded into several pieces.

Fred quickly say up and looked at Hermione with wide eyes. "Uh, did I do that?" she asked as she gave Hermione a frightened look. "I didn't hurt you did I?"


hermionesmagic July 18 2006, 02:11:37 UTC
Hermione raised her arms to let Fred get her pullover off from over her head, then giggled when she started nuzzling and kissing her neck with vigor. It made her squirm a little bit, the way her lips tickled, but the giggles quickly turned to moans when Fred's hand moved over her nipples.

Something strange was going on. She could feel it in the way Fred was touching her and kissing her, almost as though they might never be able to do so again. She was about to ask her if she was all right, when suddenly, she felt a bolt of energy run through her, causing her to gasp in surprise as the glass on the table and pleasure rolled through her like a wave.

Her eyes opened as wide as Fred's as they stopped and looked at each other in amazement. "I think you did," she told her softly while shaking her head, "but no, you didn't hurt me. In fact, that was rather...it felt like when you've come before, only...I was definitely feeling it, and it was much, much stronger."

She took Fred's hand. "I think your power is growing again. I think Rupert's right - we're causing it to become stronger the longer we're together."


crazy_lil_fred July 18 2006, 03:26:35 UTC
Fred gave Hermione a worried look. If her powers were growing again, and she could break glasses just by touching her girlfriend, she was afraid she might hurt someone. Removing her hand from Hermione's, she sat back on the bed. "I don't know if I like this very much," she quietly admitted. At first it was fine but now it seemed like it was getting out of control.

"I'm afraid I won't be able to control it and I'll hurt someone," Fred said, looking at the other woman. Folding her hands on her lap, Fred took a deep breath. She didn't know what to do now. Was there even a way to control this? Of course all the information had to be stuck in some bank in England. Sinking down in the bed, Fred started to nervously chew on her bottom lip.

"How do I control this, Hermione?" she whispered. "Is there even a way to do it?"


hermionesmagic July 19 2006, 01:29:12 UTC
Hermione felt her throat tighten when Fred pulled back from her, suddenly worried that all of this was starting to become too much for her girlfriend. She didn't want to lose Fred now that she had found her. She couldn't let her think that she was a danger to anyone, especially her.

"Fred, it's all right," she told her softly. "We just let outselves get carried away. We can control this together - I know we can."

Pausing for a moment, she thought back to how she had figured out how to control her own magic when she was younger and wondered if it would help Fred.

"Sweetie, I want you to look at me," she told her. "We're going to take this one step at a time, okay? Try what I did when I was learning to control my magic. I want you to take a deep breath and concentrate on your power. When you feel it, try to direct it toward something. I would direct it through my wand, but since you don't have that, try..."

She reached back and picked up the pillow and laid it on the bed in front of them. "Try directing it into that." She gave her an encouraging smile. "I know you can do it, love."


crazy_lil_fred July 19 2006, 03:17:34 UTC
Fred stared at Hermione for a moment, and took the pillow from her. She had to focus her energy, which continued to pop inside of her, into the pillow. It sounded a lot easier than Fred suspected it would actually be. And the more her power grew, the more emotional she became, and that seemed to make it grow even more.

"Just focus, right," she muttered. Fred looked down at the pillow and tried to power her energy into. The table beside them shook a little and Fred stopped. It was too much for her to do. Looking up at Hermione, she saw her girlfriend looking at her, and Fred knew she had to try for her.

Closing her eyes, she pushed her thoughts to the pillow. She focused again and felt the pillow start to heat up. She looked down at it and saw a glow around it. "I did it," she said as tears came to her eyes. Fred was still a little scared to touch Hermione though, thinking if she couldn't control it, she might hurt her girlfriend.


hermionesmagic July 21 2006, 22:51:20 UTC
Hermione watched as Fred concentrated, muttering to herself. For a moment, it looked like she was going to give up, but then she closed her eyes and tried again. The pillow in her hands started to glow, as though it were being light from within by a light. She could also feel heat radiating from it.

"I know you could do it," Hermione told her, her heart aching at the tears in the eyes of the woman she loved. She could still see that Fred was afraid to touch her, though, so she decided to try another step, sure she could do this too. "I want you to try the opposite now. Concentrate on the power you're feeling and push it down, like you're putting it in a box. Push it down, and tell it to stay. If you aren't afraid of it, you can control it."

As Fred did as she asked, she then reached over to take to her hand.


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