Lessons learned: Bring a book for the good spot stakeouts. Don't wear jeans tomorrow. Umbrellas are useful for blocking sun as well as rain
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The "Precious" video is out. Man, Depeche Mode are so middle-aged it's not even funny. Wait, no, yes it is. But they've aged well. I mean, look at what they used to beThe best part is the close-up on Martin Gore's hands at the keyboard, showing off his black nail polish. I can almost hear the conversation behind that
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While everything about the car is, thus far, lovely and wonderful, the best part is the fact that I have an external jack for my FauxPod and can listen to it over the car's stereo system.
So I've tweaked the layout a bit -- enlarged and dulled down the stripes (a piece by Bridget Riley, by the way -- I'll look up the proper name momentarily -- but that's why it was wonky-looking and crosseye-inducing; Riley is known as an op artist), added a touch more yellow in the entry title bar, and darkened the entry background a touch. I like
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Depeche Mode's new album comes out October 18. But argh! where are the US tour dates?!
They just released the cover art for Playing the Angel, which I find somewhat boring, but definitely heralds back to the art on some of their older stuff, like the "Personal Jesus" single, for example, or "I Feel You". And if the name is anything to go by, I
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