Title: WEEKEND AT A B&B (2/3)
Author: foreverfaith101
Rating: R - NC-17
Characters: Luke Snyder & Dr. Reid Oliver + many more to come
Summary: Reid decides he wants to take Luke on a romance get away at a B&B for their first time together
Previous Chapters:
1 /
2 /
It was Friday night and the group thought it would be fun to go outside in the nice cool, brisk, warm night air and make a fire and sit and talk. Reid and Luke agreed and they all sat out there talking forever. It was midnight before anyone went to bed.
Once everyone left and went to sleep the owner was left to put things away. Luke and Reid thought it would be nice to help out, but she told them she was fine and for the two of them to go off to bed. Reid and Luke made their way up to their room.
Both Reid and Luke sat on the bed in awkward silence. Both wanted to sleep together but both also wanted the other to be happy. They didn’t want their time together to be just about sex but about love. Luke held on to Reid’s hand and Luke put his head on Reid's shoulder. Reid kissed Luke's head and Luke gazed up into Reid's eyes.
Reid leaned in to kiss Luke, and it became passionate. Luke started to move backwards pulling Reid up towards the top of the bed. Reid never broke the kiss, he moved with Luke. Luke laid down on the bed. Reid reached out and gently held Luke’s face. He moved his hands down Luke’s chest and started unbuttoning his shirt. Reid held onto Luke, wrapping his arms around him, feeling him.
Luke was getting hot and moved Reid’s hand down to his cock. Reid didn’t flinch even took the initiative, starting to unzip Luke's jeans. Luke moved his hands up to Reid's chest and push up Reid’s t-shirt, tossing it to the side.
They looked at each other without speaking. They knew what they wanted and both knew they were ready to take the next step.
They were lying in bed together under the covers, holding onto each other with nothing between them. Reid kissed Luke again as Luke pulled Reid on top of him. They made passionate love.