(no subject)

Jul 30, 2010 01:13

Title: WEEKEND AT A B&B (1/3)
Author: foreverfaith101
Rating: R - NC-17
Characters: Luke Snyder & Dr. Reid Oliver + many more to come
Summary: Reid decides he wants to take Luke on a romance get away at a B&B for their first time together
Previous Chapters: 1 / 2 / 3

Reid took a vacation for the first time in God knows how long. Luke was nervous and excited all at the same time; he set up plans so if someone needed something to call Lily or Lucinda. Reid was at the hospital finishing up paper work when Chris and Casey walked in. They asked Reid if he was planning anything this weekend. It was Thursday night. Reid looked at them and was kinda lost for words for the first time; Reid was blissfully thinking about this weekend and was extra nice to everyone at the hospital. Casey and Chris were like “Reid is up with you?” Reid finally got the words to come out while smiling “I am going away with Luke for the first time….” Chris and Casey all wide-eyed “OH!” Bother were happy that Luke and Reid was going away together. Casey said “It’s about damn time” Chris hit Casey over the head and Casey looked at him; Casey asked “What was that for?” Reid smiled and stood up “It’s fine…I am a little nervous about it but excited at the same time” Reid turned around put the files away and took off his scrubs and put them away in his locker. Chris told Casey to go away. Chris broke the silences and asked Reid a question “Reid? Why do I get the feeling that there is something more than just nervousness coming from you about this weekend?” Reid stopped what he was doing and froze up. Reid slowly turned and looked down at Chris trying to hide his shyness. Reid took a deep breath and told Chris what was on his mind. “I’m scared Chris….” Chris was confused Reid is never scared of anything “I never gone AWAY with anyone before” Chris was still confused and started to smile a little, Reid saw it and gave him an ‘your and ass’ kind of smile, Chris told him “Reid it fine! Everyone gets nervous their first time together” Reid told him they have done nothing but heavy making out and as much as Reid wants to be ALONE with Luke he also doesn’t want to mess it up like he messed everything else up. Chris started to talk Reid down before he starts to go crazy about who he wants this weekend to go perfect or how he want to make Luke happy, if he should get Luke flowers, which put the weirdest look on Reid’s own face, Chris shook his head at Reid and Reid asked him “What then What do I do Chris…” Chris calmed him down again. Chris told Reid to “Be yourself. Luke loves you not matter what right?” Reid shook his head, “Then that is all that matters.” Reid looked at the clock and told Chris thanks and left.

Reid and Luke are on their way to the B&B Friday morning. Reid set it all up and surprised Luke so he didn’t have a clue where it was. ((Carrie Underwood - Cowboy Casanova)) was playing on the radio, Reid pulled up onto a beautiful B&B which made Luke get all smiles and happy, he asked Reid how you find this place, Reid shrugged and told him he looked around for the best place. Reid and Luke both blushed as Reid parked the SUV. Both got out and grabbed their bags and headed for the front door.

The lady at the desk is the owner and she checked them in, she told them about the different things they could do on the grounds, she explained that this B&B is self service other then Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner they are on their own. She told them where their room was and they headed off.

Reid led the way and opened the door. He walks in first and told Luke “This was cozy” Luke agreed. It was a good size room with a bathroom close to the door and then was a dresser across the room with a rocking chair, and a normal chair a closet and three nice good size windows with a TV on their right on top of another dresser. The bed was big with an old fashion look to it with four bed post at each corner and top to it. The sheets where kinda flowery but they didn’t mind much but Reid made a ruffle jock about how it kinda looks girly. Reid put his stuff down in front of one of the dressers and Luke did the same with the other dresser. Reid was looking out of one window. Luke watch Reid looking kinda off to him, he never seen Reid look shy before.

Luke walks up to Reid and Luke slipped his arms around Reid’s waist and Reid hold onto them, he laid his head back a little and Luke put his chin on Reid shoulder, Luke whispered to Reid that “We don’t have to sleep together if you aren't ready.” Reid wanted to sleep with Luke baddly but at the same time, also wanted Luke to want it just as much, Luke wanted it too but nervous about the fact he only has been with one person and is way less experienced then Reid was. Reid turned around and faced Luke, Luke had his hands on Reid’s waist and Reid put his arms on Luke’s shoulders holding his head playing with Luke's hair. Reid told Luke “I want to be with you Luke; I just want you to be happy....” Luke kissed Reid and told him “I am happy...” with a smile. They started to heavily making out and Reid started to push Luke to the bed but half way there the owner yelled “Lunch is ready!!” They stopped kissing and both were hungery because they skipped breakfast. Reid told Luke “MMMM FOOD” Luke smiled at Reid. Luke took Reid’s hand and they walked down to the dining room, they were met by the owner again and 3 other couples.

Reid and Luke sat down and the owner told everyone “it is tradition to pray before eating.” So they folded their hands and did a silent prayer. Then the owner blessed the guesses and blessed the food and they all said “Amen” and then they ate. They all talked to each other they got to know each other, one couple told them about the lake a little ways down the path, the other one told them about the nice hick up a hill that lets you see for miles. The third one told them about town and what it was like. The owner blushed.

It was one in the afternoon and Reid and Luke decided to walk around outside for a while, they wanted to get the nice country air!

It was dinner time by the time they came back to the B&B. This has so far been the best day ever for Luke and Reid no fighting, no family drama, no hospital drama! What else could go right.....

rating: g, luke/reid, !author|artist: foreverfaith101, fan fiction

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