Fic: Rescue Me (12/?)

Dec 23, 2010 18:48

Title: Rescue Me (sequel to Save Me)
Author: slayerkitty
Genre: Angst, AU
Warnings: None (for now :D)
Rating: NC-17
Spoilers: For Save Me, the first story in the series, which you need to read to understand this one.
Characters: Luke/Reid, Past Luke/Noah, Other Misc Characters
Disclaimer: As the World Turns and it's characters are not mine, no matter how much I enjoy playing with them. :)
Summary: Come and rescue me, only you can set me free

Previous Chapters: P/ 1/ 2/ 3/ 4/ 5/ 6/ 7/ 8/ 9/ 10/ 11

Author's Note: Many thanks to stl29tide for being an awesome beta. You rock! Also many thanks to alissablue for once again helping me out with totally EPIC research. :D Nearly two months have passed since the end of Save Me (Save Me ended at the end of January - it's the middle of March now). Luke and Reid are still living together, but still adjusting to their relationship. Luke's life seems to have settled down, until he and and Lily do a TV interview that sets of a chain reaction of events no one could have predicted.

Reid was walked across the parking lot of Memorial to his car, headed to Luke’s parents’ to pick up Luke, when he stopped mid-stride.

Damian Grimaldi was leaning against his car.

Reid sighed, and resumed walking, approached him.

“Dr. Oliver.” Damian said. “I’m -“

“I know who you are.” Reid replied, stepping around him, and unlocking his car door. He tossed his briefcase inside the front seat. “What do you want?”

“Do you have a minute?”

“I’m actually trying to get home to your son.”

“Please.” Damian looked at him. Reid wondered how hard it was for him not to flinch at Reid’s implication of his and Luke’s relationship. “I won’t take much of your time, I promise.”

Reid put his arm across the top of the open driver’s side door, his keys dangling from his fingertips, clearly waiting for Damian to continue speaking.

“Thank you.” Damian reached into his pocket and pulled out a cell phone, holding it out to Reid.

“Luke’s phone.” Reid said, taking it from him. “What are you doing it with it?” He asked.

“The nurse gave it to me in the ER.”

“Because you’re the one who brought him in.”

“I was.” Reid stuck the phone in his pocket. “I didn’t get a chance to give it back to him before Holden and Lily came in.”

“And it has nothing to do with trying to make nice to your son’s boyfriend in hopes I’d put in a good word for you.” Reid looked him in the eye.

“I must admit, I will do anything to repair the relationship with my son.”

“You’re really not helping your case here.”

“What does that mean?”

“It means that when I go home and tell Luke about the lame attempt you made to soften me up, he’s going to realize what you’re doing and still want nothing to do with you.” Reid smirked. “Now if you’ll excuse me, I have somewhere to be.”

Damian held his hand out to shake, and Reid just arched an eyebrow in his direction. A small smile graced the blond’s lips and then he backed away.

“Thank you for your time.”


Holden let Reid into the house, and Reid sighed as he caught sight of Luke, with all of his friends in the living room.

“How’s the patient?” Reid asked, as he walked in. Luke was lying on the couch, his head on a pillow in Jade’s lap. His feet stopped short of Maddie, who was sitting on the end nearest the door. Noah was in the armchair near the door, and Casey was in the one across from him.

“Is there such a thing as couch arrest?” Luke replied, not opening his eyes. Reid let a ghost of a smile cross his lips.

“If there is, count me in.” Casey joked, everyone laughing.

“You should be resting, not entertaining.”

“Don’t worry.” Luke cracked an eye open, looking at him. “None of them will let me move.” That got a chuckle out of Reid.

“Well, that’s something.” Reid allowed as Maddie got up and perched on the arm of Noah’s chair, gesturing for him to sit.

Holden interrupted then, asking where Lily had gone, before letting Luke know he was leaving.

“I have something for you.” Reid told Luke, pulling out his phone and handing it to Luke before picking up Luke’s feet and putting them in his lap.

“My phone!” Luke exclaimed, taking it. “Where did you find it?” Reid sighed, not wanting to bring up his father, but not seeing any way around it.

“Damian gave it to me.”

“What?” Luke sat up, shocked. He put a hand to his head, and then groaned again.

“Lie back down.” Reid insisted. Luke did as he asked. “He was waiting for me when I came out of the hospital.”

“Like he was following you or something?”

“He knew which car was mine.”

“Great.” Luke put his hand on his forehead. “Where did he find my phone?”

“The nurse in the ER gave it to him.” Reid answered. “He was the one who brought you in.”

“Are you serious?” None of Luke’s friends were saying anything, but Reid could see the worry on their faces.

“Maybe Damian isn’t as bad as you think he is.” Noah spoke up, earning a look from everyone in the room.

“He did know about us. He didn’t even flinch when I implied we were living together.”

“God, I wonder how long he had to work on that reaction.”

“You don’t think this was him trying to reach out and let you know he’s accepted you?” Noah asked. Luke sat up again, slower this time.

“He tried to convince my mother that the best place for me was some camp where they practice mind control.” Luke stared at Noah. “And what’s worse, he tried to convince her I actually wanted to go there.” He sighed. “If Damian wants something, he’ll fake whatever he has to, to get it.”

Noah slowly nodded. Reid was filled with dread. Luke had indicated his father was bad news, alluded to things that Damian had done, but he’d never elaborated…until now. He could see why Luke didn’t want Damian around. Reid didn’t want him around either.

“And to think, I thought I’d got the last laugh by using my inheritance from him for gay rights.” Luke leaned closer to Reid, lowering his feet to the floor, his head moving until it rested on Reid’s shoulders.

Reid felt awkward, out of place acting like this in front of Luke’s friends and his ex, but Luke seemed okay with it, and Noah didn’t seem inclined to do any punching, so Reid relaxed and put his arm around Luke.

“He didn’t object to that. Don’t you think that’s a sign?” Noah seemed determined to push this, and Reid wondered why. He also wondered why Luke didn’t just tell the brunette to shut the hell up. Reid was tempted to.

“It’s not a sign, it’s a ploy.” Luke replied, going on about giving his inheritance back to Damian, only to have Damian send it back to him. “I didn’t want him in my life then, and I don’t want it now.”

“Well, we’ll just make sure he stays away from you.” Reid promised. Luke smiled up at him.


“Is it possible you’re being too hard on Damian?” Noah pressed the issue. Luke sighed again. He’d had enough of Noah’s questions. He was right about Damian. Whatever his father wanted, it couldn’t be anything good.

“How would you like if I tried to tell you how to feel about your father?”

The room was suddenly filled with uncomfortable shifting, and the sounds of throats clearing. Luke knew he’d hit a mark by the expression on Noah’s face.

“Woah. That’s different.”

“Why? Because he’s dead?”

“No.” Noah replied, sounding upset. “Because he’s a murderer. He tried to kill you, Luke.”

“Jesus.” Reid muttered, but Luke ignored him.

“Yeah, and why is he dead?”

“Come on, don’t.” Noah looked really upset now, shaking his head. Maddie put a comforting hand on his arm.

“You know, I think Jade and I are going to -“ Casey said, getting up. Jade stood too.

“Yeah, let’s go.” They grabbed their coats, heading for the door, leaving Reid and Luke alone with Maddie and Noah.

“Why’s he dead, Noah?” Luke couldn’t let it go. He had to make Noah understand. “Because he didn’t want me getting into your pants, because I’m a disgusting little pervert.”

At that, Reid snorted.

“That’s not the phrase I’d use.” He said, and Luke fought back the smile threatening to cross his lips.

“Stop it.” Noah insisted.

“You know what? I think that the Colonel and Damian would have been really good drinking buddies.”

“Okay!” Noah exclaimed. “You made your point.”

“Thank you.”

“Listen, Noah, why don’t we…” Maddie gestured to the door.

“Yeah.” Noah finally said, staring at Luke for a moment. They got their coats, and let themselves out, leaving Reid and Luke on the couch. Luke let Reid hold him tightly.

“I just wish I knew why he was back.”

Clip for this chapter:

luke/reid, !author|artist: slayerkitty, atwt, rating: nc-17, fan fiction

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