Fic: Rescue Me (7/?)

Dec 18, 2010 19:45

Title: Rescue Me (sequel to Save Me)
Author: slayerkitty
Genre: Angst, AU
Warnings: None (for now :D)
Rating: NC-17
Spoilers: For Save Me, the first story in the series, which you need to read to understand this one.
Characters: Luke/Reid, Past Luke/Noah, Other Misc Characters
Disclaimer: As the World Turns and it's characters are not mine, no matter how much I enjoy playing with them. :)
Summary: Come and rescue me, only you can set me free

Previous Chapters: P/ 1/ 2/ 3/ 4/ 5/ 6

Author's Note: Many thanks to stl29tide for being an awesome beta. You rock! Also many thanks to alissablue for once again helping me out with totally EPIC research. :D Nearly two months have passed since the end of Save Me (Save Me ended at the end of January - it's the middle of March now). Luke and Reid are still living together, but still adjusting to their relationship. Luke's life seems to have settled down, until he and and Lily do a TV interview that sets of a chain reaction of events no one could have predicted.

Reid was just getting ready to take a bite out of his sandwich when his pager went off. He sighed, putting down his food, and reached for the offending object.

Turning the beeping off, he checked the page and stood up.

It was the ER, a neuro-trauma.

His food forgotten at the prospect of a patient worthy of his talents, Reid headed for the ER.

“I checked his vitals and they're good, but he’s unconscious.” One of the nurses was saying as Reid approached the room he’d been paged to.

“I called for a neuro consult - “ The doctor started to say.

“That would be me.” Reid spoke up from behind them.

“Good, Dr. Oliver.” The other doctor said.

“What do you have?” Reid asked, holding his hand out for the chart. The doctor handed it to him, and started talking as they walked into the room, Reid reading the chart.

“It looks like a hit and run.” The doctor was saying, and Reid looked up to view the patient.

He froze.

Oh, fuck.

Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck.



Reid’s fingers shook as he dialed the phone. They were shaking so bad, it took him three tries before he dialed the right number.

He put the phone to his ear and listened as it rang, and then the familiar voice of Luke’s mother filled his ear.

“Lily, it’s Reid.” He managed to get out.

“Reid!” Lily exclaimed, panicked. “Have you heard from Luke?”

“He’s here.” Reid said, his tone void of emotion. “He’s…” His voice cracked.

“Is Luke all right?” Lily asked, more upset now.

“No.” Reid cleared his throat. “They think he was the victim of a hit and run.”

“We’re on our way.”

Reid hit the ‘end’ button his on his phone, and stuck it back in his pocket. He felt eyes on him, and saw a tall, blond man down at the end of the hallway, staring. Reid moved in his direction and the man turned and walked away.

Deciding not to follow, Reid turned back to the door to Luke’s room. Luke was still unconscious, but they had finished treating him.

He couldn’t bring himself to go in.

Reid hadn’t been lying when he’d told Luke how easy it would be for Luke to break him. He worried about Luke, about his kidney, about his health - almost obsessively - but he’d prepared himself for the possibility that something could go wrong with Luke's health.

But today - Luke getting hit by a car in a freak accident - that he wasn’t prepared for.

That he couldn’t handle.


Luke registered voices, and struggled to open his eyes, his head pounding. He groaned and someone said his name.

“Luke?” Lily spoke softly. He could feel her squeezing his hand.

He forced his eyes open and saw the familiar ceiling of the hospital above him. Luke moved his head, groaning again, and saw his mother’s worried face come into focus.

“What happened?”

“You’re in the hospital, Sweetie.”

“Why?” He mumbled.

“You don’t remember what happened?” Holden asked, moving to stand next to Lily.

“No.” He whispered, raising his hands to his face, wincing as he came in contact with cuts and abrasions.

“You were hit by a car.” Holden told him.

“The last thing I remember is getting that research.” Luke told them.

“You don’t remember how you got here? Who brought you?”

Luke shook his head and then groaned again. He gathered every bit of his strength and tried to push the covers back.

“Luke, what are you doing?” Lily sounded upset.

“Going back to the rally.”

“No way.” Holden pushed him back down in the bed. “You have a head injury…and Margo is still trying to figure out what happened to you.”

“Dad, you can’t think it’s connected to that note.”

“Margo’s not sure of that.”


“No, Luke. You’re staying right here until the doctor says you can leave.” Luke sighed. He hated to admit it, but his parents were probably right.

Speaking of doctors….

“Where’s Reid?” Luke wanted to know. An angry voice sounded from the corner of his room.

“He’s not here.”

Clips for this chapter:

luke/reid, !author|artist: slayerkitty, atwt, rating: nc-17, fan fiction

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