What Do You Want From Me 3/?

Sep 19, 2010 22:20

Title: What Do You Want From Me 3/?
Author: hugocabret
Pairing: Luke/Reid
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: 2479
Summary/Prompt: Reid breaks up with Luke and they find it very hard to stay away from each other. They are both powerless to their attraction to one another, and every time they run into one another their extreme passion (whether it be lust or anger) for each other comes out. Reid wants to take a break but Luke makes it difficult for him. Their love is tested and there are many obstacles in the way and they find out if their love can survive.
Chapter Summary: Katie and Reid talk. Luke takes a sick Ethan to the doctors.
Disclaimer: not my characters, all mistakes are mine.

Previous Chapters Prologue | One | Two

Reid slowly opened his eyes and realized that he was sleeping on Katie’s couch and had no idea how he had gotten there. He rubbed his eyelids, trying to adjust to the light and he stirred slightly. The couch was not the most comfortable and he was pretty sure that one of Jacob’s toys was under him, digging into his back. After he gained some strength in his arms he pushed himself up.

“Morning sunshine.”

Reid perked up and saw Katie sipping a cup of coffee at the kitchen island.

“Sleep well?” she asked bring the mug up to her lips and taking a small sip.

“Soundly. Um Katie, how and why am I here?”

Katie got up from her seat at the kitchen island and walked over to a chair next to the couch. She sat down in it, bringing her feet up to rest on the seat, her legs bent. She took another sip of her coffee.

“What is the last thing you remember?” She asked, giving Reid some I told you so eyes.

“Fuck.” Reid muttered. He remembered majority of the night. And majority of the night he wished he could forget. “Everything.” He brought his hands up to his head and tried to rub his headache out. The memory of last night came flooding back to him. Alcohol. Speech. Luke. Drunk. Luke. Bathroom. Luke. Tie. He shook his head trying to get rid of it.

Reid looked up at Katie.

“Just say it.”

“I don’t need to rub it in.” She gave Reid an understanding smile. She knew she was in no position to judge. “Do you want to talk about it?”

Reid sighed. He hated that whenever he was with Katie he ended up talking about his feelings.

“I wasn’t ready to see him.”
Katie didn’t say anything. It was part of her tactic to getting Reid to talk, it always worked.

“I still love him. Seeing him last night. God, Katie, he looked so good. When he walked in and he gave me a small smile before walking away my mind just went into overdrive. So then I got drunk to try not to think about him but it just intensified it.”

“I think you guys need to talk. You need to work this out. Figure out if you guys are together, or not, because this grey area is really messing with your head.”

“Now you think we need to talk?”

“You were drunk last night; I didn’t want you making a mistake…”

“…Which last night obviously was. I know that. I should have never done that, sober or not.” Reid looked at his hand. The scabs from his hand were almost healed, he lightly picked at one of them. It was just a reminder of how mad and angry he still was at Luke, for betraying him. Now he had to go and complicate things even more.

“When are you going to talk to him?”


Luke hadn’t called, texted, emailed, or paged Reid since the incident at the dinner four days ago. He knew that the only reason that had happened was because Reid was drunk and wasn’t thinking straight. He was stupid to give into Reid so quickly. He knew that Reid was probably even more mad at him for letting it happen that he decided any further attempted contact would only piss him off more.

Luke was still hanging out at the Farm until he could figure out what he was going to do. Although, he didn’t mind living there, being with his family gave him a small distraction.

He left his bedroom and walked downstairs to get some breakfast.

When Luke got to the bottom of the stairs, he saw his father running around and all the kids talking loudly while eating. It was hectic to say the least.

“Dad, what’s going on?”

“Oh Luke, I forgot you were here.” Holden responded while throwing a batch of pancakes onto the table. There were a million things going on. Natalie and Faith were fighting over anything they could think of and that is when Luke noticed that Ethan was missing from the crazy room.

“Where’s Ethan?” Luke asked sitting down at the table.

“He’s sleeping in the other room, he’s so sick and I can’t find anybody to take him to the doctors. I can’t today, I have a prior commitment that I can’t get out of and you’re mother is out of town.” Holden was running around, trying to get everything packed and ready for the day while answering the phone and calling people. He hadn’t stopped moving since Luke got downstairs.

“Dad, I can take Ethan. I don’t have anything planned today.”

“Luke, I don’t know why I didn’t think of that. I’m just used to you not living here or being so busy with your companies.”


“You know I mean nothing by that. Can you take him now, he was up all night and the sooner the better.”

“Sure Dad.”

Luke walked out of the kitchen and into the family room. His little brother was asleep on a big chair and he looked far from peaceful. Even in his sleep he had a pained look on his face.

Luke quietly walked over and picked him up. Although sleepy, Ethan relaxed into Luke’s arms while instinctively holding on. Ethan continued to sleep as Luke loaded him into his car.

About halfway to Memorial, Ethan stirred and woke up a bit.

“Hey buddy.” Luke said, quickly looking into the backseat at Ethan.

“Luke.” Ethan replied groggily. “Where are we going?” He said quietly, Luke almost couldn’t hear him.

“I’m going to take you to see a doctor. Dad told me you weren’t feeling very good.”

Ethan was silent. Luke thought that he might had fallen back asleep. He looked into his review mirror and saw that Ethan didn’t look very well, his little eyebrows were furrowed as if he was thinking hard about something.

“Are you taking me to see Reid?” Ethan finally spoke.

Luke almost slammed on the breaks. He hadn’t even thought that Reid would be at the hospital. Obviously Ethan had put two and two together and when he thought of the hospital he thought of Reid.

“No, no buddy, not today.”

“Why not?”

“Well he’s a very busy doctor and you know he works with the brain. You are just going to see your doctor to see why you don’t feel well.”

“Do you think you could take me to see him afterwards?” Ethan sounded so sincere. Reid had always gotten along with Ethan and Ethan adored Reid.

“I don’t know bud.”

Luke pulled into the parking lot and parked the car. He got Ethan out of the car and held his hand as they walked into Memorial. Luke wanted to get to the Pediatrics department as fast as he could, he did not want to run into Reid.

Obviously, that was just a pipedream because Reid was the first person he saw.

Ethan perked up.

Luke tried to walk right by him without having Reid look up. His back was to them and he was immersed in a patients chart. Luke tugged at Ethan’s hand, hoping that he wouldn’t say anything.

Obviously, another pipedream.


Reid turned around to see Luke holding onto his little brother’s hand. Ethan pulled out of Luke’s hold and ran over to Reid, hugging him at the legs. Reid stared at Luke.

Neither one of them said anything.

“Reid.” Ethan said again, pulling away.

“Hey little man.” Reid ruffled the kid’s hair.

“Come on Ethan, Reid is very busy and you need to see your doctor.”

Luke grabbed Ethan’s hand again and took off in the direction of where Ethan’s doctor would be. Reid just watched as the two of them walked away. He went back to checking the chart in his hand. He didn’t want to think too much about the encounter.


Luke got Ethan settled into his room. He picked him up and propped him on the table. Luke was going to stay with him until his doctor showed up. Then he was going to find Reid. They needed to talk.

Ethan let out a cough. It didn’t sound good at all. He was probably coming down with the flu.

“Luke?” Ethan finally said once he was done coughing.

“Yeah, bud?”

“Why didn’t you kiss Reid when you saw him?”

Luke was shocked by the question that came from his brother. What he hated even more was that Ethan had noticed.

“You and Reid always kiss each other. Like mommy and daddy do.”

Luke didn’t want to upset Ethan and tell him the truth. To be honest, he didn’t even know what the truth was. He didn’t know if they were together, or broken up, or on a break, or anything. After the last time they saw each other, he didn’t know where they stood. He felt so confused.

“Well, I’ve been with you all morning and I didn’t want to get him sick.”

“You can get sick from kissing?” Ethan asked. Luke couldn’t help but laugh at how genuine and cute his brother was acting.

“You can pass germs.”

“Oh. I hope I didn’t get Reid sick when I hugged him.”

“I think he’ll be just fine.”

“Good.” Ethan said before he started coughing again. There was a knock on the door and it was Ethan’s pediatrician.

“Dr. Mathews.” Luke said as the doctor walked in.

“Luke.” He said holding out his hand for Luke to shake. He looked over at Ethan. “What seems to be the problem today?”

Ethan told the doctor how he woke up feeling very sick. Luke ask the doctor if it was ok if he stepped out for a bit and the Dr. Mathews said it was fine, it would probably take about a half hour and a nurse would be with them as well.

Luke left the room and shut the door behind him. He was going to find Reid.


Reid saw Luke coming but he didn’t lift his head from his chart until Luke was in front of him.


Reid set the chart into it’s slot outside of the door before walking away. Luke followed as he led them into an empty consult room. Reid shut the door behind them.

“About a couple nights ago, I wanted to…”

Reid held his hand up.

“No. You caught me in a moment of weakness. I was drunk and you were there…it was a mistake and it will never happen again.”

“Reid.” Luke raised his voice. “Am I supposed to just let you fuck with my head when that is exactly what happened to me? I was drunk too! And Noah caught me in a moment of weakness! You did the exact same thing I did.”

Reid was staring Luke straight in the eyes. Luke could see that he had hit a nerve with Reid. He knew what he had said came out wrong, but it was too late.

“The same thing? We did the same thing?” Reid started to laugh. “Big difference Luke. You did this when we were together. You cheated on me, and then you lied about it.”

Luke shut his eyes. He hated this. He hated this so much.

“If you even think for one second what I did to you was worse than what you did to me, or even on the same level, then I don’t know why I am even wasting my time trying to figure out how to forgive you.”

“Reid, I didn’t mean we did the same thing.”

“Then what did you mean?”

“We were both drunk! We both made mistakes!” Luke wanted to cry but didn’t. He hated the way that Reid was staring at him.

“First off, you are not even supposed to be drinking.”

“You were never there.”

“Don’t blame me for this, I told you to not even have a glass but you would never listen to me. I’m only a fucking doctor.”

“I’m sorry! I’m sorry for everything. I wish I could take it all back. I know I fucked up. I know I fucked up so badly. I know I betrayed you. God Reid! I would do anything you wanted. I’m so fucking sorry.”

Reid just stared at him. He knew that Luke’s apology was sincere but he hadn’t had enough time to think about everything. He wasn’t ready to just forgive him.

“Reid, I just have to know. For my own sanity, are we broken up?”

Reid didn’t respond. He was still seething inside. He wanted to yell at Luke but this was neither the time or the place. He couldn’t even give Luke an answer.

“I’m not going to give up on this. I’m not going to give up on you. I love you Reid.”

Reid couldn’t take hearing Luke say that. He turned around and left the consult room, leaving Luke behind. He immediately went to his office so that he wouldn’t have to see Luke when he exited.


Luke picked Ethan up from his appoint and got the lowdown from Ethan’s doctor and what drugs they would need to get from the pharmacy. By the time they left the hospital parking lot Ethan had fallen asleep again.

Luke got back to the Farm and carried his sleeping brother inside. Luke tucked him into bed and then came back downstairs where he wrote a note to his father explaining what the doctor had told him, along with all the medication he had picked up.

Once Luke was done fulfilling his brotherly duties, he went to his room. He finally had a chance to think about what had happened today. He was laying on his bed replaying what Reid had and hadn’t said.

What stuck out the most was that Reid did not say that they were broken up. That was a good sign because it meant that there was still hope that Reid would forgive him and that was enough…for now.


Reid was exhausted when he got home from his shift at the hospital. He had kept trying to push what had happened between him and Luke out of the forefront of his mind while he was at work, but now that he was home, it was all he could think about.

He hated that Luke had that effect on him. He wanted to forgive Luke so badly, but if he forgave him just after one small talk that went nowhere then Luke might never learn. He didn’t want Luke thinking that just an “I’m sorry” was all it took to be forgiven for something so hurtful. He needed Luke to prove that he will not ever do it again.

Reid took a quick shower and then fell into bed.

He was tired of thinking about this.

rating: nc-17, !author|artist: hugocabret, fan fiction

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