fan fic; avery (13/?)

Sep 19, 2010 22:25

title: avery
rating: pg-13
summary: reid comes to oakdale under slightly different circumstances and with a past connection to oakdale that makes luke think twice about the snarky doctor [notice how i finally got a decent summary down? haha]
notes: i meant to post this earlier this morning, but as life with have it... sorry for the delay. <3

Reid stood awkwardly against the wall, talking with Lily about Natalie and Avery, when they all heard a crash upstairs, causing everyone to look up.

“I’ll go check,” announced Holden, immediately jogging out of the room. Without a moment’s hesitation Reid decided to follow.

Even though Luke insisted on playing off whatever had happened as no big deal, Reid realized he knew better. The pain on Luke’s face said everything he needed to know and as the blond rushed past him he felt the same tug in his chest that had caused him to come upstairs in the first place. He shared a brief look with Holden, who simply nodded at him, before quickly taking off after Luke.

When he got to the bottom of the stairs he heard the screen door and turned sharply, practically jogging to follow Luke out. Luke was fast, though, Reid noted. He could see him just ahead, illuminated by a mixture of dim orange lights from the windows and moonlight. Reid didn’t call after him, just doing his best to keep up even as they went off the main path and Reid found himself traipsing through an inch or two of snow.

Luke continued around to the back of the house, approaching a large but simple barn. Reid watch as Luke pushed aside one of the doors and slipped inside, a soft light flickering on. His steps slowed but Reid continued on the same path, practically stepping in Luke’s footprints as he approached.

When he stepped inside he had to pause for a moment, admiring the simple, rustic layout as well as the beautiful horses inside a few of the stalls. He took a small step forward, hay crunching beneath his shoes.

A startled Luke spun around to face Reid. He was standing beside one of the stall doors, the nose of one of the horses between his hands. His eyes were red but his jaw was clenched, his entire body tensing once he realized he wasn’t alone.

“You didn’t have to follow me,” said Luke firmly. Reid took another step forward.

“Yeah, well, someone had to make sure you didn’t do anything reckless.”

Luke almost laughed, but instead it turned into a painful smile. “I’m sorry, for the dramatics,” said Luke, waving his arm in emphasis before bringing a hand up to his face, wiping away the tears before they had a chance to fall. He sniffled a little, the sound making something inside Reid break.

“What happened?” he asked directly, taking a few more steps toward Luke and stuffing his hands nervously into his pockets.

At first Luke just stared at Reid as though he hadn‘t heard him, and then he looked at anything but Reid. Finally, though, as Reid moved a little closer still, he looked up again.

“Noah accidentally knocked the lamp off the table. It was no big deal.”

“Then why do you look like someone just ran off with your trust fund?”

At this Luke really did laugh, making Reid smile to see a bit of that happiness return to the younger man’s face.

“It really was an accident,” Luke insisted. “He dropped his phone. I tried to help him, but he didn’t want my help, and when he went to push me away and accidentally hit the table instead.”

“I’m sorry,” Reid said, his lips forming a neutral line. Luke crinkled his nose in a way that brought the words ‘adorable’ and ‘cute’ to Reid’s mind, which he mentally groaned about, tilting his head to the side.

“Why are you sorry?” Luke asked.

Reid sighed. “You shouldn’t have to deal with all of this. It isn’t your fault that Noah is being ungrateful.”

“He’s not-”

“Luke, I’ve heard you two fighting at the hospital, and I saw you earlier in the living room. The guy is angry that he’s blind and you seem to be his favorite punching bag to take it out on.”

Luke had no comment to that it seemed. He opened his mouth as if to talk but changed his mind, instead looking to the horse beside him, petting her nose again as a small smile came onto his lips.

“Do you like horses?” Luke asked.

Reid paused, debating if he should call Luke out on changing the subject, but in the end he decided to just go with it.

“I guess,” he shrugged.

Luke laughed. “This is Peanut Butter,” he began, his face regaining its color. “I’ve had him since I was a kid. He was my first horse.”

Thought Luke’s eyes were focused on Peanut Butter, Reid’s were unable to venture away from Luke.

“Do you want to pet him?” Luke asked before turning to face Reid. When he did, though, his eyes widened and he froze.

Reid was staring intensely back at Luke, a softness in his eyes that Luke had only seen in brief flashes on the older man’s face. He was standing closer, too close, not close enough, having taken the smallest step in Luke’s direction. Luke’s breath hitched, a soft sound that did crazy things to Reid’s already hazy brain. Without thinking, for he scarcely trusted himself to use his brain at the moment, Reid held up a hand, his fingers ever so gently touching Luke’s cheek and dragging him closer. As if by a magnet they both leaned forward, eyes bouncing from eyes to lips and back to eyes, heavy and falling shut as the distance closed.


Holden’s voice echoed from outside the barn, piercing the quiet air like a knife and causing both men to jump apart. Reid scratched the side of his face and turned away as Luke stepped around him and toward the door, his face beet red.

“Yeah, dad?” he called back just as Holden entered the barn.

“Oh, good. I just wanted to make sure you’re alright,” he said. “You’re mother is leaving with the kids, thought you might want to say goodbye.”

“Yeah, I’ll be there in just a second.”

Holden nodded to both Reid and Luke before turning around and exiting the barn.

“Don’t you live at your mother’s?” asked Reid, causing Luke to jump again. He hadn’t expected conversation, at least not right away.

Luke shook his head. “No, not right now anyway,” he sighed. “Noah is there, and, well…” he trailed off. “So I’ve been staying here at the farm.”

Reid nodded understandingly. “Makes sense.”


“Well I guess we better head back,” said Luke nervously. Reid said nothing, just walking up to him, past him. Luke followed after flipping off the lights, the two walking side by side in a tense silence all the way up to the house.

“Goodnight, sweetie,” said Lily in the doorway as she kissed Luke on the cheek, waving over her shoulder as they departed. He smiled at her, watching as she, Natalie, Faith and Noah made their way out to her car.

Carly and Jack stood with their coats on. Parker was already outside, saying goodbye to Faith.

“Did you still need a ride, Dr. Oliver?” Carly asked. Luke, who was also in the room with the remainder of the house’s occupants, looked up so fast it made him a little dizzy.

“I can take him,” Luke offered. He glanced at Reid who was staring at him with wide eyes. “I mean, you have an almost full car already, and Reid’s apartment is out of your way. I don’t mind.”

Carly and Jack just nodded before continuing their goodbyes and also heading out into the night.

“I’ll be back shortly,” said Luke. Reid reentered the kitchen from the living room, he and Avery both in their coats. Avery looked like he was barely awake, which made Luke smile. “Let’s get you home, buddy,” he said, putting his hand behind Avery’s back as he and Reid both steered him through the doorway, trying to ignore how easily their hands could have touched.

“Thank you, dinner was great,” said Reid simply as he glanced back at Emma.

“Oh, it was my pleasure. You and Avery are welcome here any time!” she insisted, bringing a genuine smile to Reid’s face. Luke witnessed the smile, which only made him smile wider in return.

They got Avery into the back seat and he promptly fell asleep against the window, much like Natalie had the week before. Luke climbed into the driver’s seat, Reid in the passenger’s. They pulled out and down the dirt path onto the main road in silence, an alternative rock station playing quietly in the background.

“Noah told me that his surgery is next week,” said Luke quietly, almost hesitant to break the silence.

Reid nodded. “That it is.”

More silence.

“Your grandma is one hell of a cook,” said Reid.

Luke nodded. “That she is.”

Not quite ten minutes later Luke was pulling into the lot outside of Reid’s building. He didn’t get out as Reid came around and got Avery out of the back, carrying the boy again. Luke did roll down his window, though, and Reid paused before stepping away.

“Thank you, for inviting us. I know Avery had a really great time,” said Reid, knowing his voice sounded a bit off. He wondered if this is what they meant by ‘butterflies’.

“I’m glad you guys came,” replied Luke. “And thank you, for what you said earlier,” he added, and Reid could hear the nervousness in his voice.

He nodded, tightening his lips in a failed attempt to hide his emotions. “I meant it, Luke. Katie told me what happened, with Noah, and it wasn’t your fault. It’s not fair of him to blame you.”

Luke nodded. “I know,” he said, pleasantly surprising Reid, though he had a feeling that knowing it was true was only the first step.

“Well I better get him to bed before he catches pneumonia or something,” said Reid hastily.

“Yeah, good idea,” said Luke.

Their gazes locked, and they held for a good 30 seconds before Luke blinked, smiling and blushing as he looked away with a faint laugh. Reid smiled happily.

“Good night,” said Luke, looking back up at Reid.

“Good night, Luke.”

For that Luke gave Reid a large smile, one that was definitely more comparable to what Reid was used to a preferred, and as he carried a sleeping Avery into the building, the sound of Luke’s car exiting the lot filling his ears like a lullaby, he couldn’t help but to smile as well.

rating: pg-13, !author|artist: sripley, fan fiction

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