Fic: Got Sin? (13/21 + Epilogue)

May 16, 2012 21:32

Media: Fic
Title: Got Sin?
Author: slayerkitty
Characters/Pairings: Luke/Reid, Damian/Lily, Eventual Holden/Lily, Past Katie/Brad
Genre: AU, Romance, Angst
Warnings: Exploration of Religion (particularly Catholicism) and Atheism, homophobia (From other characters as well as religious beliefs and some internalized homophobia), mild violence, Characters impersonating religious figures
Rating: NC-17
Spoilers: Through Sept 2nd, 2010 to be safe (but this is AU, so no real spoilers)
Word Count: This chapter: 1,002/Total: 24,650
Disclaimer: ATWT and its characters are not mine. I'm just playing with them.
Summary: There's no religion that can save me, no matter how long my knees are on the floor.
Author’s Note: I came up with this random idea to do a LuRe seven dead sins fic. In the course of trying to figure it out, the fic suddenly mutated into what you see now. I have no idea what possessed me (hah!) to write this, but the idea won't let me go. PLEASE, PLEASE HEED THE WARNINGS - if you think something in this fic might offend you in some way, please don't read it. Summary is from “It Will Rain” by Bruno Mars.

Thanks to alissablue for being an awesome beta. Also thanks to erikssiren for helping me out with the Catholicism related items.

THIS FIC IS DONE, OMG. Okay, so aside from some editing on the last two chapters, this fic is finished. I'm going to try and keep with the regular updates on Wednesdays and Saturdays. :D Also, I downgraded the warnings cause the final chapters didn't go quite as dark as I thought they would. :D

Previous Chapters: 1/ 2/ 3/ 4/ 5/ 6/ 7/ 8/ 9/ 10/ 11/ 12

I hear your voice; it's like an angel sighing. I have no choice, I hear your voice; feels like flying. I close my eyes, Oh, God; I think I'm falling out of the sky. I close my eyes; Heaven help me. - Like A Prayer, Madonna

“You’re holding up better than I thought you would,” Katie said, handing Reid a bottle of water. He glanced around her stylish condo. “I figured you’d be climbing the walls and screaming in insanity by now.”

“As pleasant as that image is,” Reid told Katie, “I wouldn’t give them the satisfaction. So are we going to start this or what?”

“Tom should be here any minute,” Katie replied. Reid tapped the fingers of his left hand against his thigh. He and Katie were meeting with the prosecutor for the trial to go over his testimony.

“Can we at least get some food?” Reid wanted to know. “I’m starving.”

“Sure,” she agreed, picking up the phone and dialing.

Reid sat back and sighed. He wondered how Luke was doing. He shook his head. He’d never been like this before, mooning over another person. He could remember a time when he barely took a moment to learn some one’s name before he had them tumbling into his bed.

“What’s with you?” Katie asked again. “You’re so… mellow.”

“I - don’t get mad.”

“What the hell did you do, Reid?” Her tone changed as she stared at him.

“I met someone.”


“You know for someone who’s supposed to be keeping you safe, you sure do give me the slip a lot.” Luciano turned when he heard the sound of Noah’s voice. Guilt rolled through him. He could get Noah in serious trouble if his father found out.

“I’m sorry.”

“Don’t be sorry,” Noah replied, sitting down next to him. Luciano marveled at how much difference a few weeks could make. That was the amount of time he’d known Reid. Before Reid, Noah’s proximity would have made him all fluttery inside. Now that he’d been with Reid, had known his touch, Noah’s presence did not have the same effect.

“If my father finds out…” Luciano worried.

“Who’s going to tell him?” Noah replied with a teasing smile. “I’m not.”

Luciano smiled back. “Thanks.” He stared out into the yard, the view from the porch not that much to look at. “I’m not going far, I promise.”

“You seem upset,” Noah said after a moment.

“It’s nothing,” Luciano brushed it off. His melancholy wasn’t anyone’s business. He couldn’t explain the reasoning for it anyway - how could he, without giving up what he and Reid had?
His heart clenched. He missed Reid and would miss him even more still when Reid left town at the end of the week. He’d been so sure that he could make it once Reid was gone, but the truth was he was lying to himself.

The things that Reid made him feel…

He’d never been in love before but he found himself wondering if that’s what he was feeling.

“How about a ride?” Noah suggested.

“You hate the horses,” Luciano pointed out.

“I’ll make an exception today.”

“Sure,” Luciano agreed. Maybe it would keep his mind off Reid.


“Fucking hell, Reid!” Katie swore. “What are you doing?”

“I know, okay?”

“You’re in protective custody,” she shouted. “What do you mean you ‘met someone!’”

“Calm down,” Reid muttered.

“No,” Katie said. “I won’t until you promise me that you have not fucked up this case. I’ve worked too hard and too long to see justice done to lose everything now, all because you can’t keep your dick in your pants.”

“He has no idea who I am,” Reid promised. “He’s someone who goes to church there.”

“Christ,” Katie replied. “Are you corrupting some kind of innocent choir boy or something?”

“Fuck, Katie, I’m gay, not a pedophile,” Reid snapped.

“Sorry,” Katie murmured after a moment, realizing she’d gone too far.

“He’s legal, he’s gay, and he’s got no one else.” Reid told her. “He just… needs someone.”

“Oh, God,” she groaned. “You’re in love with him, aren’t you?”


“Sure you don’t want to tell me what’s wrong?” Noah asked as they handed the horses into Holden’s capable care.

“I’ll be alright,” Luke told him.

“You just… looked so uncomfortable while we were riding.”

Luke fought to keep the color from his face. It hadn’t occurred to him until it was too late that riding the day after Reid’s fingers had been inside him was not the best idea. “Just sore muscles, I guess.” Luke brushed it off.

“I’m here, okay?” Noah offered. “If you want to talk or… anything.”

“Thanks,” Luke told him. “I’m going to go wash up before dinner.”

He could still feel Noah’s eyes on him as he walked away.


“I - am not!” Reid exclaimed, stuttering out his reply.

“Wow,” Katie replied, her expression going from angry to concerned. “Say it again and maybe I’ll believe you.”


“Reid, this is a bad idea,” Katie scolded. “A very bad idea. You could jeopardize your safety, and Hell, what if the guy falls for you and then Bam! You’re gone?”

“I’ve thought of all that,” Reid muttered. “I’ve told him that my stay isn’t permanent. He knows that much.” He paused. “He just… he’s keeping me sane. I need him.”

“Oh, Reid,” Katie breathed out.

“I’ve never needed anyone before,” Reid kept talking unsure how to shut himself up. He had moments like this, where the words kept coming despite his attempts to keep them in. “I don’t know how I’m going to walk away from him.”

“It’s called love, Reid,” Katie nodded when he glanced at her. “You love him.”

“I know.” There. He’d said it.

The doorbell rang then, signaling the arrival of either Tom or the food, Reid wasn’t sure. All he knew is that he wanted to get this day over with, so he could get back to spending time with Luke.

They had so little of it left.

!author|artist: slayerkitty, rating: nc-17, fan fiction

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